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43 Funny Cupcake Puns

43 Funny Cupcake Puns

Cupcake Puns

1. I knead to tell you about these cupcake puns before you get too baked.

2. What did the cupcake say when it got sad? “I’m feeling a little crumby today.”

3. Why was the cupcake sad? It was feeling a little batter.

4. Why don’t cupcakes like baseball? It makes them feel batter’d.

5. What do you call a cupcake that commits crimes? A felonious cupcake.

6. Why don’t cupcakes make good builders? They keep crumbling under pressure.

7. How do cupcakes stay connected? With blue-frosting.

8. Why did the cupcake go to the doctor? It was feeling a little crummy.

9. What do you call a cupcake that’s being noisy? A loud cake.

10. Why was the cupcake fired from his job? He kept loafing around.

11. What did one cupcake say to the other? “Let’s stick together!”

12. Why can’t cupcakes play hide and seek? They’re always easy to cake-tch.

Cupcake One-Liners

13. I’m so baked right now these cupcake puns are just the icing on the cake.

14. These cupcake puns really take the cake!

15. Let’s bake up some more delicious cupcake puns.

16. Cupcake puns are a piece of cake for me.

17. I’m on a roll with these sweet cupcake puns.

18. Cupcake puns always brighten my day like sprinkles on a cupcake.

19. I hope you’re enjoying my cupcake puns – they really buttercream my muffin!

20. These cupcake puns have my sides splitting like an overcooked cupcake!

21. I’m having a ball frosting these cupcake puns for you.

22. Cupcake puns always give me a sugar high!

Best Cupcake Jokes

23. What do you call a sad cupcake? A blueberry! (Because it has blue frosting)

24. Why was the vanilla cupcake mad at the chocolate cupcake? He was being so wafer obnoxious!

25. What did the cupcake say to his crush? “I really licorice you a lot!”

26. Why do cupcakes make the best dancers? They know how to bust-a-move!

27. How does a cupcake party? Cake by cake!

28. Why did the cupcake blush? It saw the muffin’s crumbs!

29. What do you call a cupcake that doesn’t pay it’s bills? A delincake!

30. Why do cupcakes make great detectives? They know how to cake-rack a case!

31. Why did the cupcakes get in trouble at school? They were caught cake-cheating!

32. What did one cupcake say to the other while dancing? “Let’s cake pop!”

33. Why do cupcakes make the best construction workers? They know how to lay the sponge cake.

34. Why do cupcakes make bad swimmers? They always crumble in the water!

35. What musical instrument do cupcakes love playing? The icing-tar!

36. Why don’t eggs tell cupcake jokes? They’d crack each other up!

37. Why did the cupcake win the race? It was always a cakewalk for him!

38. Why are cupcakes so good at boxing? They have great cake and punch!

39. Why did the cupcake go to college? To get his baking degree!

40. What did the cupcake name his son? Chip! (Off the old block)

41. How does a cupcake party? They turnip the cake music!

42. Why do cupcakes make great welders? They know how to glue the batter together!

43. What do you call a cupcake that solves mysteries? Sherlock Ohms!