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27 Funny Coconut Puns

27 Funny Coconut Puns

Coconut Puns

1. I wanted to make a coconut pie, but I was too lazy to crack open all the coconuts. I guess you could say I was too coco-not.

2. My friend was bragging about beating me in a coconut opening contest. But it was actually a tie. I guess we were both equal-coconuts.

3. I entered my coconut in the county fair’s biggest coconut competition, but it got disqualified for using growth hormones. I guess you could say it was on coco-nots.

4. I accidentally wore my coconut bra to a black tie event. Let’s just say it made things a little coco-awkward.

5. When I go to the tropics, I never go in the water without a coconut as a floatation device. I guess you could say I use it as my coco-not.

6. I tried to make coconut cookies by replacing regular flour with coconut flour. They were so bad that I coco-not recommend them.

7. My friend got hit in the head with a coconut on our vacation. I guess you could say he took a coco-knock to the head.

8. I entered a coconut carving competition but got disqualified for using tools. Apparently only coco-hands were allowed.

9. I got into an argument with my wife about where to display our coconut decorations. I guess you could say it turned into quite the coco-nutty fight.

10. I accidentally grabbed a rotten coconut at the grocery store. As soon as I cracked it open, I realized it was no good. You could say it was a coco-no.

Coconut One-Liners

11. I’m so bad at opening coconuts that I’m certified coco-not.

12. I’m swearing off coconut water for good. From now on, it’s coco-no to coconut for me!

13. Did you hear about the coconut that was left out in the sun too long? It went coco-nuts!

14. That coconut curry was so spicy it nearly knocked my coco-nots off!

15. I slipped on a coconut husk at the beach and ended up with a nasty coco-knot on my head.

16. Make sure to shake that coconut cocktail well, or it’ll be a coco-no-go!

17. I asked the waitress for coconut shrimp and she gave me a coco-not on the menu look.

18. Be careful climbing that coconut tree – you could end up with a couple of coco-nuts!

19. Make sure to tie up your coconut bikini top tight or you might end up having a coco-nip slip!

20. That crabby lady at the market gave me serious coco-nutty vibes.

Best Coconut Jokes

21. My friend got back from a trip to Hawaii and said the highlight was eating fresh coconut every day. I said, “You mean you had a cocation?”

22. I was on a first date and tried to impress my date by opening their coconut with my bare hands. Not only could I not open it, but I ended up with coconut stuck under my fingernails for a week. Suffice it to say, there was no second date.

23. I was on a cruise ship and saw a guy fall off deck after leaning too far over to grab a coconut from a tree. I yelled “Man overboard!” but the ship’s captain said “No, that’s just some guy who fell for a coconut.

24. How do you fix a cracked coconut? With a coco-nut patch kit!

25. Why don’t elephants like coconuts? They think they’re coco-nuts!

26. What do you call a coconut that’s been digitally animated? A coco-not!

27. How does a coconut get online? It logs into its coco-account!