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78 Funny Friday Jokes

78 Funny Friday Jokes

Friday Puns (10)

  1. I heard there’s a new restaurant called TGIFridays where you can eat for free on Fridays. It sounds too good to be True Gif.
  2. What do you call a fake noodle? An im-pasta! I don’t know why, but that joke always cracks me up on Fridays.
  3. Did you hear about the new superhero who only works on Fridays? His name is Fry-Day!
  4. What do you call cheese that’s not yours? Nacho cheese! I save that joke for Fridays.
  5. Which day of the week is strongest? Saturday. Which day of the week is the weakest? Fri-day!
  6. Did you hear McDonald’s came out with a Fridays-only special burger? It’s called the McThankGodItsFriday!
  7. Why couldn’t the astronaut book a Friday flight? Because the spaceship doesn’t launch on Fri-days!
  8. Why did the calendars get together on Fridays? For their weekly meet-ings!
  9. What has two thumbs and loves Fridays? This guy! *point thumbs at self*
  10. Did you hear about the new movie, Revenge of the Sixth? It’s the sequel to Revenge of the Fifth but it’s only playing on Fridays.

Friday One-Liners (10)

  1. Fridays always get me like woohoo!
  2. Hello Friday, bye Monday blues!
  3. Friday, you’re fun day in my book.
  4. Can’t spell Friday without FUN.
  5. Fridays are for the beer, burgers, and best times.
  6. Someone ask Friday to slow down, I need more weekend!
  7. Fridays are my jam.
  8. Hooray it’s Friday, time for some chillaxin’.
  9. Friday Eve got me feeling gooooood.
  10. Oh hey there Friday, let’s turn up!

Best Friday Jokes (26)

1. What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta! This impasta joke always makes me laugh on Fridays.

2. Did you hear about the scientist who was lab partners with Friday? He wanted to experiment on the weeknd!

3. What do Alexander the Great and Friday the 13th have in common? They were both great conquerors!

4. My friend claims there’s a Friday the 14th this month. But I told him that’s just nonsense Fri-day!

5. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels! I like saving that silly joke for Fridays.

6. What kind of shoes do ninjas wear? Sneakers! I chuckle every Friday when I think of that one.

7. Why did Friday work at the calendar factory? He wanted to get the weeknd off!

8. What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador! Fridays always make me smile at that pun.

9. Why can’t bicycles stand up on their own? Because they’re two tired! Two tired, get it? That joke cracks me up on Fridays.

10. Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere! I save that joke for Fridays.

11. What time did the man go to the dentist? Tooth hurt-y! That silly joke always makes Fridays more fun.

12. Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu: You get what you deserve! That joke gets funnier every Friday.

13. Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards? He was just going through a stage. I save that Friday joke for my actor friends.

14. Why do bees stay in their hives during the winter? Swarm! Get it? Makes me laugh every Friday.

15. What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? An irrelephant. Telling that joke always makes my Fridays more irrelephant- I mean irrelevant- I mean fun!

16. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space. That joke always cracks me up on Fridays!

17. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! That chemistry joke is perfect for Fridays.

18. What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows! I save that joke just for Fridays.

19. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down! Anti-gravity jokes are perfect for Fridays.

20. Last night I dreamed I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda. But it was just a Fanta sea. Gotta tell that one every Friday!

21. What’s the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus. Helps make my Fridays more positive.

22. Hear about the new sushi restaurant run by the mob? It’s called the Yakuza Roll. Gotta save that one for Fridays!

23. What do you call a belt with a watch on it? A waist of time! Chuckle at that every Friday.

24. When’s the best time to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurty! That joke always makes Fridays better.

25. Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France? There was nothing left but de Brie! Love telling that cheese joke on Fridays.

26. What’s brown and sticky? A stick! The simplicity makes me laugh out loud every Friday.