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57 Sidesplitting Pencil case Jokes

57 Sidesplitting Pencil case Jokes

Pencil case Puns

1. I bought a new pencil case that was made of velvet. It had a nice feel to it!

2. My pencil case is looking a little dull. I should sharpen it up a bit!

3. I was going to get a leather pencil case, but it was too expensive. I just couldn’t justify the cost.

4. I dropped my metal pencil case and it made a huge clanging sound. It was quite jarring!

5. I love my new holographic pencil case. It’s got a great design and it really shines!

6. I bought a pencil case that looks like a pineapple. It’s very appeeling!

7. My pencil case is starting to rip. I need to patch things up before it completely falls apart.

8. I got an ergonomic pencil case to help avoid hand strains. It has great wrist support!

9. My old pencil case was looking worn, so I decided to re-cover it. Now it has a fresh new look!

10. I dropped my pencil case and everything went flying out. It was completely un-zippered!

11. I love stationery supplies, so my pencil case is packed to the brim. I guess you could say I’m well equipped!

12. I decided to organize my pencil case over the weekend. Now my pens and pencils are arranged to perfection!

Pencil case One-Liners

13. I was going to bring my fancy pencil case to school, but I didn’t want to seem like I was showing off.

14. My pencil case is like a black hole – pens go in but they never seem to come back out!

15. I dropped my pencil case and now there’s lead everywhere. What a mess!

16. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, so my pencil case is basically an arsenal.

17. I decorated my pencil case with stickers from my favorite bands. It really rocks!

18. My cat mistook my pencil case for a scratching post. Now it’s got claw marks all over it.

19. I accidentally left my pencil case at school over the weekend. Let’s hope my pencils didn’t decide to run away!

20. I got pencil shavings all inside my pencil case. Now everything is covered in pencil dust!

21. I love when you open a brand new pencil case and get that fresh stationery smell. It’s the best!

22. My pencil case is like a pocket-sized office supplies store. I’ve got it all in there!

Best Pencil case Jokes

23. I was running late for school so I grabbed my pencil case and raced out the door. It was a real zip and go situation!

24. My friend kept bragging about his cool new pencil case, so I said “That’s enough about your pencil case ego!”

25. I was browsing through pencil cases at the store when one of them suddenly started ringing. I answered it and said “Pencil case! How may I direct your call?”

26. My pencil case is getting old and worn out. Today the zipper finally broke and everything spilled out onto the floor. I guess you could say it expired!

27. I was at the store debating which pencil case to get. The clerk said, “Just pick one! It’s not rocket science.” I said, “Actually, I’m an aerospace engineer…”

28. My friend came to school with a bedazzled pencil case. I told her “All that glitters is not golden when it comes to a good pencil case!”

29. I accidently grabbed my brother’s pencil case instead of mine this morning. Let’s just say there were some very interesting drawings inside!

30. I was running to catch the bus and my pencil case burst open, scattering pens and pencils everywhere. It was a real write-off kind of day!

31. My cat ran off with my pencil case and now she won’t give it back! That furry little thief is always taking my things.

32. I dropped my pencil case into the pool yesterday. Let’s just say my pens aren’t exactly write under water.

33. I decided to organize my pencil case over the weekend. It took me two whole days – that’s how jam-packed it was!

34. My friend brought a giant oversized pencil case to school today. I asked her, “What are you carrying in that thing, the Declaration of Independence?!”

35. I accidentally left my pencil case on the bus this morning. Hopefully I’ll get it back, otherwise I’m really going to miss my favorite lucky pen.

36. My pencil case is like a black hole. I put pens in, but they seem to disappear into another dimension. Where do they go?!

37. I was running late and grabbed an old pencil case without looking inside. When I opened it up in class, there was nothing but candy wrappers and old gum. Not exactly what you need for algebra!

38. My friend keeps bragging about his cool holographic pencil case. I told him beauty is only skin deep, it’s what’s inside that pencil case that really matters!

39. I came up with a great business idea – a rideshare app for pens and pencils who need to get from one pencil case to another. I’m calling it Puber!

40. My cat ran off with my favorite pencil case and I found him using it as a bed. That rascal looked so cozy, I didn’t have the heart to move him!

41. I was snooping in my sister’s room when suddenly her bedazzled pencil case bit me! I guess I learned not to go poking around in other people’s stuff.

42. I accidentally brought my lunch box instead of my pencil case to school. My teacher wasn’t pleased when I pulled out a sandwich instead of a pencil.

43. My friend keeps bragging about his cool pencil case, so I finally told him, “That’s enough about your pencil case ego!”

44. I decided to bedazzle my pencil case to make it look extra fancy. But after finishing it I realized the brightness was going to give me a headache, so I de-dazzled it.

45. My pencil case is like a mini junk drawer – full of bent paperclips, eraser shavings and crushed candy. I really need to clean it out!

46. I was running late for school so I grabbed my pencil case without looking. Turns out I’d actually grabbed a makeup bag – let’s just say my teachers weren’t impressed with the lip gloss!

47. My cat ran off with my pencil case and now he refuses to give it back. That little furball’s always taking my stuff and hiding it!

48. I decided to clean out my messy pencil case over the weekend. Turns out several of the pens had exploded, so it was a rainbow of ink inside!

49. My friend is obsessed with his cool camo print pencil case. He even painted his face to match it for school photo day – the photographer was not amused!

50. I was walking to class when my pencil case burst open and pens went flying everywhere. It looked like a stationery grenade had gone off!

51. My pencil case is like a mini teacher’s lounge – it’s got apple-scented erasers, chocolate scented markers and popcorn flavored whiteout!

52. I decided to organize my messy pencil case over the weekend. Turns out I had 17 half-chewed pencils and at least 40 crumpled post-it notes in there!

53. I walked into class with my new leather pencil case and suddenly everyone was crowding around asking to see it. I guess it really made an impression!

54. My friend came to school with a bedazzled pencil case. I told her she’d taken sparkle too far and was blinding everyone with the shine!

55. I grabbed the wrong pencil case on my way out the door and didn’t realize until I got to school and opened it. Let’s just say those definitely weren’t my notes inside!

56. My pencil case ripped open on the way to school and pens went flying everywhere. One girl slipped on them and now I’m known as the great pen-spiller!

57. I got to school and realized I’d grabbed a bag of potato chips instead of my pencil case. When the teacher asked for a pen, all I could offer her was a greasy snack!