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59 Sidesplitting Ring binder Jokes

59 Sidesplitting Ring binder Jokes

Ring binder Puns

  1. I bought a new ring binder for school, but it didn’t work out. I guess you could say it just wasn’t binding enough for me.
  2. My friend was looking for a ring binder with built-in dividers. I told him not to get his hopes up too high, good ones are pretty hard to come by.
  3. I was shopping for a new ring binder and the cashier asked if I wanted D-rings or O-rings. I said, “I don’t care, as long as it can bind these papers together!”
  4. I decided to propose to my ring binder because it’s the only thing that’s ever truly bound me to my work. I just hope our binding love will never come unbound.
  5. I spilled coffee all over my ring binder and now the pages are stuck together. I guess you could say it’s grounds for divorce.
  6. My ring binder is so old, the rings are barely holding the pages together anymore. I guess you could say it’s unbinding at the seams.
  7. I bought a ring binder that was way too small for all my papers. It just goes to show size matters when you’re trying to bind things together.
  8. I tried to cram too many pages in my ring binder and it snapped right open. I learned the hard way that binding has its limits.
  9. My friend’s old ring binder smelled awful, like moldy papers and sweat. Let’s just say it was a binding violation.
  10. I accidentally put my ring binder in the wash and all the pages came loose. It was an utter unbinding disaster.

Ring binder One-liners

  1. My ring binder got a paper cut.
  2. Don’t anger the ring binder, or it will bite your papers in half!
  3. I bought a ring binder just for its good looks, not for its actual binding capabilities.
  4. My ring binder identifies as a book.
  5. Ring binder? I barely know her!
  6. What do you call a ring binder that skips leg day? Holey unbound!
  7. My ring binder and I are in a very binding relationship.
  8. Talk nerdy to me: “Those are some mighty fine D-rings you have on your binder!”
  9. A ring binder, notebook, and textbook walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, no binding allowed.”
  10. My ring binder got so sick of me it started violently sneezing papers everywhere.
  11. Ring around the binder, pockets full of paper, punched holes bind them all together.
  12. Thank you ring binder, for always being there to hold my loose leaf papers.
  13. Sing it with me now: “Tale as old as time, papers neatly lined…” Thanks ring binder!
  14. Ring binder? I barely even know her!
  15. What do you call a ring binder that skips arm day? Holey unbound!
  16. My ring binder and I are in a very binding relationship.
  17. Talk nerdy to me: “Those are some mighty fine D-rings you have on your binder!”
  18. A ring binder, notebook, and textbook walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, no binding allowed.”
  19. My ring binder got so sick of me it started violently sneezing papers everywhere.
  20. Excuse me sir, do you have time to talk about our Lord and savior, the ring binder?

Best Ring binder Jokes

  1. An office worker was frustrated trying to organize a huge stack of loose papers on her desk. She tried paper clips, bulldog clips, and sticky tape, but nothing worked. Finally, she broke down crying and yelled out, “Lord give me the strength to bind these papers!” Just then, a booming voice came from above, “My child, have faith…” and a ring binder gently floated down and landed on her desk.
  2. The office worker rejoiced, “It’s a binder miracle!”

  3. A man walked into an office supply store and asked the clerk, “Do you have any sturdy ring binders that can hold up to 500 pages without the rings breaking? I have a lot of important documents to organize.”

    The clerk replied sarcastically, “Sir, we have super strength titanium binders designed for binding classified government nuclear launch codes. I think any of our standard binders can handle your paperwork.”

  4. Jill was tired of disorganized papers cluttering up her home office. She decided to head to the store to buy the strongest, most heavy duty ring binder they had. Jill marched down the binder aisle, pushed shoppers out of the way, and grabbed the thickest, most reinforced binder on the shelf.

    She slammed in down on the checkout counter with determination in her eyes. The cashier looked at Jill nervously and asked, “Rough day of binding?” Jill sighed and replied, “You have no idea.”

  5. Sam was nervously waiting to give a big presentation he had been preparing for weeks. He carefully placed his notes in a pristine new ring binder. Just as he began presenting, the rings on his binder snapped open, and all his papers crashed to the floor out of order.

    The audience gasped as Sam frantically tried to gather his notes. He learned the hard way to never fully trust a ring binder with important documents!

  6. Sarah was excited to show off her new stylish hot pink ring binder on the first day of school. But during class, the school bully laughed and said, “Nice ugly pink binder, loser!”

    Sarah was so angry that she grabbed her hefty binder and whacked the bully over the head, knocking him out cold. No one ever made fun of Sarah’s binders again.

  7. Connor was bored during a long work meeting, so he doodled pictures of stick figures bungie jumping into volcanoes and surfing on unicorns in his ring binder. When the boss suddenly asked to see Connor’s notes, he had to think fast. Connor ripped out his doodle pages, crammed them in his mouth, and washed them down with an entire pitcher of water. “My binder notes? Uh yeah, they’re a little hard to digest at the moment…”

  8. Martha was fed up with her boring beige ring binders. She decided to give them a jazzy makeover with sequins, puffy paint, and glitter glue. Martha rolled up to school rocking her bedazzled binders and was written up immediately for violation of school code 4.2: “No overly decorated or distracting binders allowed.” Her sparkly binders were confiscated, but Martha considered it worth it.

  9. James loved his customized race car themed ring binder…a little too much. His classmates often caught him making vroom vroom noises while stroking his binder lovingly. Then one day James took it too far, bringing his binder to the top of the playground slide while making revving engine noises. He slipped and rode the binder all the way down, dislocating his shoulder. The school counselor suggested maybe James should find some human friends.

  10. Jenny was smugly showing off her brand new light up LED ring binder to her jealous friend. “It’s got built-in lights that flash in eight different colors!” But her smugness quickly turned to horror when the lights malfunctioned and started a fire that burned her whole backpack. Never underestimate the dangers of high-tech binders.

  11. Oliver’s three-ring binder was his most prized school supply possession, full of all his notes color coded with divider tabs. One day the class troublemaker grabbed Oliver’s binder and tossed it out the second story window. Oliver watched in stunned silence as the binder burst open, scattering his papers everywhere just before landing in a muddy puddle. A single tear rolled down his cheek for his dearly departed binder.

  12. Stan frantically searched his cluttered locker for his geography binder before class. He spotted a ring binder on the top shelf and was relieved. But when Stan opened it up, to his horror it was full of someone’s old spaghetti lunch, now hardened into a solid mass. He gagged and continued the search for his actual binder, being much more cautious about grabbing mysterious binders from now on.

  13. Debra’s family staged an intervention about her ring binder addiction, which had completely taken over her life. There were binders covering every inch of her room, car, and office. Debra defensively hugged her favorite polka dot binder and cried, “You just don’t understand us!” After some therapy and decluttering, Debra is now down to a healthy five binders and feels in control of her life again.