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53 Funny Beaver Jokes

53 Funny Beaver Jokes

Beaver Puns (12)

1. Why did the beaver get kicked out of school? For chewing gum in claws!

2. What do you call a beaver who works as a building contractor? A dam builder!

3. How does a beaver keep their breath fresh? With evergreen trees!

4. Why don’t beavers tell jokes while they work? They like to concentrate on the gnaw!

5. Why are beavers’ teeth so bright? Because they’re always flossin’!

6. What do you call a beauty pageant for beavers? The Miss Sticks pageant!

7. Why do beavers make good singers? They have perfect dental dams!

8. Why don’t beavers need alarm clocks? They’re already up with the crack of dam!

9. What do you call a beaver who does karate? A chopstick!

10. Why did the beaver cross the road? To get to the river on the other side!

11. What do you call a beaver who works as a receptionist? A greeter dam!

12. Why don’t beavers tell secrets? They don’t want to dam-age friendships!

Beaver One-Liners (15)

13. Beavers may have buck teeth, but they never doe!

14. Behind every beaver is a dam good worker.

15. Beaver dams – built to last, not built to blast!

16. Beavers aren’t lazy, they’re just stick-lers for quality!

17. Beavers always aim to log their best work.

18. Beavers work hard to earn the dam pay.

19. Beavers know how to turn trees into masterpieces, stick by stick.

20. Beavers aren’t rodents, they’re hydroelectric generators!

21. Beavers don’t cut corners, their tails are perfectly rounded.

22. Beavers gnaw their work ethic is unmatched in the animal kingdom.

23. Beavers are quite handy, they’re nailing this whole dam thing.

24. Beavers aren’t lazy, they log more hours than lumberjacks!

25. Behind every successful beaver is a stack of lumber it dragged there.

26. Beavers always see the forest through the trees when building dams.

27. Beavers know how to turn idle paws into progress!

Best Beaver Jokes (26)

28. What did the beaver say to his friend who was worrying endlessly? “Don’t get dammed up about it!”

29. A beaver walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender asks, “Why the gnawed face?”

30. How does a beaver know where to build their dam? They use a dam GPS device!

31. What do you get if you cross a beaver with a bird? A guy who peeks through windows and whistles at women!

32. What happens when a beaver loses its tail? It becomes depressed and refuses to leave its dam.

33. How do you embarrass a beaver? Show it damming videos of when it was younger.

34. Why don’t beavers tell jokes? They always end up damming the punchline!

35. How do beavers prepare their wood? They timber it first!

36. Why don’t beavers live alone? They need dam roommates!

37. Why did the beaver get good grades in art class? He excelled at dam drawing!

38. Why didn’t the beaver want to play soccer? He was afraid his dam skills wouldn’t transfer over!

39. How did the beaver plasterer get injured on the job? He fell off the dam ladder!

40. What do you call a beaver who does magic tricks? Houdamni!

41. Why are beavers so good at baking? They have great dam recipes!

42. Why did the beaver cross the pond? To get to the other side where the tasty saplings were!

43. How does a beaver keep their teeth healthy? By dam flossing!

44. Why don’t beavers live in saltwater? It’s bad for their dam health!

45. Why did the beaver get sent to his room? For chewing on the dam couch!

46. How do beavers keep their breath fresh? They chew on evergreen trees for that minty dam taste!

47. Why did the beaver’s dam collapse? He didn’t use the right dam materials!

48. Why did the beaver call in sick to work? He had a nasty case of dam flu!

49. How did the beaver feel after working all day on the dam? Dam tired!

50. Why are beavers so good at attacking enemies? They know dam karate!

51. Why did the beaver’s friends throw him a party? To celebrate another year of dam good work!

52. Why did the beaver get sent to detention? For chewing gum in dam class!

53. How does a beaver check their dam for leaks? They look for any trickling dam-age!