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75 Funny Game Show Jokes

75 Funny Game Show Jokes

Game Show Puns

1. I heard the host of Jeopardy got fired. It was a real answer and question situation.

2. The Wheel of Fortune got a flat tire. I guess they should have bought a vowel.

3. The Price is Right models went on strike. I guess the show wasn’t showing them the money.

4. The Family Feud host caught a cold. The survey said…achoo!

5. The set of Deal or No Deal got infested with ants. It was a real no deal situation.

6. The contestants on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire got stuck on the easiest question. I guess their lifelines were busy.

7. The Match Game panel ran out of matches. Looks like the show won’t light any fires today.

8. The Pyramid lost its top. Now the celebrities will have to climb it to play.

9. The Password round ended in a tie. I guess they needed a tiebreaker.

10. The Hole in the Wall had to be patched up. Good thing they had the right shape to fix it.

11. The host of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? had to go back to school. Turns out he wasn’t.

12. A game show contestant brought their own buzzer. I guess they wanted to get a jump on the competition.

13. The Blockbusters board short-circuited. Time to call in the letter electrician.

14. The Greed contestants took the money and ran. That wasn’t the winning choice.

15. A Doctor Who fan was on Tenable and kept asking for Doctor Who questions. The host had no time lord patience.

Game Show One-Liners

16. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: I’ll take “Easy Money” for $1,000 please.

17. Wheel of Fortune: I’d like to buy a vowel movement.

18. Family Feud: Survey says…you’re canceled!

19. Jeopardy: This TV host read too many answers off cards.

20. The Price is Right: The cost of these prizes is too darn high!

21. Deal or No Deal: No deal, Howie Mandel’s bald head is too bright.

22. Match Game: Gene Rayburn called in sick with matchitis.

23. Pyramid: These clue givers need to speak up.

24. Password: The secret word is ridiculous!

25. Let’s Make a Deal: Here’s what’s behind curtain number four…nothing!

26. Blockbusters: Someone hacked the letters board.

27. Greed: These contestants are greedier than Mr. Krabs.

28. Hole in the Wall: Even Flex Seal can’t fix that hole.

29. Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?: I plead the fifth(grader).

30. The Weakest Link: This host is like an angry school teacher.

Best Game Show Jokes

31. What do you call it when the Count from Sesame Street goes on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? – Counting down the money!

32. Why was Spongebob kicked off of Family Feud? – He kept yelling “Is mayonnaise an instrument?”

33. What did the Wheel of Fortune contestant say when he was asked to buy a vowel? – Can I have a B instead?

34. How do you make Family Feud more exciting? Add a feud! I suggest the Capulets vs the Montagues.

35. What do you get when you cross Sesame Street with Family Feud? Survey says…one two three four five, six seven eight nine ten, A B C D E F G!

36. Why does Minnie Mouse wear a bow instead of pants on the game show Minute to Win It? To avoid a wardrobe malfunction when playing fast paced games!

37. Why was Cinderella kicked off The Price is Right? Because she ran away from the ball!

38. Why did the angry contestant throw his buzzer at the host of Jeopardy? He was tired of getting the answers wrong.

39. How do you make Wheel of Fortune more interesting? Add a wheel of misfortune that gives contestants bad luck.

40. What do you call it when Cookie Monster appears on Deal or No Deal? A offer he can’t refuse!

41. Why did the Let’s Make a Deal contestant decline choosing a door? He didn’t want to make a deal.

42. Where do Family Feud contestants go for a fun night out? Survey says…the feudal pub!

43. Why did Cinderella get kicked off of The Price is Right? The glass slipper wasn’t the right price.

44. What did the man with 8 fingers say when asked to come on down to The Price is Right? Give me a hand here!

45. Why does Santa Claus suck at Pyramid? Because he only knows names when they’re naughty or nice!

46. Why was Elmo upset after his episode of Lets Make a Deal? Because they didn’t make a deal for his goldfish Dorothy!

47. What do you get when you cross Cookie Monster with Wheel of Fortune? A game show that reminds you to always eat your cookies!

48. Why was the Wicked Witch of the West chosen to host Family Feud? To settle the age old feud with Dorothy once and for all!

49. What did one Jeopardy contest say to the other? I’ll take “Beating You” for $500!

50. What do you get when the Cookie Monster goes on Wheel of Fortune? Someone who keeps asking to buy cookies instead of vowels!

51. Where do Who Wants to Be a Millionaire contestants go for a fancy dinner? We’ll ask the audience!

52. What did one Family Feud contestant say to the other? I surveyed your mother last night!

53. Why did Spongebob lose on Jeopardy? He couldn’t phrase his answers in the form of a question!

54. Why couldn’t Cinderella win The Price is Right? She went past her showdown time at midnight!

55. What do you call Santa Claus on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Saint Double Dipper because he uses two lifelines for every question!

56. Why did the angry Wheel of Fortune contestant want to fight Pat Sajak? Because he couldn’t buy any vowels!

57. How does Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster do on Deal or No Deal? He picks deal every time hoping there’s cookies inside the box!

58. Why was Dorothy annoyed after her episode of Let’s Make a Deal? Because she didn’t get to see the Wizard!

59. Why was Spongebob so good at Family Feud? He surveyed every creature under the sea!

60. What do you call Santa Claus on Wheel of Fortune? Santa I’d Like to Solve the Puzzle!

61. Why did Mario and Luigi get kicked off The Price is Right? They were always guessing prices way too high!

62. What happens when Cookie Monster goes on Wheel of Fortune? He spends the whole show wishing he could trade his cash winnings for cookies!

63. Why couldn’t Cinderella buy anything on The Price is Right? Her evil stepmother wouldn’t give her the money she needed to play!

64. What did the angry Family Feud contestant do when the other team stole his good answer? He feuded back even harder!

65. What did one Wheel of Fortune contestant say to bankrupt another? I’d like to steal your turn please!

66. Why is Spongebob Squarepants so good at scoring dollars on The Price is Right? Because everything costs less under the sea!

67. What did the Housewives of Orange County say when asked to be on Family Feud? Survey says…you can’t take us!

68. Why did Mario refuse to spin the Wheel of Fortune? Because every time he did it landed on “Bankrupt”!

69. What do you call it when Cookie Monster appears on Let’s Make a Deal? Let’s Make a Meal!

70. Why did Dorothy keep losing on Jeopardy? All the categories were about the Wizard of Oz so she knew every answer!

71. What did the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire contestant say when asked which celebrity he wanted to call? It doesn’t matter, I don’t have any friends!

72. Why couldn’t Spongebob solve any of the puzzles on Wheel of Fortune? He kept guessing words like Jellyfishing and Krabby Patty!

73. Why was Mario so slow at the buzzer on Jeopardy? He couldn’t jump high enough to hit it in time!

74. What did Santa Claus say when he lost on The Price is Right? Ho Ho No, I blew it!

75. Why did Cookie Monster get kicked off Deal or No Deal? He stuffed all the briefcases full of cookies when no one was looking!