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32 Jokes About Jellyfish

32 Jokes About Jellyfish

Jellyfish Puns (10)

  1. What do you call a jellyfish that doesn’t sting? A jellyfish without tent-acles!
  2. Why don’t jellyfish like playing cards? Because they always end up with a full house!
  3. Where do jellyfish go to dance? The jellyfish ball!
  4. Why are jellyfish so bad at hide and seek? Because they’re transparent!
  5. What do you call a jellyfish that lives in a castle? A knight anemone!
  6. How do jellyfish communicate underwater? With their tent-talkies!
  7. What do you call a jellyfish that works as a spy? An undercover anemone!
  8. Why don’t jellyfish make good shoes? Because they have no sole!
  9. What do you call a jellyfish from outer space? An astro-nemone!
  10. Why don’t jellyfish like riding elevators? They prefer to take the stairs because they’re current-loving creatures!

Jellyfish One-Liners (10)

  1. I took my jellyfish out for a walk, now I’m not sure where it is since it’s transparent and all.
  2. Never ask a jellyfish for a high five, that’s how you get stung.
  3. Jellyfish have to be careful at the beach to not get washed ashore.
  4. Jellyfish always bring spare clothes when they go swimming.
  5. Jellyfish can glow in the dark, perfect for raves.
  6. Jellyfish don’t need to install nightlights, they glow already.
  7. Jellyfish should think twice before shaking hands.
  8. Jellyfish better not play tag, someone might get hurt.
  9. Jellyfish always carry first-aid kits, for obvious reasons.
  10. Jellyfish know how to light up a party, literally.

Best Jellyfish Jokes (12)

1. A jellyfish, a squid, and an octopus walk into a bar. The bartender takes one look at them and says, “Sorry, no tentacles allowed!”

2. What do you call a jellyfish that doesn’t have any friends? An intro-vert!

3. Why was the jellyfish scared to go to school? Because all the other fish made fun of how transparent he was!

4. A jellyfish walks into a bar and says to the bartender, “Give me something to drink before I float away!”

5. What did the jellyfish say when his friend stung him? “Ouch, why are you bejellyfish of me?!”

6. Why don’t jellyfish wear shoes? Because they would just slip right through them!

7. Where do jellyfish keep their money? At the riverbank!

8. Why couldn’t the jellyfish find his mom? Because she was transparent too!

9. What do you call a jellyfish that lives in a cupboard? A shelf-ish!

10. Why don’t jellyfish drive cars? Because they don’t have any arms to steer with!

11. How do jellyfish communicate? Through their jellyphones!

12. Why are jellyfish such flirts? Because they like to intimidate other fish with their transparency.