Skydiving Puns 1. I wanted to go skydiving, but I got cold feet at the last minute. I guess you could say I chickened out. 2. My friend was bragging about going skydiving soon. I told him to quit trying to drop the mic. 3. Did you hear about the skydiver who brought a parachute …
Random Jokes
Slinky Puns (20) 1. I bought a slinky for my friend but he straightened up before I could give it to him. 2. My slinky got stiff and couldn’t walk downstairs anymore. Now it’s a no-go slink. 3. I put eyes on my slinky and named it Slinkius. Now it’s a seeing-eye toy. 4. I …
Siamese Twins Puns (25 jokes) 1. What do you call Siamese twins who share the same middle name? Conjoined twins! 2. What do you call Siamese twins that don’t get along? A pair of odds. 3. Why don’t Siamese twins ever go on solo trips? They literally can’t be separated! 4. Why do Siamese twins …
Shrimp Puns (25) 1. Why don’t shrimp share their toys? They’re shellfish. 2. What do you call a shrimp that loans money? A prawn broker. 3. Why did the shrimp cross the road? To get to the other tide. 4. What do you call a shrimp that skips church? A Hindu. 5. I shrimply love …
Shoes Puns (15) 1. I can’t believe I got fired from the shoe factory. Apparently I just wasn’t cut out for the boot business. 2. My friend got hit in the head with a shoe. He was lucky it was a loafer. 3. I asked the shoe salesman to give me something with a bit …
Shirt Puns 1. I ordered a new shirt online but when it arrived, it was too big. What a waist! 2. I was looking for a new shirt to wear to work but couldn’t find any I liked. I guess I’ll just have to make dew. 3. My friend was bragging about his expensive new …
Ship Captain Puns 1. I asked the ship captain how much food was on board. He said there was a ship-load! 2. The ship captain was feeling nautical today. He said he was feeling a little port side. 3. Why was the ship captain wearing his dress uniform? He wanted to look ship shape! 4. …
Sherlock Holmes Puns (15) 1. I heard Sherlock Holmes started doing stand up comedy. He has a whole set of Sher-jokes. 2. Sherlock Holmes decided to try his hand at baking. He’s become quite the pie-ron. 3. Did you hear about Sherlock Holmes’ brief stint as a priest? He was great at solving mass mysteries. …
Sea Turtle Puns (15) 1. What do you call a sea turtle that loves to read? A book shelf! 2. Why don’t sea turtles like riding roller coasters? They’re not fans of the shells and dips. 3. Why did the sea turtle cross the road? To get to the shell station. 4. What do you …
Scream Puns (15) 1. I was so startled when my friend jumped out to scare me that I let out a blood curdling scream. 2. The haunted house was so scary it made me scream until I was blue in the face. 3. I got caught watching the new Scream movie at work and had …