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55 Sidesplitting Plunger Jokes

55 Sidesplitting Plunger Jokes

Plunger Puns

  1. I was going to make a joke about plungers, but it would probably just go down the drain.
  2. My friend got so angry when he couldn’t unclog the toilet that he practically exploded. You could say he was a plunger short of a full plunge.
  3. I entered my plunger into a comedy competition, but it didn’t make the finals. The judges said it sucked.
  4. Did you hear about the plumber who was feeling down? His therapist told him to look on the bright side—at least he hasn’t hit rock bottom.
  5. I used to be addicted to plungers, but I finally pulled myself together and stopped using them.
  6. Why do plumbers make the best mediators? Because they’re good at unclogging conflicts.
  7. Did you hear about the plumber who flushed his career down the drain? He was fired for goofing off on the job.
  8. My plumber charged me an arm and a leg for a simple fix. I told him to stop trying to soak me.
  9. What do you call a plumber who installs toilets for mobsters? A member of the porcelain throne.
  10. How do plumbers party? They plunge right in.

Plunger One-Liners

  1. I was going to make a plunger joke, but it got flushed.
  2. My plunger is so old, it belongs in a museum.
  3. Plungers stick to the job until it’s done.
  4. A plunger a day keeps the overflow away.
  5. Plungers aren’t glamorous, but you’re grateful when they do their job.
  6. Plungers: making toilets work since the beginning of time.
  7. Don’t knock plungers ’til your toilet is clogged.
  8. Plungers: plunging ahead, one clog at a time.
  9. Plungers aren’t much to look at, but boy do they suck.
  10. Plungers: if you can’t handle the plunge, stay out of the bathroom.
  11. Plungers aren’t pretty, but everyone needs one eventually.
  12. Plungers: up to their necks in the dirty work.
  13. Plungers stick it out, even when things look bleak.
  14. Plungers aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty.
  15. Plungers: clearing up life’s little (and big) messes.
  16. Plungers: tackling the tough jobs others avoid.
  17. Plungers: when duty calls, they answer.
  18. Plungers may not have brains, but they’ve got sucking power.
  19. Plungers aren’t much for small talk, but man can they unclog.

Best Plunger Jokes

21. My friend clogged the toilet at a party and was too embarrassed to ask for a plunger. Instead, he used a wire hanger to try and unclog it. Let’s just say his attempt ended up being less than successful. The bathroom looked like a crime scene by the time he was done. Moral of the story: don’t be too proud to grab a plunger!

22. I was at my friend’s house when suddenly we heard a blood-curdling scream coming from the bathroom. We rushed over to see what was wrong, only to find his little brother standing on top of the toilet seat pointing a shaky finger at the drain. “There’s something down there!” he cried. Turns out it was just a massive clog. After a few good plunges, the voracious toilet monster was vanquished.

23. My plumber friend likes to scare the new trainees on their first day by pretending the plunger is alive. He’ll make it “talk” in a creepy voice while plunging away at a clogged drain. I have to admit, watching grown men shriek and jump away from a talking plunger is pretty hilarious. Gotta break ’em in somehow!

24. Did you hear about the plunger who was feeling depressed? He was really down in the dumps. He kept telling everyone he wanted to end it all and flush himself down the toilet. Eventually he saw a therapist who helped him figure out the root issues behind his suicidal thoughts. The plunger is now overflowing with hope and ready to take the plunge into happiness.

25. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up.

26. Did you hear about the plumber who showed up hours late to fix a clogged toilet? He said he got tied up at his last job. The homeowner wasn’t having any of it and told him to quit giving lame excuses and get to plunging!

27. I knew an eccentric plumber who decided to convert his van into a plunger-themed food truck. He called it “The Plunging Platters” and served things like plunger-shaped pancakes and toilet bowl chili. Sadly, it didn’t take long for the health department to catch wind and shut him down. Back to unclogging drains it is!

28. Why was the plunger sad after finishing an unclogging job? It felt drained.

29. Did you hear about the plumber who got arrested? He was caught selling black market plungers to known toilet cloggers. Apparently it was a massive underground plunger ring operating right under the authorities’ noses. Leave it to plumbers to come up with a creative criminal enterprise!

30. I’ll never forget the time I walked in on my elderly neighbor unclogging her toilet with her bare hands. She just grinned at me and said “Sometimes you gotta get elbow deep, honey!” I slowly backed out of the bathroom and never spoke of it again.

31. What did the plunger say to the toilet? Together, we can flush out any problem!

32. How does a plunger feel after a long day of unclogging toilets? Pooped!

33. Did you hear about the plunger who was terrible at bowling? He kept getting gutter balls.

34. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up.

35. What’s a plunger’s favorite type of music? R&B (Rhythm & Blackwater)

36. Did you hear about the plunger who entered himself into an art competition? He was disqualified for digital manipulation. Turns out his submitted photos of beautiful landscapes were Photoshopped. Who knew plungers were such editing aficionados!

37. What do you call a plunger that just doesn’t care anymore? A plung-I-don’t-give-a-crap.

38. Did you hear about the plunger who wrote a memoir? It was a real page turner, highlight the many uncloggings and toilet traumas of his long career. Apparently there’s even a chapter dedicated to his brief stint as a decorative item before realizing his true calling as a plunger. Riveting stuff!

39. What’s a plunger’s favorite type of exercise? Suction lifts!

40. Did you hear about the plumber who got arrested for illegally smuggling plungers? When questioned, he denied all charges saying he was just providing resources to people in need. Leave it to plumbers to run humanitarian plunger operations!

41. What do you call a plunger band? Plungers to the Rescue! Their hits include “Don’t Fear the Clog” and “Plunge Over Troubled Water.”

42. Did you hear about the plumber who decided to get into stand up comedy? Let’s just say there were a lot of cringe-worthy plunger jokes that tanked. But you’ve got to give him credit for boldly going where few have dared to tread comedically. Here’s hoping he eventually finds his plunger punchlines!

43. What do you call a plunger that’s had enough? A plun-can’t-take-it-anymore.

44. Did you hear about the plunger who got cast on a soap opera? Apparently he nailed the audition and is a natural at melodramatic plunging scenes. Who knew plungers were such gifted thespians! Bet that toilet paper is jealous.

45. Why can’t plungers be lawyers? They have no appeal process.

46. What do you call an inspirational plunger? A suction speaker!

47. What’s a plunger’s favorite candy? Laffy Sinks

48. Why are plumbers so calm under pressure? Years of plunging practice.

49. What do you call a plunger that graduated top of his class? A plungenius!

50. Did you hear about the plunger who got angry and went on a plunging rampage? He really blew his top and let everything swirl down the drain. Moral of the story: Don’t make a plunger angry, because hell hath no fury like a plunger scorned.

51. What’s a plunger’s favorite TV show genre? Documentary – specifically ones about toilets, drainage systems and sewage management. Hey, it’s important research for them!

52. Did you hear about the plunger who wrote a self-help book? It’s called “Stop Getting Stuck In A Rut: How To Maintain Positive Thinking While Surrounded By Crap.”
Gotta admire his optimism!

53. Why did the plunger get called into the boss’s office? He was accused of stirring up trouble in the bathroom!

54. What’s a plumber’s favorite literary genre? Mystery! They love puzzling through drain dilemmas and unclogging the truth.

55. Did you hear about the plunger who was nominated for a prestigious award? Critics are saying he’s a shoe-in to win “Best Supporting Sucker.” What an honor!