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89 Funny Pie Jokes

89 Funny Pie Jokes

Pie Puns

  1. I tried making an apple pie in the shape of pi once. It was pretty irrational.
  2. What do you call a pie baked by a math teacher? A pi pie!
  3. The baker was feeling a bit crusty when her pies didn’t turn out quite right.
  4. The new baker was told to prepare for a rye reception upon entering the pie baking contest.
  5. The pie was baked to perfection so the baker gave it a crust-standing ovation.
  6. Baking pies can get a bit crumby at times but it’s worth it in the end.
  7. The wobbly pie was having some issues staying together but eventually got itself in crust-stitchin shape.
  8. When baking a fruit pie, it’s im-peach-able to use fresh, in-season fruit.
  9. When it comes to pie puns, you just have to roll with it and see what a-pies.
  10. To impress his crush, the nerdy baker made a pie with a lovely crust-alline lattice.

Pie One-Liners

  1. Pie are squared!
  2. These pie jokes are sure to get a rise out of you.
  3. Pie believe these jokes are pretty humorous.
  4. Don’t be sur-pie-sed if you find these pie jokes a bit flaky.
  5. Pie don’t think anyone could tire of these amusing pie jokes.
  6. You butter believe these pie jokes will have you in stitches.
  7. These jokes are so punny, you might just pie yourself laughing!
  8. Laughter is only a slice away with these hilarious pie jokes.
  9. You’ll be feeling as sweet as pie after reading these funny pie jokes.
  10. These pie jokes are sure to delight and cherry you up!

Best Pie Jokes

  1. What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern pie by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi.
  2. A physicist, an engineer, and a mathematician were attending a convention when they spotted an unopened pie nearby.The physicist calculated the volume and density of the pie, the engineer figured out the stress points of the tin container, and the mathematician remarked “If exactly one slice is removed, the remaining pie is perfectly divided!”
  3. Why was the arithmetic teacher so frustrated? She had too many pi-ils in her class.
  4. Why do math teachers make the best pie bakers? They are great at dividing pi.
  5. What do you call an old dessert? An elder-berry pie!
  6. How did the cookie feel when the pie sat next to it? Crumby.
  7. My friend baked a lemon meringue pie but forgot the sugar. It was pretty sour.
  8. I entered my chicken pot pie in a baking competition but lost to a more seasoned veteran.
  9. I was craving apple pie so I decided to get crazy and add some chocolate chips. It was a la mode disaster!
  10. My grandma loves baking pies so much that we affectionately call her the pie-oneer of our family.
  11. Baking pumpkin pie is easy as pi if you remember to take the seeds out first!
  12. Cherry pie is red, blueberry pie is blue, I love warm pie straight out of the oven, how about you?
  13. Custard pie is sweet, chicken pot pie is savory, put them together? Now that’s just crazy!
  14. She sells seashells by the seashore and pies by the score, her baked goods are the perfect treat, so step right up and take a seat!
  15. First you roll, then you fold, add some filling before it gets cold, pop it in the oven for a time, homemade pie, now ain’t that sublime?
  16. Pi are round, cakes are square, cobblers have biscuits, it’s only fair. Tarts are petite, crisps never miss, when it comes to pie, nothing beats this!
  17. A pizza is cheesy, a strudel has layers, but give me a slice of pie any day, I’m no culinary betrayer!
  18. Pumpkin, apple, blueberry and more, pie choices galore at the local bake store! Try a slice plain or with ice cream on top, however you eat it pie just can’t be stopped!
  19. Pie in the sky hopes and dreams, fresh out the oven pie steaming. Warm, homemade pie, now that’s living, so much comfort one slice is giving!
  20. Baking a pie may take a while, but one bite of that crust makes it all worthwhile. Sweet, savory, fruity or creamy, pie is the stuff that food dreams are made of!
  21. On Pie Day let’s all give pies a try, so many flavors we can’t pass them by. Bake them up and share a slice, pie’s sweet perfection is very nice!
  22. Pumpkin, apple, blueberry, key lime, bakery counters display every kind! Sweet pies, savory pies, all are first rate, so let’s all celebrate and appreciate the pie on our plate!