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84 Funny Geology Jokes

84 Funny Geology Jokes

Geology Puns (21)

1. What do you call a geologist who studies rocks at the beach? A stone cold fox!

2. Why did the geologist take his girlfriend to the quarry? He wanted to get a little boulder.

3. Why are geologists terrible dancers? They have two left feet.

4. What do you call a geologist who is running late? A schist-y guy.

5. Why did the geologist break up with his girlfriend? There was no chemistry between them.

6. What do you call a happy geologist? A jolly roly poly ole!

7. Why do geologists like to work outside? For the sedimentary lifestyle.

8. What do you call a geologist who studies caves? A spelunker punker.

9. Why did the geologist take his date to a construction site? He wanted to show her the excavation sensation!

10. What’s a geologist’s favorite type of music? Rock n’ roll!

11. Why did the geologist have sore hands? Too much heavy metal.

12. What do you call two geologists fighting? Fracktured friends.

13. Why did the geologist bring a ladder to work? He needed to get on the same sedimentary level as his colleagues.

14. Why do geologists make great detectives? They really know the lay of the land.

15. What’s a geologist’s favorite candy? Rock candy!

16. Why did the geologist cross the road? To get to the other formation.

17. What do you call someone who likes to walk slowly and look at rocks? A geo-stroller.

18. Why are crystals so shy? They’re easily em-barrassed.

19. How does a geologist party? They raise the bar and get hammered.

20. What’s a geologist’s favorite dog breed? Labrador-ite.

21. What kind of music calms down igneous rocks? Hard rock!

Geology One-Liners (21)

22. Geology rocks but geography is where it’s at!

23. What did the impressed geologist say? “Gneiss!”

24. Geology class is such a sedimental experience.

25. Geologists take their work very seriously. You could say it’s a grave issue.

26. Geology lectures tend to drag on—they really dig deep.

27. Geology conferences are just one big rock concert.

28. Geologists get a kick out of studying meteor impacts—talk about planetary collisions!

29. Studying geology schists the paradigm—it really shakes things up!

30. Geology stimulates the earthly desires—it’s solid ground for learning.

31. Geology helps us see the world in a boulder light—it rocks!

32. Geology reveals the naked truth behind landforms—it levels the playing field.

33. Geology is the most rock-solid of sciences—you can always count on it.

34. Geologists take a shine to minerals—they really dig the crystallization process.

35. Geology is anything but sedimentary—it erupts with excitement!

36. Geologists follow the fault lines closely—they monitor every seismic shift.

37. Studying geology is the most constructive way to spend your time—it builds character!

38. Geology conferences get pretty packed—it’s standing room only.

39. Geologists have a blast with explosives—they’re really into tectonics.

40. Geology professors drill their students on rock identification—it’s solid education.

41. Geology reveals the inner workings of our planet—it gets right to the core!

42. Geology is always evolving—it keeps us abreast of earth’s changes.

Best Geology Jokes (42)

43. What did the geologist say when he ran out of rock samples? “I’ve hit rock bottom!”

44. Why did the geology student bring Oreos to class? For a little sedimentary treat!

45. What do you get when you cross a geologist and a crazy glue enthusiast? A rock solid relationship!

46. How does a geologist freshen their breath? With Quartz crystals.

47. What’s a geologist’s favorite type of truck? A pick-up for picking up rocks!

48. Why couldn’t the geology student identify the rock samples? They took them for granite!

49. What did the excited geologist exclaim when they found gold? “Eureka! I’ve struck gold!”

50. Why did the geologist show up to the costume party dressed normally but carrying a bucket? Their costume was “Dressed as a rock collector.”

51. What do you call someone who hosts geology-themed parties? The host with the most schist!

52. How do two geologists greet each other? With a seismic handshake!

53. What kind of music do geologists listen to? Rock ‘n’ roll of course!

54. Why did the geologist get kicked out of the library? They kept taking the books for granite!

55. How does a geologist access the internet? They log into their slate account.

56. Why did the geologist steal the precious gemstones? They wanted to take the jewels for granite!

57. What do you call a geologist who studies earthquakes? A seismologist who is making seismic waves!

58. Why was the geologist hungry after surveying all day? They worked up an appetite by taking measurements on site!

59. What did one tectonic plate say while bumping into another? “My fault!”

60. How do geologists keep their findings confidential? They sedimentary encrypt their data!

61. Why did the volcano keep erupting? It was getting a little lava practice in!

62. What did the earthquake say to the geologist? Let’s rock and roll!

63. What do you call someone who gets excited about landslides? A mudslide maniac!

64. Why did the gem want to date the geologist? They were really digging their rock collection!

65. How did the geology student prepare for the tough exam? They hit the books and studied day and schist!

66. Why do geologists prefer to work outdoors? For a sedimental change of scenery!

67. What’s a geologist’s favorite snack? Crackers and dip (fault lines and tectonic plates!).

68. Why did the geologist randomly shout out a rock type in the middle of dinner? They took the granite for marble!

69. What do you call a geologist who studies rocks underwater? A marine sedimentologist who is making waves!

70. How does a geologist unwind after work? They watch a little lava TV!

71. What’s a geologist’s favorite time of geological period? The Precambrian—they really dig the primordial vibe!

72. Why was the geologist’s significant other mad at them? They had taken them for granite one too many times!

73. What did the volcano say to the geologist during the eruption? “Lava little fun with me!”

74. Why do igneous rocks prefer Saturday nights? That’s when they get to be in their element!

75. What did the excited geologist shout when they stumbled upon a cave? “Eureka, I’ve discovered a geode!”

76. Why couldn’t the geology student decide between dating two people? They wanted to play the tectonic plates!

77. Why was the geology professor fired? They kept taking the students for granite!

78. Why do geologists make great dancers? They know how to rock and roll!

79. What did the rock say while getting eroded? “That’s some pretty schist weathering!”

80. Why do geologists get up early on weekends? To get a head start on fieldwork!

81. What do you call someone who studies rocks while laughing hysterically? A geologist having a cracked up gneiss time!

82. Why do geologists prefer stone houses? They’re literally rock solid!

83. Why did the tectonic plates get a divorce? Their fault lines caused too much seismic friction!

84. What’s a geologist’s favorite breakfast? Rocks and bowls of granite-ola!