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55 Funny Environmental Jokes

55 Funny Environmental Jokes

Environmental Puns

  1. What do you call an eco-friendly coat rack? A tree hugger!
  2. Why was the environmentalist sad after getting new countertops? He realized they weren’t green.
  3. I entered my garden in a sustainability contest but it didn’t win first prize. It got an honorable mintion.
  4. What did the polar bear say when he saw tourists littering in his habitat? “Thanks for helping me bear the environment.”
  5. Why do environmentalists make good professors? They have a lot of green knowledge to plant in their students’ minds.
  6. My friend got in trouble for illegally collecting rainwater until I explained he was just trying to conserve it. Now he has a water tight alibi.
  7. What did the environmentally conscious vampire say? I only suck reusable blood bags.
  8. I bought an electric car to save money on gas, but now I don’t have any fuel for conversation.
  9. Did you hear about the new environmentally friendly car? It runs on compost!
  10. I entered a recycling competition but I didn’t win first prize. I got an honorable redemption.

Environmental One-Liners

  1. I’m so eco-friendly, I only produce greenhouse gases.
  2. Al Gore has an incredible carbon footprint… from constantly running around trying to save the environment!
  3. Thanks wind and solar power, for giving green energy a shot!
  4. Did you hear about the environmentally conscious wolf? He only ate free-range meat.
  5. I bought an electric car to save money on gas, but now I don’t have any fuel for conversation.
  6. My environmentalist friend wears special glasses. They help him see green solutions more clearly.
  7. How does the ocean say hi? It waves!
  8. What did the environmentalist say when asked to make a speech? “Time to go green.”
  9. Why was the recycling center worker so happy? He loved his job sorting trash!
  10. Saving the planet is hard. But if we work together, inch by inch, we can make a footprint!

Best Environmental Jokes

11. My friend started an eco-friendly landscaping company. Business was growing, but he had to shut it down. Turns out there was no money in trees.

12. I visited a recycling center to learn more about sustainability. When I got there they handed me a brochure and said, “Here’s some light reading material.”

13. Why was the environmentalist crying? Because of litter-al pollution.

14. What kind of plates do environmentalists use? Biodegradable ones made from leaves and bark! How do they wash them? With all-natural dishwater of course!

15. What did the environmentalist say when asked about having kids? “I think I’ll adopt to reduce my carbon footprint.”

16. Why are environmentalists bad at playing hide and seek? They are always easy to find behind trees hugging them!

17. My friend started a business recycling old trash into clothing and furniture. He’s making a lot of money by turning one man’s junk into another man’s green.

18. What do you call an environmentalist who works at a bank? A green accountant!

19. Why do environmentalists make the best farmers? Because they know how to grow green!

20. How did the environmentalist try to convince people to use less plastic? By giving a bottled water speech!

21. Why are environmentalists so optimistic when they wake up? Because every morning they start their day being green!

22. My friend started an eco-friendly tech company. He’s making environmentally sustainable devices powered by green energy. His latest invention is a solar-powered tablet. You could say his business is really starting to take off!

23. What happens when you tell a joke about pollution? The atmosphere gets hazy.

24. Why don’t environmentalists make good cops? Because when they pull cars over, they tell the drivers to turn green and leaf.

25. How did the hippie protest the agriculture company? He went to their offices and demanded they fertilize responsibly.

26. What’s an environmentalist’s favorite kind of coffee? Decaf, because the less energy consumed, the better!

27. Why did the environmentalist bring trail mix on the hike? To reduce their carbon footprint one nut at a time.

28. My friend got frustrated trying to build an eco-friendly house. He ended up with a greenhouse that costs too much green.

29. What do you call an environmentalist who chains themselves to trees? A attach plant!

30. Why are environmentalists so good at video games? Because they know all the cheats and green codes!

31. What’s an environmentalists least favorite emoji? The littering one!

32. Why was the environmentalist upset after the meeting? Because her sustainable ideas got trashed.

33. I entered my garden in a sustainability contest but it didn’t win first prize. It got an honorable mintion.

34. Why do trees make the best environmentalists? Because they literally hug the earth!

35. What’s an environmentalist’s favorite desk decoration? Mini solar panels!

36. Why did the environmentalist get mad at the farmer? He was growing GMO crops irresponsibly.

37. How does an environmentalist fix a water leak? With green solutions!

38. I bought an electric car to save money on gas, but now I don’t have any fuel for conversation.

39. Why do environmentalists make good builders? They use sustainable materials.

40. My friend is so into green living he started showering with recycled water. Now that’s what I call getting down and dirty for the environment!

41. What kind of car does a environmentalist drive? One that runs on plants!

42. Why did the environmentalist get mad at the factory? It was emitting greenhouse gases irresponsibly.

43. What do you call Al Gore when he’s explaining climate change? An inconvenient truther!

44. Why are environmentalists good at playing hide and seek? They know all the green hiding spots!

45. What happens when an environmentalist runs out of fertilizer? Their plants start to compost!