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46 Sidesplitting Phone book Jokes

46 Sidesplitting Phone book Jokes

Phone book Puns

1. I tried to look up a plumber in the yellow pages, but all the information was tearable.

2. I was feeling lonely so I called up my old friend’s number in the phone book, but we just didn’t connect like we used to.

3. I opened up the phone book to look for a dentist but couldn’t find one to fill the cavity in my social life.

4. My friend was confused why her phone book only listed chiropractors, turns out she grabbed the spine directory by mistake.

5. I accidentally dropped the phone book into the shredder at work. Now that’s what I call a directory assistance.

6. I tried to look up my friend’s new number in the phone book but couldn’t find it listed under BFF.

7. I was searching the yellow pages for a good time but couldn’t find anything listed under fun.

8. I opened the phone book hoping to reconnect with old flames but got burnt when I found their numbers were disconnected.

9. My friend called me in a panic after losing his phone book, turns out his contacts were literally walking out the directory.

10. I tried to look up a journalist in the phone book but all the reporters were just phoning it in.

Phone book One-Liners

11. The phone book – for when you want to randomly call up strangers in your city.

12. Lost phone book? Just leaf through your memories.

13. Phone book – the original search engine.

14. Don’t have friends? The phone book has hundreds of numbers for you.

15. Phone book – letting stalkers search before Google made it easy.

16. Phone book – thinner than a dictionary, but you’ll learn just as much about people.

17. Phone book – proof that some people still don’t have social media.

18. Phone book – for looking up and prank calling neighbors.

19. Phone book – the yellow pages let you find businesses to bother with cold calls.

20. Phone book – letting you discover just how common Smith and Johnson are as last names since 1930.

Best Phone book Jokes

21. I was feeling lonely so I opened up the phone book to call someone for company. To my surprise, the book itself started ringing! I guess I’m not the only one in need of a friend these days.

22. My friend was struggling with their phone addiction so I got them an old-fashioned phone book to divert their screen time. Now instead of endless social media scrolling, they spend hours fascinated leafing through the yellow and white pages, discovering businesses and people in our town they never knew existed! Their screen time is down and they have a new hobby of prank calling random numbers in the book.

23. I was cleaning out my attic and found my grandmother’s old rotary phone book from the 1960s. Out of curiosity, I looked up my number and found my grandmother had apparently listed it decades ago as “That no good grandson who never calls or writes”. Some things never change.

24. I was shocked when a phone book was delivered to my house. Turns out it was the ghost of phone books past, coming back to haunt me for abandoning it after getting a smartphone. Now it flies off the shelf at night and flips its pages demanding to be read. I guess I’m stuck with this old relic now.

25. I recently used the phone book to look up my childhood best friend’s number to reconnect after years apart. As the phone rang, I realized I had nervously called my own parents’ number from the outdated book instead. Well, at least mom sounded happy to hear from me for a change.

26. My grandfather was delighted when I gifted him a printed phone book, saying it reminded him of the good old pre-internet days. However, his smile quickly faded when he couldn’t figure out how to scroll, zoom, or swipe through the pages.

27. I accidentally spilled coffee on a stranger’s phone book then tried to dry the smeared pages in the copy machine. Turns out the heat fused everything into one solid mass. On the bright side, now it really is a weighty tome of knowledge!

28. I was trying to make space on my bookshelf and asked my dad if I could toss out his old phone book collection. He reacted like I had suggested throwing out his prized encyclopedias, insisting phone books must be kept for their historical significance.

29. Working at the phone book printing press was pretty monotonous. But one day I decided to spice things up and “accidentally” swapped the names and numbers on a few pages. Chaos quickly ensued in that town as unsuspecting callers were connected with total strangers.

30. When I found myself picking up the phone just to hear a dial tone out of boredom, I knew I needed more human interaction. Luckily, the phone book provided just the solution – chances for prank calls and wrong numbers galore!

31. I saw a phone book left out at the doctor’s waiting room and absentmindedly picked it up expecting a touch screen. Embarrassingly, I ended up frantically stabbing and swiping at the paper pages trying to scroll until the receptionist asked if I needed help.

32. Working for the phone book company seemed like an easy job, but after weeks spent alphabetizing names my vision started blurring into letters and numbers everywhere. The doctors diagnosed me with directory strain and told me to take a break from listing people.

33. I was puzzled when a stranger at the bus stop asked to borrow my phone book. Turns out they just wanted to use the heavy yellow pages to whack a mosquito rather than look up any numbers!

34. I never understood people who’d write their name on their phone book like it was a textbook. That is, until the day I absentmindedly grabbed a stranger’s book and was about to walk off before seeing “PROPERTY OF JANE DOE” on the cover.

35. When I found an old phone book at a garage sale, the seller got offended when I asked if they’d take 50 cents for it. Turns out it wasn’t for sale – they were just using the yellow pages to prop up a table leg.

36. When I found my grandpa’s 70-year-old rotary phone book, I offered to swap it for my smartphone so he could upgrade. But he just laughed, saying phones may change but beautiful women’s phone numbers stay the same.