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37 Jokes About Glass

37 Jokes About Glass

Glass Puns (15)

1. I tried to make a glass pun, but it was too transparent.

2. Don’t trust atoms – they make up everything!

3. What do you call security at a glass factory? Pane patrol.

4. Why was the glass blower exhausted at the end of the day? He was blown away by his work.

5. Why did the glass blower have to take a loan? To pay his window bills.

6. I asked my glassblower friend, “How’s work going?” He said, “It has its ups and downs but I’m not getting steamed up about it.”

7. What do you call window panes that have drifted apart? Pane isolates.

8. Why was the freshly made sheet of glass depressed? It didn’t have the energy to look on the bright side.

9. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!

10. What kind of makeup do glasses wear? Mascara.

11. Why did the glass nail file get fired from the salon? It was abrasive to the customers.

12. Don’t trust glass staircases. They’re always up to something.

13. I entered 10 puns in a contest to see which would win. No pun in ten did.

14. Glass coffins seem like a really open casket to me.

15. I tried to catch fog yesterday. Mist.

Glass One-Liners (11)

16. I can see right through my glass shower door. It’s the most transparent relationship I have.

17. They say glass is a slow-moving liquid. I don’t have the patience for that.

18. I was going to tell a joke about glass, but I realized it would just crack you up.

19. I bought some defective glassware. It was flawed logic on my part.

20. Working with glass all day must get paneful.

21. When I see broken glass on the ground, I reflect carefully before walking over it.

22. Glassblowing seems like it’d be a breath of fresh air as a career.

23. Glass is just angry sand with an attitude.

24. They say breaking glass relieves stress. I’m not buying it.

25. Glass recycling centers are just big pane window operations.

26. Dropping a glass on hard flooring can create a shard situation.

Best Glass Jokes (11)

27. A man walks into a bar and orders a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun and points it at the man. The man says, “Thank you,” and walks out.

The glass was half empty.

28. What did the glass say to the mirror? “Looking good!”

29. Why did the glass blower have hiccups constantly? Because he was always blowing glass!

30. Why was the window jealous of the painting? The painting had a better frame.

31. How does a glass blower quench his thirst? He drinks from his own flute glasses!

32. Did you hear about the angry bottle of glass cleaner? It saw red!

33. Why was the glass window so insecure? It was always pane-icking!

34. Did you hear about the psychic glass repairman? He had a crystal ball!

35. What kind of keys do glass blowers use? Skeleton keys!

36. Why was the glass bowl depressed? It was feeling fragile.

37. What do you call ghosts’ drinking glasses? Ectoplasmic receptacles!

I hope you enjoy these glass jokes! Let me know if you need any other joke listicles written.