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43 Funny Minion Jokes

43 Funny Minion Jokes

Minion Puns

1. What do you call a minion who loves math? A minionion.

2. Why don’t minions ever get lost? They have a Kevin sense of direction.

3. What do you call a minion who works as a chef? A minionion.

4. Why can’t minions play tennis? They don’t know how to serve.

5. How do minions like their coffee? Short and stout.

6. What do you call a minion who loves watching movies? A flicker minion.

7. Why do minions wear overalls? To keep their pants up.

8. What do you call a minion who loves music? A minion Mozart.

9. Why don’t minions ever pay full price? They look for minion coupons.

10. Why are minions so short? Because they only eat minionettes.

Minion One-Liners

11. I tried to explain puns to my minion friend, but I guess it was just in one ear and out the other.

12. I told my minion friend to be quiet but he just kept talking, he has a bad minion habit.

13. My minion friend got a new haircut, it looks very up to date and modern…sion.

14. I wanted to hear a minion joke about potassium, but sadly none came to minion.

15. I asked my minion friend what the scariest part of a rollercoaster is, he said the first minion drop.

16. My minion friend entered a radio contest, I hope he wins so he can get the minion prize.

17. I told my minion friend I quit drinking soda, he asked me how I can live without the minion rush.

18. My minion friend got excited when he heard they opened a new frozen yogurt shop in town, he loves anything minion related.

19. I saw my minion friend reading a book about anti-gravity, it was impossible to put down.

20. When my minion friend got hungry at the mall I told him we have to go eat now, he gets grumpy when he’s minion the dumps.

Best Minion Jokes

21. One day a minion walked into a bar and ordered a beer. The bartender took one look at the minion and said “I’m sorry, we don’t serve minors here.” The minion replied “But I’m actually 32 years old!”

22. What do you call a minion who loves cowboy movies? A yeehaw minion! One day a minion dressed up in cowboy boots, hat and belt and went around shouting “Howdy partner!” to everyone he saw. His minion friends found it very a-moo-sing.

23. Why don’t minions ever come late to work? They like to arrive on time so they can have a minion to spare.

24. How do you organize a space party for minions? You planet.

25. What did the minion say when he got a boo-boo? I need a minion aid!

26. How do minions stay connected? On minionet!

27. Why don’t eggs tell jokes to minions? They’d crack up!

28. Why don’t minions ever catch colds? They’re surrounded by Vita-minion!

29. What’s a minion’s favorite kind of soda? 7 Up yours!

30. Why don’t minions play banjos? They don’t like plucking the minion string.

31. How do minions greet each other? With a warm minion hug!

32. Why do minions make bad lifeguards? They can’t save a minion!

33. Why do minions hate canned soup? It doesn’t have enough minion content!

34. What do you call a sleepy minion? A napoleon!

35. How do minions party? They turnip the beet!

36. Why don’t minions ever steal? It’s wrong to takion things that aren’t yours!

37. Why are minions so short? Because they only take mini steps!

38. What’s a minion’s favorite fruit? Mini oranges!

39. Why do minions wear goggles? For eye protection!

40. How do minions stay in touch? Mini walkie talkies!

41. Why can’t you play cards with a minion? They’re always Russian off somewhere!

42. What’s a minion’s favorite branch of the military? The Air Minion!

43. How do minions stay connected underwater? With minion coms!