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43 Pineapple Puns

43 Pineapple Puns

Pineapples Puns

1. I wanted to make a pineapple upside down cake, but I pineappled it up and made it sideways instead.

2. I was going to make a fruit salad but I didn’t have enough pineapples. Looks like my plans have been pined.

3. Why was the pineapple invited to the party? Because it was the life of the pary!

4. Did you hear about the pineapple that was a math genius? It was a pine-apple-culator.

5. The pineapple was worried it was losing its appeal. Luckily it was just being pine-paranoid.

6. I heard there’s a new pineapple diet. You can lose 10 pounds in just 10 days! It really works, you just have to stick to the pine-plan.

7. The pineapple was so proud of its art degree. Now it was a pine-apple-casso!

8. Why are pineapples considered party animals? They’re always ready to get down to the pineapple jams.

9. The pineapple was asked to lead the orchestra. It replied “I’ll be the pine-apple-stro!”

10. Did you hear about the pineapple that was feeling lonely? It just needed to find its pine-mate.

11. Why don’t pineapples ever win arguments? Because they can never make a pine-point.

Pineapple One-Liners

12. I was going to eat that pineapple, but it looked a little too pine-y for me.

13. Don’t worry, the pineapple said, I won’t get so pine-pply with you.

14. That pineapple has got some serious pine-ttitude.

15. The pineapple wanted to wear a disguise but it didn’t have the pine-nerve to do it.

16. Looks like this pineapple patch has gone to the pine-dogs.

17. The pineapple thought it could compete in the race but it quickly ran out of pine-ergy.

18. The pineapple tried to play it cool but it was feeling a little pine-secure.

19. That pineapple is totally pine-sane for doing that!

20. The pineapple was hoping to impress everyone with its dance moves, but it turned out to be a pine-sasster.

21. The pineapple wanted to bake a pie but it was feeling a little pine-xious about it.

Best Pineapple Jokes

22. A pineapple decided to run for president promising lower taxes and jobs for all fruits. However, experts say its campaign doesn’t stand a chance since the pineapple is running on a 3rd party ticket – the Inde-pine-dent Party.

23. A pineapple wanted to try out for the basketball team, but the coach took one look at it and said “Sorry, we don’t need any more pine-apples on the team.”

24. Did you hear about the pineapple that was feeling depressed? Its therapist diagnosed it with pine-eaple dysphoria.

25. A pineapple, strawberry, and orange all walked into a bar. The bartender took one look at them and said “sorry, we don’t serve fruit.” So the pineapple left but the other two fruits stayed. Why? Because they were in a jam.

26. Why don’t pineapples make good construction workers? Because they are terrible at riveting.

27. What do you call a pineapple that works as a detective? A pi-pineapple!

28. Why was the pineapple able to get away with robbing the bank? Because it made for the perfect pine-scapegoat.

29. How did the pineapple know what time it was? It looked at its pine-watch.

30. What did one pineapple say to the other? Don’t worry, everything will be pine!

31. Why are pineapples banned from poker games? Because they are too easy to pineapple.

32. A pineapple decided to take up sailing for a hobby. Its friends warned it that it was going to be a pine-hazard. But it just waved them off and said “pine-hi to danger!”

33. Did you hear about the pineapple that entered a comedy competition? It wanted to see if it could make the judges pine-pple over with laughter.

34. Why don’t pineapples make good doctors? Because they have a hard time administering pine-icillin.

35. Why was the pineapple crying? It had just been pine-pled.

36. Why was the pineapple so popular at the party? It really knew how to get the conversation pine-ing.

37. What happens when a pineapple breaks the law? It gets pine-arcerated.

38. Why are pineapples the best dancers? Because they know how to pine-achio.

39. Why was it so hard for the pineapple to make up its mind? Because it was very pine-decisive.

40. Why was the pineapple voted off the island? Because it wasn’t pine-apple to live with.

41. Why was the pineapple afraid to propose to its girlfriend? Because it didn’t have the pine-gagement ring.

42. Have you heard of the new pineapple social media app? It’s called Pine-stagram.

43. Why don’t pineapples make good romantic partners? Because they are too pine-apple-ling.