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50 Sidesplitting Radio Jokes

50 Sidesplitting Radio Jokes

Radio Puns

1. I was trying to tune my old radio last night but I just kept getting static. I guess some things from the past are better left in the past.

2. My friend was excited to finally tune in to her favorite radio station. She said “I can’t wait to turn on 97.1 FM!” I told her “You’ll have better luck if you use the radio instead.”

3. I entered my cat in a radio talent contest but he got disqualified. The judges said he only had one life.

4. I’ll never forget the time I was listening to the radio and “Who Let The Dogs Out” came on. My dog started howling and tried to find who let him out!

5. Did you hear about the radio contest for people with amnesia? Everyone who entered instantly forgot what it was for.

6. I was shocked when someone stole my car radio. After that, all I could get was static.

7. My friend got frustrated trying to steal a car radio. He said, “I’m done! This job Hertz!”

8. I entered my cow in a radio singing contest. Unfortunately, she was disqualified for moo-sic violations.

9. Did you hear about the radio DJ who talked in Morse Code? Most people didn’t catch his drift.

10. I asked the radio repairman why all my presets were erased. He didn’t have an answer that I could tune into.

Radio One-Liners

11. I’m no radio expert, but I’d say this thing is tuned incorrectly.

12. My radio is so old, it only picks up episodes of Fibber McGee and Molly.

13. This radio has more static than a wool sweater on a dry winter day.

14. I think my radio is broken, it keeps playing the same Adele song over and over.

15. My radio antenna is so bad, I can only pick up radio waves from 1923.

16. I asked the radio DJ to play a song for my girlfriend Tracy. He dedicated it to Stacy instead.

17. I’m convinced my neighbor sings karaoke to the radio all night long.

18. This radio station plays more commercials than actual music.

19. My car radio only picks up talk radio stations, no matter how much I scan.

20. I accidentally left my radio on the Spanish station. No me gusta!

Best Radio Jokes

21. I was driving down the highway listening to the radio when the announcer said, “We have a caller on line 1 who wants to dedicate a song to his girlfriend Tracy.” I turned the radio off immediately – my girlfriend’s name is Stacy!

22. Yesterday my friend told me she was going to be on the radio to talk about her struggles with insomnia. I tuned in but quickly realized I got the time wrong and missed it. I couldn’t sleep all night thinking about it!

23. Did you hear about the autistic radio host? He had a hard time making small talk with the guests.

24. I was scanning radio stations on a long road trip when I came across one playing nothing but static and white noise. I listened to it for 5 hours straight!

25. The radio station fired their morning DJ today for always coming to work drunk. Apparently he liked to drink a little too much before he went on the air!

26. I was so bored on my drive to work this morning that I actually found myself listening to a 24/7 polka radio station. Please send help!

27. I heard the radio DJ invite listeners to call in for a chance to win Bon Jovi concert tickets. I picked up my cellphone and realized it was 1994.

28. My friend applied to be a radio broadcaster but didn’t get the job because of his monotone voice. It was probably for the best!

29. I was scanning through radio stations today when I came across one playing nothing but static. I thought my radio was broken until the DJ said, “That was the sound of silence.”

30. The radio morning show announced they were giving away free Justin Bieber tickets to the 9th caller. All their phone lines suddenly went dead.

31. I was driving down the interstate blasting the heavy metal station when all of a sudden it started playing NPR news. I about had a heart attack!

32. The radio station had to fire their DJ after he started randomly blurting out curse words on air. I heard he has Turrets syndrome.

33. I was scanning radio channels and found a station where the DJ was radioing mayday calls as if his studio was going down. Strange sense of humor!

34. I accidentally left my radio on the Spanish station all night. When I woke up this morning, mi cerebro duele!

35. I was shocked when the radio announcer said I’d won a brand new car! Then he said “April Fools!” and hung up.

36. The radio morning show had a contest for people to call in with their best roar like a lion. I won tickets to the zoo for my impression of a dying walrus.

37. I called into the pop radio station to request a song. The DJ said “Sorry, we only play new music here.” I guess classics never go out of style!

38. I asked my friend why he had duct tape over his radio. He said, “To avoid the 24 hour polka station.” I didn’t blame him!

39. Did you hear about the radio contest to win a trip to the Grand Canyon? Everyone who entered said it was a huge let down.

40. I accidentally started blasting a rap radio station in the nursing home parking lot today. Let’s just say the residents were not pleased.