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60 Funny Patty Whack Jokes

60 Funny Patty Whack Jokes

Patty Whack Puns

1. I tried to get my friend Patty to hit me gently, but she gave me a patty whack.

2. I was feeling down so I asked my friend Patty for a pat on the back, but she gave me a patty whack instead.

3. I asked the butcher for a pound of ground beef patties, but he gave me a pound of patty whacks.

4. Why was the patty sad? It got a patty whack.

5. Why did the patty cross the road? To avoid getting another patty whack.

6. What do you call a patty that likes to fight? A patty whack.

7. What do you call a patty that hits back? A patty whack.

8. How does a patty say hello? With a patty whack.

9. How does a patty say goodbye? With a patty whack.

10. Why was the burger sad? It got a patty whack.

11. What did the police officer say to the rowdy patty? No more patty whacking!

12. How does a patty bully you? It gives you a patty whack.

13. Why did the patty get arrested? For patty whacking.

14. What do you call an aggressive patty? A patty whacker.

15. Why are patties bad gift wrappers? They always patty whack the presents.

Patty Whack One-Liners

16. I asked for a high-five but got a patty whack instead.

17. My friend patted me so hard on the back it felt like a patty whack.

18. That patty just gave me a whack…how rude!

19. Take it easy with the patties, I don’t want a patty whack.

20. Yo patty, can you stop with the whacking already?

21. This patty is out of control with the whacking.

22. I ordered a veggie patty but got a meaty patty whack instead.

23. I felt a sharp patty whack on my back that made me yelp.

24. That patty whack came out of nowhere and surprised me.

25. Ouch, that patty whack really hurt!

26. Stop with the patty whacks already, my back is sore!

27. Whoa, that was quite a patty whack to my head!

28. That patty gave me a good whack right on the arm.

29. I’m bruised from all these patty whacks!

30. Someone control that whacky patty before I get another bruise.

Best Patty Whack Jokes

31. My friend Patty loves practical jokes. The other day she hid behind a door and when I walked in she jumped out and gave me a big patty whack on the back. I yelped and asked “What was that for?” She just laughed and said “I gotcha good!” Now I’m nervous every time I walk through a door at Patty’s house.

32. I was at a burger restaurant and ordered a patty melt. When my food came, I took a bite and realized they had given me a regular burger patty instead. I called over the waiter and said, “Excuse me, I ordered a patty melt but just got a plain ol’ patty whack instead.”

33. When I was a kid, we had a next door neighbor named Patty who loved to garden. One day I was playing in my backyard when a frisbee went over the fence into Patty’s yard. I peeked through a knothole in the fence and saw Patty smack the frisbee with her shovel, sending it flying even further into her garden. When I asked for my frisbee back, Patty just smiled and said, “Sorry kiddo, that frisbee got a patty whack over here. Looks like it’s mine now!”

34. I took my dog to the vet because he had been acting strange. After the exam, the vet said “It looks like your dog has a case of the patty whacks.” I was confused until she explained that dogs sometimes compulsively whip their tails against objects. I couldn’t help but laugh at the vet’s clever way of describing my dog’s condition.

35. When I eat hamburgers, I only like plain patties with nothing on them. My friend always makes fun of me for it. The other day we were at a cookout and I was eating a burger with just a bun and patty. My friend walked by, looked at my plate, and said “Ha! A Patty Whack!” I just rolled my eyes as my boring burger got yet another silly nickname.

36. I was watching a cooking show where the chef was making slider burgers. When she started aggressively smacking the patties with a spatula to flatten them, I thought “There’s no need for that patty whack attack!” It seemed like an overly forceful way to shape the meat.

37. My son recently joined a youth hockey league. I attended his first game and noticed one overzealous kid whacking all the other players’ shins with his stick. Every time he did it, I cringed and thought, “That’s an obvious patty whack penalty.” The refs eventually agreed and sent him to the penalty box for his patty whacking infractions.

38. At my office, we have monthly meetings where employees can voice complaints. In last month’s meeting, Doug from accounting said “I’d like to address the aggressive patty whacks coming from the HR department.” Everyone laughed, but we knew what he meant. The HR team does have a tendency to send out sternly worded emails.

39. I was camping with some friends last weekend. We had just climbed into our sleeping bags when my friend Ty said “Uh oh, I think I just got a patty whack from a raccoon!” We all shined our flashlights over and saw a raccoon scampering away from our food cooler, which was tipped over. That little bandit gave it quite a patty whack to get inside!

