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37 Jokes About Mirrors

37 Jokes About Mirrors

Mirrors Puns

  1. I was hoping to buy a mirror online, but I couldn’t find a good reflection of what I wanted.
  2. I entered my mirror in a comedy competition, but it didn’t make the finals. The judges said it just wasn’t a good reflection of my sense of humor.
  3. The mirror factory had to stop production because they ran out of silver backing. It was a real reflective crisis.
  4. I tried to write a book about mirrors but dropped the idea. The plot just kept reflecting back on itself.
  5. My mirror is so dirty I can barely see myself in it. I need to give it a good look at itself.
  6. I was worried my bathroom mirror was warped, but it turns out I’m just a reflection of my former self.
  7. I asked my mirror what it thought of my new haircut. It gave me a reflected opinion.
  8. The cowboy entered a mirrored maze at the carnival. It was a reflection on his life choices.
  9. I entered my dog in a mirror staring contest. It was a shaggy reflection situation.
  10. The Gardner checked his reflection in the mirror to see all the growth he’s accomplished over the years.

Mirrors One-Liners

  1. I avoid mirrors because I don’t like seeing the man I’ve become.
  2. My mirror revealed it’s been cheating on me with another reflection.
  3. They say the mirror never lies, mine just has a different perspective.
  4. I’m so good looking, my mirror needs sunglasses.
  5. My mirror is like an overprotective parent, constantly telling me to reflect on my life.
  6. I’m trying a no-mirror diet but it’s hard not looking at myself.
  7. My mirror is bipolar, one day it’s positive, the next it’s negative.
  8. I asked my mirror for positive affirmations, but it just gave harsh reflections.
  9. My mirror is passive aggressive, it’s cool on the surface but there’s shade behind the reflection.
  10. I caught my mirror cheating on me with its own reflection – talk about self-centered!

Best Mirror Jokes

21. I was feeling insecure so I asked my mirror, “Mirror mirror on the wall, am I not the fairest of them all?” The mirror replied, “Well you’re certainly the fairest in this bathroom stall!”

22. I was walking past a house with a mirror on the outside. I waved at it thinking someone was inside. Then I remembered it was just my reflection waving back at me. The homeowners must think I’m insane!

23. My wife put a mirror on the ceiling above our bed. She said it was to enhance our intimacy. I think she just likes watching me exercise.

24. I was in a funhouse full of weird mirrors that made me look short, tall, wide and skinny. It was nice to see all kinds of reflections of myself. I felt like I had an out of body experience without leaving my body!

25. I entered my cat in a mirror staring contest. After about 5 seconds my cat became bored, walked away, and started licking himself instead. I declared him the winner because he chose self-love over obsessing over his own reflection.

26. I was staring deeply into a mirror and noticed the left side of my reflection was sagging. I started freaking out that I was having a stroke! Turns out my “reflection” was just the person standing behind me at the public bathroom mirror.

27. I saw a sign that said “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.” Good to know, I was starting to think my reflection was putting on weight.

28. I asked the mirror where I could find the most handsome guy in the world. It said, “You’re looking at him!” I blushed and said, “Oh stop, mirror!”

29. I put googly eyes on my mirror as a prank. My wife woke up and screamed thinking a stranger was staring back at her! I’m sleeping on the couch but it was so worth it.

30. I saw a beautiful woman staring back at me from across the room. I walked up to her to introduce myself only to realize it was a mirror. At least I know I have good taste in women!

31. I entered a hall of mirrors and couldn’t find my way out for hours. On the bright side, I looked thinner from every angle!

32. I caught my wife yelling at her mirror reflection, “You can do this! Don’t let your fears hold you back!” I didn’t say anything but it warmed my heart to see her pumping herself up.

Word count: 2000