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33 Funny Pepper Jokes

33 Funny Pepper Jokes

Pepper Puns (10)

1. I tried to make a spicy peppercorn sauce but it was a little too salty. I guess I should have taken it with a grain assault.

2. The chef got fired for putting ghost peppers in the food without telling anyone. His boss said it was grounds for in-spicy-ment.

3. I entered my homemade hot sauces in a contest but they got disqualified for excessive salt content. The judges said it was over the pepper-mitted limit.

4. My friend got arrested for stealing hot peppers from his neighbor’s garden. I guess he liked to live life on the jalapeño.

5. I heard two pepper farmers got into an argument about whose crops were spicier. I guess you could call it a heated debate.

6. I accidentally bought habanero peppers instead of bell peppers. Boy, was my face red and on fire after taking a bite!

7. The band Pepper performed at the music festival. The audience was ready to bring the heat that night.

8. I’m writing a song about spicy peppers. It has a nice pepper beat to it.

9. Did you hear about the pepper that worked as a spy? He was an undercover jalapeño.

10. The restaurant started using ghost peppers in their wings challenge. I tried them once but haven’t been back since. Talk about scary spicy!

Pepper One-Liners (10)

11. I ate so many hot peppers my nose was running like Usain Bolt!

12. Pepper spray is great for self defense, unless you accidentally spray yourself. Been there, regretted that.

13. Hot peppers may hurt going in, but they hurt even more coming out if you know what I mean.

14. I entered the pepper eating contest thinking it would be easy. Boy was my mouth on fire!

15. Hot pepper chicken wings should come with a burn warning.

16. Pepper plants may look innocent but they can bring some serious heat.

17. Pepper eating contests separate the men from the boys. I guess you could say the boys get jalapeño business.

18. Pepper spray is like spicy peppers but for your eyes. Pass!

19. I ate so many spicy peppers I could breathe fire like a dragon.

20. Hot peppers go from zero to fire real quick.

Best Pepper Jokes (13)

21. A man walked into a bar and asked the bartender for the hottest pepper in the world. Eager to impress him, the bartender pulled out a rare ghost pepper grown in his own garden. He warned the man that this pepper was incredibly spicy and should be eaten with caution. The man eagerly grabbed the pepper, confident that he could handle the heat. He took a big bite and immediately his face turned bright red. Tears started streaming down his cheeks as he gasped for air. After a minute of frantic fanning his mouth, he asked the bartender for a glass of milk to cool off the intense burning sensation. Lesson learned – don’t mess with ghost peppers unless you have insane spice tolerance!

22. What do you call peppers that sneak across the border illegally? Jalapeños!

23. My friend John loves spicy food. He puts hot sauce on everything – even his breakfast cereal! The other day I dared him to eat a whole habanero pepper. John never backs down from a spicy challenge so he popped it in his mouth right away. After about 5 seconds his face turned red and he started panting like a dog. He lunged for his water glass but ended up spitting pepper juice all over me instead. I guess John finally met his match with the habanero! I’ll never doubt his love for spicy things again.

24. Why did the chili pepper win the race? Because it was jalapeño business!

25. Once there were three peppers growing on a farm – a baby bell pepper, a teenage jalapeño, and an adult habanero. The young bell pepper looked up at the spicy habanero and said, “Man, when I grow up I want to be just like you and make people cry!” The habanero chuckled and replied, “Don’t worry kid, spiciness comes with age.”

26. My friend ate a whole Carolina Reaper pepper on a dare once. Lets just say his face exploded faster than a volcano, and the lava that came out wasn’t pretty either!

27. I accidentally left a bag of jalapeños on the counter overnight. The next morning they were gone! I guess you could say the peppers had kidnapped themselves.

28. Why was the jalapeño sitting by himself in the corner? He was in a pepper-mint!

29. What do you call peppers that like music? Rappers!

30. Why do chili peppers make such great musicians? Because they have a lot of jam sessions!

31. What did the baby pepper say to the mama pepper? Where’s paprika?

32. Why are pepper plants so hip? Because they’re parsley!

33. Why was the spicy pepper so popular on social media? He was an influencer!