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64 Jokes About Worms

64 Jokes About Worms

Worm Puns (20)

1. What do you call a worm who loves music? A hum-worm!

2. Why didn’t the worm want to go to school? He was afraid it would be too taxing.

3. What do you call a psychic worm? A palm worm!

4. Why are worms so slow? They only have a little leg room!

5. What do you call a worm who works out a lot? A gym worm!

6. Why did the worm cross the road? To get to the other sidewalk.

7. What do you call a worm who loves to read? A bookworm!

8. Why don’t worms need to buy plane tickets when they travel? They can wiggle anywhere for free!

9. What do you call a worm who loves to garden? A green worm!

10. Why are worms bad at playing instruments? They always drop the beet.

11. What’s a worm’s favorite cuisine? Thai food. They love all the noodles!

12. How does a worm access the internet? Through WormFi!

13. What do you call a worm who loves coffee? A caffeine worm!

14. Why don’t worms take vacations? They don’t want to leave their comfort zones.

15. What did the worm say when asked about his family tree? Let me see if I can dig anything up.

16. What do you call a worm who works as a detective? A private eye worm!

17. Why did the worm take up sewing? She wanted to show off her sewing skills and thread the needle.

18. What do you call a worm who loves to sing? A choir worm!

19. What’s a worm’s favorite math subject? Alge-worm!

20. Why are worms so stylish? They know how to dress to impress.

Worm One-Liners (16)

21. I tried worm charming once but turns out I’m not very good at sweet talking worms.

22. They say the early bird gets the worm but I’ve found the second mouse usually does.

23. How do worms communicate? Through tiny worm-holes.

24. A worm walks into a bar and says, “Hi, I’m a worm.” The bartender says, “We don’t serve worms here.”

25. Did you hear about the psychic worm who won the lottery? He predicted the winning worm-bers.

26. What do you get if you cross a worm with an elephant? A giant hole in your garden.

27. My friend got a pet worm but had to return it after it ate his entire book collection. It was a voracious bookworm.

28. How does a worm get to the hospital quickly? By calling a wambulance.

29. What do you call a happy worm? A jolly polly!

30. How do worms like to relax? By going on spa dais.

31. What do you get if you cross a worm with a tiger? I don’t know but you better hope it’s a worm!

32. Did you hear about the new worm workout video that just came out? It’s called “The Worm” and it’s supposed to be super intense.

33. Why don’t you see worms on pirate ships? They were terrified of walking the plankton.

34. How did the worm know what the weather was going to be? He checked his meteoradar.

35. My friend got pulled over by a cop for tailgating. His excuse? He was just trying to catch the worm.

36. What concert costs only 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelworm!

Best Worm Jokes (28)

37. A worm walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says, “We don’t serve worms here.” The worm replies, “That’s discrimination!” and slithers away.

38. What did the mama worm say to her misbehaving baby? “Stop worming around!”

39. Two worms are sitting on a tree branch. Worm 1 says “Do you smell something fishy?” Worm 2 replies “Yeah, I think there’s a bass below us!”

40. How do worms get around underground? They take the wormhole!

41. A worm, a caterpillar and a centipede are having a competition to see who’s the fastest. The caterpillar easily wins the race. The centipede comes in second. The worm finishes last and says “Man, I really need to get a car!”

42. What’s a worm’s favorite dessert? Dirt pudding with gummy worms!

43. How do you embarrass a worm? Put him in a petri dish and watch him squirm.

44. What do you call a crazy worm? A worm in the head!

45. Why was the worm teacher mad at her student? He was wriggling in his seat!

46. What’s a worm’s favorite fruit? An apple – because that’s where the early bird gets him!

47. Why did the worm pills work? Because they gave patients a dose of Vitamin UMMM.

48. Why did the worm cross the road halfway? He wanted to avoid cracking under peerture.

49. What’s a worm’s least favorite month? Octo-brrrr – it’s too cold!

50. How does a worm get ready for a big date? He puts on his fanciest dirt!

51. Why are worms so bad at telling jokes? Their delivery is a little wormy.

52. How do you stop a worm army? Cut them off at the source!

53. What’s a worm’s favorite sport? Worm wrestling!

54. Why did the worm farmer get arrested? For running an illegal worming operation.

55. How do worms stay connected underground? Through their worm wide web!

56. Why was the worm mad after the rain storm? He was soaked to the core!

57. What do you call two worms who are best friends? Amigos!

58. How does a worm feel when he loses something? He’s beside him-worm!

59. Why did the worm quit his job? His boss was giving him a hard time and kept pushing him around.

60. What did the worm say on his first day of school? I hope I can wiggle my way to some new friends!

61. How does a worm fry up some eggs? He whisks and worms them!

62. Why do worms hate rollercoasters? They like to take things slow!

63. Why didn’t the worm want coffee? He was afraid it would keep him up at night!

64. What do you call a well-dressed worm? Russell Worming!