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17 Funny Hot Tub Puns

17 Funny Hot Tub Puns

Hot Tub Puns

1. I wanted to take a dip in the hot tub, but when I got in all the jets were broken. It was an un-bubble-lievable experience.

2. My friend brought his pet duck into the hot tub. I told him that was a foul fowl in the tub.

3. I brought my favorite bath toys into the hot tub – rubber duckies really quack me up when they float around.

4. Sitting in a hot tub by yourself can get pretty boring. You need to have some hot tub puns ready to entertain all the ladies.

5. I asked the hotel clerk if their hot tub was working. They said it was still heating up and bubbling. I said I would wait for the hot tub puns to start flowing.

6. My hot tub filter got clogged recently. I told my roommate we needed to drain it and give it a fresh start. No point crying over spilled bubbly water.

7. I brought my favorite bathing suit into the hot tub last night. My friends said it was an odd choice, but I was just trying to soak in the fun.

8. Sitting in a hot tub makes me pruney, but I can’t help it. I just find warm water and jet streams so relaxing.

9. I tried to read a book in the hot tub last night, but the pages kept getting wet. I need a waterproof e-reader for tub time.

10. My hot tub keeps making strange gurgling noises. I think there might be an air bubble trapped in the plumbing somewhere.

Hot Tub One-Liners

11. Hot tubs are great – you can turn up the heat and really make some waves.

12. Sitting in a hot tub surrounded by snow is a bubbly winter wonderland.

13. Hot tubs are perfect for a soak, simmer, and relaxation session after a long day.

14. A hot tub party needs good music, good drinks, good friends, and plenty of puns.

15. A hot tub is like a big bath, but with jets for a bubbly massage.

16. Once you hop in a hot tub, you’ll be hooked and won’t want to get out.

17. Hot tubs are great – just don’t fall asleep in one after too many drinks!

18. The best hot tubs have powerful jets to give your back a nice pummeling.

19. Hot tubs are fun, but boiling lava tubs are probably taking it too far.

20. Hot tubs are perfect places for cooking lobsters and other shellfish.

Best Hot Tub Jokes

21. My friend brought his pet goldfish into the hot tub to give it a swim. After a few minutes, we realized it was a hot tub faux pas.

A hot tub is no place for a pet fish! The sudden change in water temperature and chemicals could seriously harm or even boil the poor little guy. We quickly scooped him out with the net and put him back in his home aquarium where he belonged. Moral of the story: only humans belong in the hot tub!

22. I was feeling chilly before getting into the hot tub, but after sitting in the warm, bubbling water for 15 minutes I was starting to feel a little light-headed and overheated.

“Hey guys, I think I’m getting too hot tub!” I said to my friends.

They all groaned at my lame hot tub pun but agreed it was time to get out and cool off before we boiled ourselves. We learned our lesson about proper hot tub time limits that day.

23. My friends and I were sitting in the hot tub one night when suddenly the lights flickered and went out, leaving us in complete darkness.

“Wait, don’t panic guys!” I told my worried friends. “Let me just feel around for the switch here. I’ll have the hot tub lit up again in a jiffy!”

I pretended to fumble around the edge of the tub, making exaggerated straining noises while sliding underwater and popping back up dramatically.

“Aha, got it!” I shouted, flipping an imaginary switch. “Let there be hot tub light!”

My friends just booed and flicked water at me unamused by my hot tub humor. Some people just can’t appreciate quality puns.

24. Sitting in the hot tub one evening, we realized one jet wasn’t working properly and the water flow was all messed up.

“Uh oh, looks like we’ve got a malfunctioning jet here,” I said. “This hot tub circulation is all clogged up. We need to call a plumber before things get too steamy in here!”

After a few chuckles at my hot tub pun, we drained the tub and had the jets professionally repaired. Proper maintenance is key for optimal hot tub fun!

25. My friend brought an inflatable boat into the hot tub, thinking it would be fun to float around.

“Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I cautioned. “This hot tub isn’t big enough for the both of us. Plus, I think your boat might start melting from the heat!”

Sure enough, after a few minutes his plastic boat started warping and sinking. Moral of the story: hot tubs and inflatables don’t mix well!

26. Sitting in the hot tub one night, we realized too late that someone had dumped an entire bottle of bubble bath into the water.

“Well this is getting out of hand fast!” I joked over the rising mound of suds. “We’ve got a serious hot tub foam party situation here. Quick, let’s paddle our way out before it bubbles over!”

Laughing and covered in foam, we clambered out and turned on the hose to rinse off. Note to self: go easy on the bubble bath next time.

27. My friends and I were relaxing in the hot tub when suddenly the power went out, making the tub start to rapidly cool down.

“Brrr, it’s getting pretty chilly in here,” I said, pretending to shiver dramatically. “This outage is harshing my hot tub mellow big time! We need to think warm thoughts and huddle up before we all turn into hot tub-sicles!”

My friends just groaned and started getting out to grab towels. Tough crowd for my hot tub humor tonight apparently.

28. Sitting in the hot tub with friends one night, I got the idea to turn out all the lights and tell ghost stories with flashlights.

“Hey guys, let’s set the mood for some scary tales,” I said creepily. “I’ve got some good ones about ghosts haunting the hot tub!”

Everyone was spooked by my plots of vengeful hot tub spirits. Sometimes a chilling story is just what you need in a relaxing, bubbly soak.

29. My friend tried to get her old dog to join us in the hot tub, saying the warm water would be soothing for his achy joints.

I quickly intervened, “Whoa, hold up! I don’t think hot tubs are safe for pets – the heat and chemicals could really harm him. Let’s get him a nice comfy bed instead.”

Thankfully my friend listened and kept her pooch safely out of the tub. When it comes to hot tub safety, it’s humans only!

30. One night in the hot tub, my prankster friend snuck up and dumped a bucket of ice water over my head.

“HEY!” I yelped in shock. “Not cool, man! I was just getting nice and toasty in here until you gave me that frosty dousing. This hot tub ain’t big enough for icy pranks, partner!”

Everyone laughed while I shivered dramatically, but revenge would be sweet later when I rigged his shower to run cold. Hot tub high jinks can be fun, but watch out for freezing retaliation.