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73 Jokes About Leaves

73 Jokes About Leaves

Leaves Puns (25)

1. I wanted to make a leaf collection, but autumn I could get were piles.

2. The tree held on to its leaves tightly. It just couldn’t let go.

3. I entered my leaf collection in a contest. It was a photo finish.

4. I told a joke about leaves, but it fell flat.

5. The leaf blower broke on the first day. It just couldn’t cut it.

6. The leaf was stuck in a tree. It was in a sticky situation.

7. I tried to rake leaves quietly so I wouldn’t wake my neighbor. But he saw right through my little scheme.

8. I wanted to warm up by the fireplace, but the leaves kept blocking the flue.

9. The leaf pleaded with the wind, “Please don’t blow me away!” But the wind wouldn’t leaf it alone.

10. I entered my pet leaf in a contest, but it was disqualified for doping. Apparently it had taken leaf enhancers.

11. I told my leaf collection to stay put. It didn’t budge an inch.

12. The leaf festival was cancelled due to lack of chlorophyll attendance.

13. I tried to sneak up on the leaves, but I rustled them. Now they know I’m after them.

14. My leaf blower broke after one use. Now it just sits around collecting dust.

15. I raked the leaves into a big pile to jump in. My neighbor saw and bellowed, “Leaf it alone!”

16. I entered my leaf collection in a contest, but it was sheer folly.

17. The leaf whispered to its friend, “Psst! Want to hear some juicy gossip about the tree?”

18. I caught my son trying to sneak out to play in the leaf pile. I grounded him on the spot.

19. I told the leaf to wait for me. I’ll turn over a new one soon.

20. The leaf was stuck to my shoe all day. We had a very binding relationship.

21. I wanted to tell more puns about leaves, but I’m pooped.

22. I raked a big pile of leaves, but my dog jumped in and scattered them again. Now I’m bark to square one.

23. The leaf litter problem in the forest was out of control. The rangers decided to nip it in the bud.

24. I entered my pet leaf in a race, but it couldn’t hold a candle to the others.

25. The leaf hid from the wind, afraid it would get blown away. It was absolutely terrified.

Leaves One-Liners (15)

26. I’m not just going to leaf without saying goodbye.

27. Leaf me alone, I’m bushed!

28. The leaf didn’t budge an inch. Talk about determination!

29. That’s the last leaf! I’m not raking anymore today.

30. Leaf it to me, I’ll get this yard cleaned up in no time.

31. The leaf doesn’t fall far from the tree, or so they say.

32. If you leaf now, don’t expect me to take you back.

33. Leaf while you’re ahead, the storm is coming.

34. Don’t leaf home without your wallet and keys.

35. The forecast calls for scattered leaves later today.

36. Leaf my tools alone, I’ll put them away later.

37. I’m as busy as a leaf in the wind today, no rest for the weary!

38. Leaf it to the professionals next time, you’re just making a mess.

39. Leaf well enough alone. You don’t want to stir up trouble.

40. The leaves of change are blowing in the wind.

Best Leaves Jokes (33)

41. What do you call an unemployed leaf? A leaf on the dole!

42. Why was the leaf ashamed to be seen? It was a shady character.

43. How do trees access the internet? They log on.

44. Why was the leaf late for work? It overswept!

45. What do you call a leaf that works out? A protein shake!

46. How do leaves get around? With their autumn-mobiles!

47. My friend was trying to rake leaves quietly so as not to wake his neighbor. But I saw right through his little scheme. What a sneaky guy!

48. I told my leaf collection to stay put today. And would you believe it, it didn’t budge an inch all day! That’s some determination.

49. I entered my pet leaf in a big race today, but it didn’t hold a candle to the other leaves. Poor little guy never stood a chance.

50. I spent all morning raking leaves, but then my silly dog jumped in the pile and scattered them everywhere. Now I’m back to square one. That pup just wants to play!

51. Why do leaves make terrible house guests? They litter all over the place!

52. What’s a leaf’s favorite kind of music? Rake n roll!

53. How do trees get on the internet? They just log on.

54. Why do leaves make great spies? Because they are expert at cover ops!

55. My son tried to sneak out to jump in the leaf pile today. But I caught him in the act and grounded him on the spot. Nice try, kiddo!

56. What’s a leaf’s least favorite month? Sept-ember! Because that’s when they fall.

57. How do leaves play sports? With their autumn teams!

58. Why was the leaf trembling? It was shaking in its boots!

59. I wanted to tell more jokes about leaves, but I’m pooped.

60. What do you call a leaf that doesn’t want to work? A slacker!

61. Why don’t leaves make good secretaries? They shred everything!

62. How do leaves get in shape during the fall? They hit the gym and work on their tree-ceps!

63. What do you call a leaf who works out a lot? Shredded!

64. Why don’t leaves make good cooks? They always burn the tree-tips!

65. Why was the leaf crying? It was having a chlorophyll breakdown!

66. How do trees get online? They just log in!

67. What do you call a leaf that tells lots of stories? A yarn spinner!

68. Why was the leaf afraid to fall? It was scared of hitting the ground!

69. How do leaves stay healthy? Lots of chlorophyll and exercise!

70. Why was the leaf blushing? It saw its crush!

71. What’s a leaf’s favorite hobby? Hanging out on trees!

72. Why was the leaf glad it was autumn? No more photosynthesis!

73. What do you call a leaf who goes on lots of adventures? Indiana Oak!