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53 Sidesplitting Remote control Jokes

53 Sidesplitting Remote control Jokes

Remote control Puns

1. I wanted to watch a movie but couldn’t find the remote control. I guess you could say I was having a lost remote-y night.

2. My friend bought a fancy new remote control with voice commands. I asked him to show me how it works, but he was too remote to mention.

3. I entered a competition for the most unusual use of a remote control. I ended up channel surfing.

4. Did you hear about the new restaurant called Remote Control? Their signature dish is fried Roku.

5. Why don’t pirates use remote controls? They prefer to manually control the high C’s.

6. I tried to sell my old remote control on eBay, but nobody seemed remotely interested.

7. Our remote control went missing right before family movie night. We were able to find a replacement, thankfully it wasn’t too remote a possibility.

8. I’m thinking of opening a store called Remote Patrol that specializes in finding lost remote controls. We’ll scout every corner of your home to bring remotes back from the places they roam.

9. My smart remote control got hacked and now it randomly turns my lights on and off. On the bright side, at least the hacker has good remote control skills.

10. I entered the TV room during halftime and asked where the remote control was. My brother said, “Beats me, it just remotes me.”

11. Our remote control was covered in sticky jelly and didn’t work anymore. My wife said we needed to get a new one, but I told her not to push my remote control buttons.

12. I was watching TV when the remote control batteries died. I couldn’t manually change the channel because the buttons were covered in cheese puffs dust. It was a remote situation.

Remote control One-liners

13. I lost the remote but kept pressing the buttons on the TV anyway…it didn’t work, so I guess you could say I didn’t have the remote control.

14. My toddler loves playing with the remote control, especially the volume and power buttons when I’m trying to watch TV.

15. No, I will not get up to hand you the remote control that’s 2 feet away from you.

16. Whoever keeps hiding the remote control, stop it. I know it’s you.

17. Remote controls should come with locator beepers for when they inevitably get lost in the couch cushions.

18. My goal in life is to become so wealthy I can hire someone to be my personal remote control finder.

19. The number of times I have to replace remote control batteries each year is too darn high!

20. Roses are red, game night is a chore, when someone hogs the remote control.

21. That moment when you finally find the lost remote control in the fridge where your teenager left it.

22. Remote control trapping should be considered an extreme sport with all the acrobatics required to retrieve it from the couch.

Best Remote control Jokes

23. Last night, my wife asked me to pass her the remote control but I accidentally changed the channel instead. She shook her head and said, “This is why we can’t have nice things.”

24. I bought a universal remote control for my 85 year old grandfather. He loves that it can control his TV, stereo, DVD player, and even his hearing aids.

25. I was trying to find the TV remote when I stumbled upon my kid’s science fair project from last year titled “The Effects of Remote Control Radiation on Spider Webs.” Now I’m afraid to change the channel.

26. My toddler grabbed the remote control and somehow ordered $200 worth of on-demand movies. At only 2 years old, I must say I’m impressed by her speedy navigation skills.

27. Last night during an intense movie scene, my friend gasped loudly and hit the pause button on the remote control. I nearly jumped out of my seat from shock. I guess you could say he had me on remote pause.

28. I was trying to find a show to watch but couldn’t get the remote to work. Then I realized my husband had accidently sat on it. I guess you could say he was butt-dialing channels all night.

29. Bought my grandpa a universal remote for Christmas. He says that now he doesn’t have to get up to change channels, turn the volume up or down, and he can even mute commercials. His favorite button is the one that makes grandma stop talking.

30. The other day, my friend asked to borrow my remote control. I told him sure, just don’t press any buttons. He looked at me confused and said, “Then what’s the point?” I smiled and said, “Exactly.”

31. Last night, my toddler grabbed the remote control and started pushing buttons randomly. Five minutes later, the TV wasn’t working and there was a drone delivering pizza to our front door. Gotta love technology these days.

32. Bought my wife a universal remote for her birthday. She wasn’t impressed when I told her the only thing it won’t work on is me.

33. My three year old daughter asked me what the remote control was for, so I told her it’s what adults use to control children’s brains to make them do whatever we want. Now she hides it from me.

34. I accidentally sat on the remote control and my slacks changed the channel to an opera concert. I guess you could say I butt-dialed some classy entertainment.

35. I was trying to find something to watch on TV and asked my husband if he knew where the remote control was. He said, “Have you checked the freezer?” Sure enough, there it was next to the ice cream.

36. My friend keeps his remote control locked in a safe because his kids watch way too much TV. It would be funny if someday in therapy they realize their OCD issues stem from lack of animated sponges.

37. Bought my parents a universal remote for Christmas last year. They called me up to complain it doesn’t work on me.

38. Whenever I can’t find the remote, I assume the ghosts in my house are playing with it again. They always did love scary movies when they were alive.

39. My toddler grabbed the remote control and started mashing buttons. Let’s just say I learned some very interesting things about ordering pay-per-view wrestling matches.

40. Last night I found the remote control in the bathroom sink for some reason. Maybe I should get one of those clapper systems where my TV turns on when I clap my hands. Then I wouldn’t have these problems.

41. Bought my dad a fancy new voice-controlled remote for his birthday. He loves how he can now mute commercials and switch channels without using his hands. Unfortunately, he hasn’t figured out how to make it fetch beer from the fridge yet.

42. Our cable remote wasn’t working so my husband started hitting buttons randomly out of frustration. Let’s just say the Spanish soap opera that came on scared our dog so much, he fell off the couch.

43. My toddler loves playing hide and seek with the remote control. His new favorite spot is in the toilet tank. Makes for an interesting surprise when you lift the lid.

44. I was trying to find the remote in my messy bedroom and gave up after 15 minutes of searching. As I laid down in defeat, the remote slipped out from under my pillow. Outsmarted by the sofa cushions yet again.

45. Bought my grandmother a universal remote for Christmas. She loves that it works on every device except for me.

46. My toddler somehow programmed the TV remote to only play telenovelas. Not sure if I should be impressed by her bilingual abilities or concerned about her addiction to Spanish soap operas.

47. Roses are red, I like to eat healthy, but when you hide the remote, things get stealthy.

48. I asked my husband if he’s seen the remote, to which he replied “Did you check the pantry?” Annoyed, I said “Why would it be in the pantry?” He shrugged and said “I don’t know, maybe we ate it?”

49. I was looking for the remote when my wife suggested checking under the cat. I said no way it could be there. Needless to say, she won that round.

50. Bought my parents a universal remote for Christmas. They called to complain it doesn’t work on their grandchildren.

51. Our remote control has more fingerprints on it than a crime scene. Time to break out the TV detective gear and follow the sticky clues.

52. I was watching TV when the batteries in the remote died. I guess you could say it…lost its power.

53. I asked my husband if he’s seen the remote. He said “Did you check the fridge?” I laughed until I actually found it next to the orange juice. Busted.