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43 Sidesplitting Push pin Jokes

43 Sidesplitting Push pin Jokes

Push pin Puns

1. I wanted to hang up some photos in my new office, but all I could find were push pins. I guess you could say I was in a prickly situation!

2. My friend was trying to convince me that push pins are just as good as thumbtacks. I told him not to push it.

3. Did you hear about the new diet craze called the Push Pin Diet? You eat anything you want, but you have to stab it first with a push pin. It’s pointless if you ask me!

4. I was running late for a meeting and couldn’t find my keys anywhere. Turns out my wife had push pinned them to the wall as a prank. Let’s just say I wasn’t too pushy about making it to that meeting after that.

5. I was at the office supply store looking for thumbtacks, but they were all sold out. The clerk suggested I try their new push pins instead. I told him, “Don’t push your pins on me!”

6. My friend claims he once defeated an entire army armed only with push pins. Personally, I think he’s just pinning for attention.

7. Did you hear about the new extreme sport called Push Pin Skydiving? It’s where you jump out of a plane and try to land on a bed of upright push pins. Sounds pointlessly dangerous if you ask me!

8. I accidentally sat on a push pin yesterday and was annoyed. But then I realized I had no one to blame but myself – after all, I had pushed my pin in the cushion.

9. Did you hear about the angry push pin? It was bent out of shape because it thought it was getting the pointy end of the stick.

10. My friend bought a box of push pins but was having trouble getting them out of the box. I told him to stop pinning the blame on the manufacturer – he just needed to push a little harder.

Push pin One-Liners

11. Push pins – for when you want to make a point but thumbtacks are just too blunt.

12. Push pins may be tiny, but they can make a big difference when hanging up posters and photos.

13. Push pins – pinpointing your decor wherever you go!

14. With push pins, every wall, bulletin board and cubicle is your canvas.

15. Push pins – organizing your life, one pinned up note at a time.

16. Don’t underestimate the holding power of a tiny push pin – they’ve got you covered!

17. Push pins – small in size, big on personality! Let them add flair to your decorative style.

18. Push pins: pop them in place for an instant update anywhere.

19. Push pins may be a simple solution, but their convenience is anything but basic.

20. Push pins – pinpointing style and efficiency no matter where you need them!

Best Push pin Jokes

21. I was hanging up some photos in my new house and reached for what I thought was a thumb tack. Turns out it was a push pin – boy, was my thumb sore after that! Let’s just say I won’t be making that mistake again.

22. My friend decided to prank me by covering my seat in push pins. Let’s just say I really got the point after that meeting – and so did my bottom!

23. I was trying to hang up a poster but couldn’t find any thumbtacks, so I tried using scotch tape instead. After several failed attempts and a poster in shreds, I finally broke down and went to the store for push pins. Moral of the story: when it comes to posters and photos, don’t push your pin!

24. The other day I sat on a push pin someone had put in my chair as a prank. I yelled out, “Oh pin it!” Get it, like “Oh darn it!” but with “pin” instead? Yeah, it was pointedly painful!

25. Why was the push pin sad? It felt like it was getting the pointy end of the stick!

26. My son decided to try his hand at acupuncture on me using push pins he found around the house. Suffice it to say it was a pointedly painful experience I won’t be repeating!

27. A local restaurant started a new gimmick where they serve all the food skewered on push pins. I tried it but wasn’t too impressed – everything was so pointy and hard to eat! Plus I think I chipped a tooth. Talk about pointless cuisine!

28. I recently took up push pin collecting as a hobby. My family thinks it’s strange, but I’m convinced this is going to be the next big thing in collecting. Mark my words, push pins are really going to pick up traction in the collecting world!

29. Why are push pins always so grumpy? Because they get the pointy end of the stick!

30. Did you hear about the push pin that entered a fencing tournament? It was foiled in the first round!

31. Did you hear about the new movie called “The Haunting of Push Pin Manor”? It’s a horror film about a haunted house terrorized by a ghost who leaves push pins everywhere. Critics say it’s pointless.

32. I accidentally swallowed a push pin earlier. Now everything I eat is a little too pointed for my taste. Next time I’ll be sure to pind down my office supplies!

33. What do you call a thumbtack that’s gone undercover? A push pin!

34. Why was the push pin sad that it didn’t get invited to the tacks’ party? It felt pinned down by rejection!

35. Did you hear about the push pin that was knighted by the queen? It was very proud to become Sir Pin!

36. What did the push pin say to the other stationery supplies? “I don’t mean to point fingers, but you guys always blame me when the paperwork gets messed up!”

37. Don’t lie to a push pin – they can spot your pins and needles from a mile away!

38. What do you call a thumbtack that got fired from his job? A push pin!

39. A group of push pins walked into a bar and asked for drinks. The bartender said “Sorry, we don’t serve minors here.”

40. What did the paper say to the push pin? “Quit pinning this on me!”

41. Why don’t ogres use push pins? Because they prefer thumbtacks!

42. I accidentally sat on a pincushion full of push pins yesterday. Let’s just say I really got the point!

43. What’s the most pointless object? A broken push pin!