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75 Funny Big Forehead Jokes

75 Funny Big Forehead Jokes

Big Forehead Puns (15)

1. I tried to read their forehead, but I couldn’t get past the first page.

2. They say people with big foreheads are smart, in that case, their forehead must be a genius.

3. I asked them to tell me what’s on their mind, and they pointed to their forehead.

4. They started a forehead modeling career to make some extra cash on the side.

5. I told them to watch their head when getting into the car, their forehead might not fit.

6. They got cast as The Thinker in the play since their forehead was perfect for the pose.

7. Don’t bother buying an IMAX movie ticket, just watch a movie projected onto their forehead.

8. I tried to read their mind but got distracted browsing their forehead instead.

9. They got a big forehead? More like a fivehead or a sixhead if you ask me.

10. They use their forehead as a makeshift billboard for advertisements.

11. Their forehead is so big it has its own weather system.

12. I asked them why their forehead was so big. They said it’s for storing big brain thoughts.

13. They got tired of hitting their forehead on low doorways.

14. Their forehead is so shiny it can reflect sunlight like a mirror.

15. They need a wide angle lens to take a portrait photo of their enormous forehead.

Big Forehead One-Liners (15)

16. Their forehead is so big it has its own area code.

17. Their forehead is so big it took two school buses to get across it on a field trip.

18. Their forehead is so big it has its own weather reports.

19. Their forehead is so big it has its own ecosystem.

20. Their forehead is so big it was detected on Doppler radar.

21. Their forehead is so big it needs scaffolding when getting a haircut.

22. Their forehead is so big it has its own zip code.

23. Their forehead is so big it has several geological eras.

24. Their forehead is so big we play laser tag on it.

25. Their forehead is so big we carve pumpkin faces into it for Halloween.

26. Their forehead is so big we do skywriting on it.

27. Their forehead is so big planes try to land on it.

28. Their forehead is so big its got its own nightlife scene.

29. Their forehead is so big it seats 50,000 fans for sporting events.

30. Their forehead is so big it charges rent to the hair living on it.

Best Big Forehead Jokes (45)

31. Their forehead was so big, when they went to the beach the tide came in.

32. They were trying to read a book but their forehead kept getting in the way of the pages.

33. I told them to stop worrying so much. They said, “That’s easy for you to say, you don’t have to fit all these thoughts onto this huge forehead!”

34. They got frustrated trying to decorate their forehead for Christmas. There was too much surface area to cover.

35. I said “You have a big forehead” They responded “Yeah I have big brain thoughts to store up there.” I said “It must be empty then.”

36. They entered a staring contest. Their opponent took one look at their forehead and forfeited immediately.

37. They got a pimple on their forehead. Everybody mistook it for a volcanic mountain range.

38. I asked how they style their hair with such a big forehead. They said, “What hair?”

39. They were cast as an extra in a movie scene. The director said, “We need more space on the forehead!”

40. They had to special order extra large motorcycle helmets to fit their colossal forehead.

41. Their forehead is so massive, their dreams have multiple time zones.

42. They were trying out binoculars and accidentally looked at their own forehead. They thought it was the moon.

43. Their forehead is so huge, their eyebrows look like they’re social distancing.

44. They were thinking so hard their forehead started emitting steam.

45. Every time they read people’s minds, it’s just an echo of their own big forehead thoughts.

46. They were stopped at airport security for trying to smuggle something in their forehead wrinkles.

47. Their forehead is so large, their eyebrows look like distant cousins.

48. They got frustrated with every hat being too small to fit their massive forehead.

49. They cracked their enormous forehead on a low doorway. It echoed for several seconds.

50. Their forehead is so big it has resorts, spas, and tourist attractions.

51. I told them “Wow, nice forehead.” They replied “Thanks, it has spacious Lounges, a food court, even a wave pool.”

52. They wear extra wide sunglasses so their entire forehead is protected from UV rays.

53. Their forehead is so big, echoes of their thoughts keep bouncing around up there for days.

54. When they furrow their brow, it causes a seismic event on their titanic forehead.

55. Their forehead is so huge, it takes a week to walk across it.

56. They were trying to study but got distracted looking at the vast open plains of their forehead.

57. Strong winds were measured gusting across their barren forehead desert landscape yesterday.

58. A search party got lost in the wrinkles and crags while exploring their enormous forehead.

59. Cartographers tried mapping out their colossal forehead but quickly ran out of ink.

60. Their head is 90% forehead – scientists are trying to study this anomalous cranial development.

61. They got a sunburn on their forehead. It was so big it was visible from space.

62. Their forehead is so huge it has multiple biomes – tundra, desert, rainforest, savanna.

63. They went stargazing on their forehead. The view was magnificent with no light pollution.

64. They cracked their forehead and caused a major avalanche on the forehead mountain ranges.

65. They have to use a school bus to drive across their endless forehead every morning.

66. Their forehead is so massive it has plate tectonics and occasional volcanic eruptions.

67. There are uncontacted tribes still living deep in the rainforests on their colossal forehead.

68. NASA is considering their forehead as an alternate landing site for the Artemis missions.

69. Their forehead is growing larger every year – scientists say it may one day engulf their entire head.

70. They dreamed of building a log cabin in the vast unoccupied territory on their barren forehead.

71. Their enormous forehead is visible from the moon on a clear night. Astrologers use it to navigate.

72. They got a bad case of dry forehead and had to drink 8 gallons of water a day.

73. Cartographers finally finished mapping their entire forehead region. The Atlas is 1,500 pages long.

74. Their forehead is so massive, it has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

75. When they raise their eyebrows, it causes a category 5 hurricane on their expansive forehead.