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58 Jokes About Lambs

58 Jokes About Lambs

Lamb Puns (10)

  1. What do you call a lamb who loves to read? A bookworm!
  2. Why did the lamb bring scissors to the farm? To shear its wool!
  3. How does a lamb stay connected? With baa-fi.
  4. Why was the little lamb sent to its room? It was baaad.
  5. What’s a lamb’s favorite candy? Lamba bars.
  6. Why do lambs make great runners? They’re pretty fast on their hoof!
  7. What do you call a lamb from outer space? A baa-lien.
  8. Why do lambs make good comedians? Their jokes are pretty baaad.
  9. What do you call a lamb who works out? A gym baa-dy.
  10. Why did the lamb bring a ladder to the party? It wanted to lambada dance!

Lamb One-Liners (10)

  1. I was going to tell a joke about lambs, but it might get your wool in a bunch.
  2. They call me the G.O.A.T. down at the petting zoo.
  3. Do lambs get static cling? Let me know if you need someone to help shear that wool!
  4. How do lambs party? Wool-lennium style.
  5. Lamb and tuna fish make a great pair. Like a horse and carriage or Sonny and Cher.
  6. I hear lamb chops are on the menu. Baaaad choice if you ask me!
  7. Do female lambs prefer to date rams or ewes? The ram-ifications could get messy!
  8. That lamb is looking a little sheepish if you ask me.
  9. Want to start a rock band? I can play a mean baa-jo.
  10. If lambs have wool coats, do chickens have feather coats? The farm fashion is wild.

Best Lamb Jokes (16)

  1. A zookeeper was trying to arrange some entertainers for the next Visitors Day. He managed to hire a sheep band, but they cancelled at the last minute. It was a baaad day at the office.
  1. What do you get when you cross a detective with a lamb? Sherlock Woolmes!
  1. Why don’t lambs eat brussels sprouts? Because they haven’t got enough wool on them.
  1. What do you get if you cross a sheep farmer with an airline pilot? The Wool Stock Exchange!
  1. How does a lamb get strong? By doing wool-ups!
  1. Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere. I hear the lamb chops are out of this world.
  1. Why did the lamb skip school? It didn’t want to learn cursive.
  1. How do you organize a space party for lambs? You planet.
  1. My friend got cold at the petting zoo so I lent him my lambskin jacket to stay warm. He said “Thanks wooly much!”
  1. What did the scientist say when he successfully cloned a lamb? Baaack to the lab again!
  1. Why do lambs make great detectives? They always get their sheep together.
  1. What’s a lamb’s favorite kind of music? Hip baaap!
  1. My friend wanted to be a comedian but all his jokes about lambs fell flat. People just didn’t find him funny or a-musing.
  1. Why don’t cats make good shepherds? They’re afraid of the dog.
  1. What do you call a lamb wearing ear muffs and glasses? Anything you want, it can’t hear you.
  1. I entered my pet lamb in a beauty pageant but it didn’t win. It needs more poise and lombposure.