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Finding Diversity In Wedding Inspiration: We Chat To Nova Of Nu Bride

Finding Diversity In Wedding Inspiration: We Chat To Nova Of Nu Bride

Finding Diversity in Wedding Inspiration: We Chat To Nova of Nu Bride

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Finding Diversity in Wedding Inspiration: We Chat To Nova of Nu Bride

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We’re thrilled to continue our campaign for more diversity in the wedding industry, a movement that started with a call to action from Bridal Musings. Our goal is simple: to celebrate couples of every background, culture, faith, size, shape, gender, age, class, and sexual orientation. It’s about time we saw more representation on wedding blogs, magazines, and social media.
Our journey began when Elizabeth penned an impassioned post about the lack of diversity in the industry, sparking a flurry of comments, emails, and submissions from readers and wedding professionals who felt the same way. But sometimes it takes one person’s courage to inspire bravery in others.
That’s where Nova Reid comes in. As the founder and editor of Nu Bride, Nova is on a mission to bring a splash of diversity to the wedding industry. Her inspiring speech at the Wedding Blog Awards last year left a lasting impression on everyone in the room.
Nova’s story is one of empowerment. She understands that every bride deserves to feel like she belongs, regardless of her skin tone, hair type, or body shape. When planning your wedding, you should be excited and inspired, not made to feel like you don’t fit the mold.
Our conversation with Nova will give you a glimpse into her world and offer valuable insights on where to find hair, makeup, and style inspiration for your big day. She’s not just an advocate for diversity; she’s also a talented writer, photographer, and all-around creative force.
Here’s our chat with Nova, where we delve into the importance of diversity in the wedding industry and learn from her expertise:

Finding Inspiration for Your Wedding With Nova of Nu Bride

Finding Inspiration for Your Wedding With Nova of Nu Bride
Finding Inspiration for Your Wedding With Nova of Nu Bride

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The origin story of Nu Bride began on New Year’s Day in 2012, just two months after my own engagement. Initially, I was a romantic skeptic, but the wedding industry surprisingly stole my heart. After devouring pages of stunning wedding inspiration at our local newsagent, I felt an unexpected pang of isolation. It was then that I realized what was missing – representation.As I delved deeper into planning my ‘fairytale’ wedding, I discovered a glaring gap in mainstream UK wedding media: little to no visual representation for women who shared my skin tone and features. Of course, it’s unrealistic to expect every bride-to-be to resemble catwalk models, but as a modern British black bride, I yearned for inspiration that spoke directly to me.Frustrated by the lack of diversity, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I reached out to magazines and began documenting my planning journey, creating my own platform instead. Initially, I thought it would be a private affair, limited to friends, family, and my husband (who, coincidentally, still reads it to this day). But, to my surprise, Nu Bride started resonating with others. And that’s when the magic happened.

Finding Ideas for Your Wedding

Finding Ideas for Your Wedding

When seeking inspiration and information, black couples can look beyond Nu Bride’s offerings. The key is to identify what they’re looking for, regardless of their ethnicity. As individuals are uniquely different with eclectic tastes – think modern, DIY, fashionable, luxe, vintage, or a mix – the options for universal inspiration are boundless. This might include creating a wedding theme, planning timelines, or simply getting ideas for their special day.

While inclusive blogs like Perfete and Whimsical Weddings can provide a wealth of generic guidance, there are also publications specifically catering to black couples. Munaluchi Bridal magazine and blog stand out as exceptional resources in this space. Additionally, keep an eye out for the newly emerging UK-based magazine dedicated to serving black couples – it’s definitely worth keeping on your radar!

Nova’s Helpful Hair & Beauty Resources


While there are some excellent publications that cater to black beauty and bridal needs, such as Black Hair and Beauty Magazine’s popular bridal issue, I believe it’s essential to acknowledge that there is still a significant gap in terms of accessible resources for black women seeking inspiration for their wedding day looks. This dearth of representation is particularly concerning when it comes to make-up and hair tutorials that cater specifically to black skin tones.Fortunately, there are some fantastic online resources that can provide valuable guidance and inspiration. For instance, beauty bloggers like Beauty Pulse London offer a wealth of information on general beauty tips, while Essence Magazine’s online presence provides helpful advice on beauty tips for black skin and bridal hair.For those who prefer visual learning, there are several talented Vloggers who share their expertise through make-up and hair tutorials. Netty Fro Fro, Shirley B Eniag, and Chanel Boteng are just a few examples of the many talented creators who offer valuable insights and inspiration.Nu Bride is committed to providing inclusive beauty tips for all skin tones, and we’re thrilled to have Ambassador Joyce Connor, an award-winning make-up and beauty therapist, on board. Her expertise will be invaluable in helping us create content that caters to a range of skin tones. We’ve also partnered with Hayley at Brides and Beauty to provide hair tips that cater to diverse hair types.In addition to our online resources, we’re excited to collaborate with Errol Douglas Salon, the only salon in the UK to offer specialist services for all hair types. Their expertise will enable us to create valuable content on wedding hair tips for afro, European, and international hair types, and we look forward to sharing this knowledge with our readers.

Share Your Day

Share Your Day
Share Your Day

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In the realm of wedding photography, it’s crucial for black couples to encourage their photographers to submit their special days to blogs and publications. However, my experience suggests that this encouragement should actually be directed towards the couples themselves, urging them to share their weddings with a wider audience.

There are several reasons why we see fewer images of black and ethnic minority weddings compared to others. Some factors are straightforward, while others require more in-depth exploration. For instance, demographic calculations reveal that black communities make up a significant portion of the UK’s ethnic minority population. This means there will inherently be fewer weddings to feature.

Another crucial aspect is privacy, which is particularly prevalent in some black communities and cultures. Many couples opt for discretion, which often results in photographers withdrawing their submissions or removing blog posts featuring these private events. While it’s essential to respect individuals’ choices regarding their privacy, it’s equally regrettable that this decision prevents us from showcasing beautiful inspiration.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that we cannot continue to lament the lack of representation in wedding publications if we’re inadvertently contributing to this issue by choosing not to share our own weddings. By doing so, we can work towards a more inclusive and representative visual landscape for black couples and their special days.

And The Award Goes To…

And The Award Goes To…
And The Award Goes To…

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Winning the Best Big Day Inspiration award at the Wedding Blog Awards was an overwhelming yet humbling experience for me. Initially, I was caught up in a whirlwind of emotions – shock, excitement, and relief. But as the initial rush subsided, it was clear that this recognition held more significance than just the win itself. It represented a validation from a leading national wedding magazine, expert panel, and readers who share my passion for promoting diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry. The endorsement not only acknowledged my work but also inspired me to continue striving for greater representation and acceptance of diverse couples. While there is still much work to be done, I believe that even small steps – such as encouraging brands to cater to a wider range of clients – can lead to meaningful change. Ultimately, it’s about creating a more inclusive and accepting environment where every couple can feel celebrated and valued.