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51 Funny Fork Jokes

51 Funny Fork Jokes

Fork Puns

  1. What do you call a fork that plays the piano? A piano tuna fork!
  2. Why was the fork dirtier than the other utensils? It was always getting into prong situations.
  3. What do you call a fork that helps you eat salad? A tossing utensil!
  4. Why don’t forks make good dancers? They have two left feet!
  5. How does a fork prepare for a marathon? Lots of fork and knife training.
  6. What happened to the fork when it lost its job? It waslaid off.
  7. I took my fork to the gym to help it tone up. It was looking a little prong in the middle.
  8. What do you call a musical group made up of forks? A heavy metal band!
  9. Why don’t forks give very good high fives? They only have one finger!
  10. What do you call a fork that travels a lot? A roaming utensil!
  11. I entered my fork in a comedy competition. I hope it wins first prong!
  12. What did the fork say on Valentine’s Day? Olive juice!

Fork One-Liners

  1. I was going to tell a joke about a broken fork, but it’s probably too bent out of shape.
  2. My fork got arrested for a stabbing, but it was just a prong place, prong time situation.
  3. This fork walks into a bar and says, ” Hey, where’s my cocktail?”
  4. I took my fork to the psychiatrist. It has some issues to work through.
  5. My fork started an emo band called “The Black Spoons.” Their songs are pretty edgy.
  6. So a fork and a power outlet walk into a bar…yeah, not a good match.
  7. What do you call a psychic fork that bends? A spoon.
  8. I caught my fork cheating on me with a spoon. I confronted it and it denied everything, the lying utensil!
  9. I saw a job posting for a fork operator. Seems like an odd niche field.
  10. My fork is currently suing my spoon for identity theft. More drama in the cutlery drawer!

Best Fork Jokes

  1. A guy walked into a restaurant and ordered a bowl of pasta. When the waiter brought his order, he noticed there was only one large fork on the table. “Will you be having any other diners joining you?” the waiter asked. “Nope, it’s just me,” said the man. “Then why do you need such a large fork?” The man replied, “I’m having a date after this.”
  2. A woman hosted a fancy dinner party and set the table with her finest china and silverware. However, she noticed one of her forks was badly bent out of shape. She quickly tried bending it back into place, but it still looked a bit odd. She shrugged and put it out on the table anyway. Later that evening, one of her guests picked up the fork and examined it. “Well this is very bent out of shape!” they remarked. The woman replied, “Oh it’s fine, that fork is just a little eccentric.”
  3. Jill was setting the dinner table when she noticed one of the forks had a big chip out of one of its prongs. She showed it to her husband Jack. “Yikes, how did that happen?” asked Jack. Jill responded, “I’m not sure, but it looks like this fork has been through some pretty traumatic tines!”
  4. Why was the fork the most popular utensil in the kitchen? It was always being picked!
  5. Stan loves collecting antique forks and has amassed quite an impressive collection over the years. However, his wife wishes he’d fork over some of that money to fix their leaky roof instead.
  6. Jenny decided to start a heavy metal fork band called Twisted Prong. She is the lead singer and her brother Ronny plays lead fork by plucking and scraping it across an amplified cheese grater for that dark, metallic sound.
  7. I was eating pasta the other day and accidentally dropped my fork on the floor. My friend said, “Don’t worry about it, the pasta will go right through the prongs.” I said, “Uh yeah, that’s not how forks OR pasta works.”
  8. Why are forks terrible at keeping secrets? They are always spilling the tea!
  9. What concert costs just 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback! Did you hear Ozzy Osbourne’s new album? It’s called “Fork in the Road.”
  10. Two forks walk into an elevator going down to the lobby. One turns to the other and says, “Wrong fork, lift!”
    1. I was eating pasta with a particularly twisty fork, struggling to get the spaghetti strands wrapped around it. My friend said, “Here, try my fork instead.” I replied, “No thanks, I want to see how this noodle drama unforks!”
    2. Why did the fork get in trouble at school? It was caught selling dinnerware on campus without a license!
    3. My fork and I were out at a nice restaurant last night when I accidentally dropped it under the table. As I crawled around looking for it, I heard the fork call out, “Hey down here, I’m just hanging out, take your time!”
    4. What do you call a cross between a fork and a dog? A golden retriever!
    5. Jenny was arrested for stabbing someone with a fork. In her defense she argued, “I was just trying to make a point!”
    6. Two forks named Peggy and Patty were sisters and next door neighbors. They sure had their ups and downs like all siblings, but they always came back together in the end because they were cut from the same cloth.
    7. I refused to believe my fork was a shape shifter until I saw it with my own eyes turn into a spork right in front of me!
    8. My fork started sleepwalking last night. At breakfast it told me it dreamed it was being chased by a giant colander!
    9. I got tired of my plain old stainless steel fork so I decided to get fancy by gold plating it. Now all the other utensils call it “pretentious metalware” behind its back.
    10. My fork and I are no longer on speaking terms. I tried to make amends by sending it a nice olive branch, but it just tossed it in the dishwasher.
      1. What do you call a group of unruly forks? Twisted metal! Why can’t forks be trusted? They’re always plotting something behind your back!
      2. Two forks fall in love and get married. Unfortunately their union turns out to be quite pointless.
      3. My fork ran off to join the circus as part of a daredevil knife throwing act in which it catches blades between its prongs. It sends me postcards from all over the country detailing its crazy adventures on the road.
      4. I woke up this morning and my fork had somehow sprouted arms and legs and eyes overnight! It blinked at me and said, “Morning sleepyhead, time for breakfast!”
      5. Two gangs, the Sporks and the Knifes, were at war over turf rights in Flatware City. Meanwhile the hapless Fork Police tried in vain to keep the peace as the clashing utensils caused complete chaos.
      6. As I frantically packed for my trip, I suddenly realized I had forgotten forks! I called my friend and said, “Quick, I need some traveling companions!” My friend replied, “Don’t you mean utensils?” I said, “No time for puns, this is serious!”
      7. My fork and I were out metal detecting in the woods and it started boasting, “I’ll find treasure first because I actually have a metal detector!” I was unimpressed by its utensil humor.
      8. My fork wanted to run for mayor of our town but didn’t have a platform to stand on. I told it that was probably for the best since its political views can be pretty far left sometimes.