40. When my kids act up, I use very gentle discipline. However, my father had a different approach. Whenever we misbehaved, he’d give us a firm patty whack on the behind and say “That’ll teach ya!” Those old-school patty whacks kept us in line, although modern parenting methods probably wouldn’t approve.

41. I was at the county fair going through the livestock exhibit when a feisty goat charged at me and butted its horns into my legs. As I recoiled in pain, I heard the goat’s owner chuckle and say “Yeah, Peaches gives pretty good patty whacks to strangers!” That was an understatement – I had horn-shaped bruises for weeks.

42. The summer after high school, my buddy Tom and I worked the carnival circuit. Whenever we had to hammer in stakes for the rides and games, Tom would yell “Patty Whack!” before each mighty hammer stroke. By the end of that summer, I never wanted to hear “Patty Whack” again, the phrase was permanently burned into my brain from the repetition.

43. My Grandma Betty grew up on a farm and was incredibly strong from all the manual labor she did as a child. Well into her 90s, she could still deliver a fierce patty whack on your back that would knock the wind right out of you. After Grandma Betty’s “love taps”, I’d often wheeze “Was that really necessary, Grandma?” She just smiled slyly and flexed her muscular arms.

44. Whenever my neighbor Bill mows his lawn, he always manages to whack our chain link fence with the trimmer. The metallic rattle of the trimmer hitting the fence echoes through the neighborhood. After the tenth time it happened, I finally yelled over “Hey Bill, can you ease up on the patty whacks over there?” Bill just scratched his head, oblivious to all the patty whacking.

45. I have an aunt who is a nun, and she’s quite strict about manners and discipline. When I was young, she would use a wooden ruler to give me a firm patty whack on the knuckles whenever I misbehaved. If I complained, she’d say “That’s just a little rap of the ruler to correct you. Be glad you’re not at my school where the patty whacks are much harder!”

46. My friend Brad is quite the character. When we go bowling, he insists on doing a silly dance before each roll where he gyrates his hips and swings the ball between his legs. On the backswing, he always manages to patty whack himself in the back of the thigh. We keep telling him to stop the patty whacking himself, but Brad just replies “That’s part of my ritual, baby!”

47. Have you ever gotten slapped unexpectedly by a wave when you were at the ocean? Those occur when a rogue wave unexpectedly patty whacks you when you’re standing in shallow water minding your own business. Getting an ocean patty whack to the face is startling, but at least it wakes you up and gets the blood pumping!

48. My son Tommy went through a phase where he became obsessed with patty cakes and would try to patty whack anything in sight. I’d be cooking dinner and turn around to find Tommy gleefully patty whacking the cupboard doors or the dog. We finally had to sit him down and teach him that patty whacking is only okay when playing the patty cake game gently with hands.

49. The gang initiation for one group of hooligans involves giving the new member a firm open-handed patty whack across the face. When it was Chuck’s turn to join, the leader reared back and delivered a vicious patty whack that knocked Chuck clean off his feet. As Chuck picked himself up off the ground, he thought maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to join this gang after all.

50. My three-year old niece Anna is going through a defiance phase where she refuses to listen. The other day when I told her to put her shoes on, she stamped her foot and yelled “No patty whacks! No patty whacks!” I had to stifle a laugh, since I’ve never actually given her a patty whack or even threatened one – but she must be picking up the term from somewhere!

Patty Whack Puns

51. Patty tried to give me a high five, but she completely missed and patty whacked me instead.

52. I told Patty she could gently pat my sunburn, but she gave it a hard patty whack!

53. Patty was swatting flies and accidentally gave me a patty whack across the face.

54. I asked Patty to pass the salt, and she patty whacked it across the table at me.

55. Patty was drumming on the table but one of her drumsticks flew out of her hand and gave me a patty whack.

56. Patty was waving around a spatula while she was cooking and accidentally patty whacked me with it.

57. I’m always nervous when Patty gets the fly swatter out because I seem to get patty whacked by it every time.

58. Patty whacked my sunburn so hard I saw patty stars for a minute.

59. Patty loves hammer throw at track practice. She stands way too close and I always end up getting a flying patty whack from the hammer.

60. Patty was tossing water balloons and one exploded right against my back, giving me a freezing cold patty whack.