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45 Funny Binder Jokes

45 Funny Binder Jokes

Binder Puns

1. I was so busy, I felt completely in a binder.

2. My friend was struggling to organize her notes, I told her to get her life in binder.

3. I spilled coffee on my important documents. Now I’m in a binder.

4. I’m so unorganized I really need to get my binder together.

5. The librarian asked if I needed help finding a book. I told her “No thanks, I’ve got this chapter in a binder.”

6. I bought a new binder to get organized, but now I’m bound to fill it with clutter again.

7. I’m addicted to binders, I just can’t bind myself to stop buying them.

8. I’m so behind on my homework, these binders have me bound.

9. I spilled juice on my math binder, now all my homework is in a bind.

10. I lost my binder and now I’m completely unbound.

11. I bought binders in bulk to get organized, but now I have more binders than I can handle.

12. My binder is bursting at the seams, looks like it’s time to get a new one.

Binder One-Liners

13. My binder is so disorganized, it should be called a finder.

14. I’m so unorganized, I need a binder intervention.

15. I spilled coffee all over my binder, now it’s a grinder.

16. My binder is messier than my room.

17. I’m so disorganized, I lost my homework binder…for the third time this semester!

18. I have more binders than I know what to do with…yet I’m still disorganized.

19. My binder looks like a tornado hit it.

20. I’m so behind in my classes, you could say I’m binderlined.

21. I bought a binder to get organized and filled it with clutter in a day.

22. I spilled coffee on my binder and had a melt binder.

Best Binder Jokes

23. My friend asked to borrow my binder to organize his life. I told him, “Sorry, but this binder barely keeps my life together as it is!”

24. I was running late to class and put my binder down to tie my shoe. When I looked up, my binder was gone. I guess you could say I was unbindered in a bind.

25. I bought a brand new binder to get organized this semester. I carefully labeled each section and filled it with paper. On the first day back, I spilled my coffee all over it. That plan went straight out the binder!

26. On the first day of class, the professor said we’d need a binder for the course. Half the students simultaneously reached down to grab their backpacks. The rest of us knew we were already bindered.

27. My professor said I could use a cheat sheet on the exam. I stuffed an entire binder full of notes and brought it to the test. When the professor saw my “cheat sheet,” he just laughed and said “Nice try.”

28. I was running late to school and tried putting my science binder in my backpack while walking. All the papers flew out and went everywhere. As I tried gathering them up, they just kept scattering in the wind. It was a total binder bummer.

29. I thought I was being proactive by buying binders for each of my classes this semester. But somehow I ended up with 15 new binders and I’m more disorganized than ever!

30. On the first day of class, the teacher said to buy a 1.5-inch binder. I bought a 15-inch jumbo binder instead. Hey, they didn’t specify!

31. I was carrying my overstuffed math binder when I tripped and flung it everywhere. As I scrambled to gather up the papers flying down the hallway, I overheard someone say “Looks like he’s in a bind!”

32. I spilled coffee on my white binder and tried to scrub it off. No matter how hard I scrubbed, I just ended up with a brown, frayed mess. My organizational plans are officially done-binder.

33. I labeled my new binder with my class schedule and carefully organized it with notebook paper. When I grabbed it on the first day of school, the binder busted open and all the papers flew out. So much for being binder ready!

34. I was running to class and dropped my overstuffed binder. Papers went flying down the hallway like confetti. As I scrambled to grab them, I heard someone say “Now that’s what I call a binder drop!”

35. I stayed up all night neatly organizing my new binders for the semester. By the end of week one, they were messier than ever. I guess you could say I’m binder challenged.

36. I was carrying my science binder when someone bumped into me in the hallway. Pages flew everywhere like a paper blizzard. My binder may have recovered, but my ego never did.

37. I was running late and tried putting my binder in my backpack while walking. The zipper got caught and everything spilled out. Papers went flying everywhere as I tried to gather them up. I was officially having a binder blowout.

38. I decided to organize my binder during class. While sorting through loose papers, I knocked over my drink right onto the binder. My organizational plans were soaked in a matter of seconds.

39. I stayed up late carefully color coding my binders and organizing them with tabs and highlighters. By the end of the first week, they were a mess of wrinkled, coffee-stained pages. So much for my binding system!

40. I was carrying my bulging binder when the strap broke mid-hallway. It was like a tsunami of papers cascading down the hall. After that binder avalanche, my organizational plans were crushed.

41. My teacher said I could use one page of notes on a test. I printed my entire binder contents in microscopic font and brought it to the exam. Let’s just say my cheat binder didn’t get me an A.

42. I spent hours organizing my new binder into neat, color-coded sections. By the end of the week half the pages had fallen out and gotten wrinkled. So much for my organizational bindertations.

43. I was running late to class and tried putting my binder in my backpack while walking. The zipper got caught and everything spilled out onto the grass. As papers went flying everywhere, I knew it was a full-on binder blowout.

44. I bought a fancy leather binder to get organized for the new semester. Later that day I set it on the floor and my dog peed all over it. There went my fancy schmancy binder dreams.

45. I was carrying my overstuffed binder and the strap broke mid-hallway. Papers flew everywhere like a ticker tape parade. As I tried gathering them up, everyone just walked by laughing. Talk about a confetti binder moment!