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64 Jokes About Fans

Fans Puns (12)

  1. I’m a big fan of puns about fans, they really blow me away.
  2. What do you call a fan that stops working? A fan failure.
  3. Why don’t ceiling fans ever get tired? They’re good at fan-ding their energy levels.
  4. My friend is obsessed with fans. I told him he needs to fan-d a new hobby.
  5. What did the ceiling fan say to the other ceiling fan? I’m a huge fan!
  6. Why can’t you trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
  7. What do you call a funny fan? A punny fan!
  8. Why did the fan get arrested? It was caught bladey handling a customer.
  9. Want to hear a joke about paper? Nevermind, it’s tearable.
  10. I took my new fan for a spin class. It blew the instructor away.
  11. What do you call a fan that fell down the stairs? A tumble dryer.
  12. What did the one ceiling fan say to the other? Let’s go grab a cold one, it’s been fan-tastic hanging here together all day!

Fans One-Liners (12)

  1. I’m a big fan of electricity puns, specifically ones that revolve around fans.
  2. My friend was blowing hot air about his new fan, but I wasn’t buying his spin on it.
  3. That ceiling fan goes around more times than a NASCAR driver.
  4. I bought a fan yesterday and it’s already gathered a lot of followers on Instagram.
  5. Turns out my ceiling fan was working extra hard…it’s exhausted!
  6. Becoming a stand-up fan is harder than you think.
  7. I used to have a high-powered floor fan until it blew out on me.
  8. My fan club has 3 members – me, myself and I.
  9. Had my first fight with my new fan today. Let’s just say it got pretty heated.
  10. I’m a fan of fans, aren’t you a fan too?
  11. I asked two fans for their autographs today, they just blew me off.
  12. That old box fan has been passed down more times than a championship ring.

Best Fans Jokes (40)

1. Why are ceiling fans always so positive and upbeat? Because they’re really good at looking on the bright side!

2. Did you hear about the pyschic fan who knew the exact day they were going to break down? They had a pre-monition.

3. My wife threatened to leave me if I didn’t stop talking about fans all the time. I guess the fan is over for us.

4. What do you call a small ceiling fan? A minimizer!

5. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? Because they’d crack each other up!

6. I entered my ceiling fan in a lazy contest. It won hands down.

7. What did the daddy buffalo say to his son when he left for college? Bison!

8. Did you hear about the monster that ate a ceiling fan? Some say it had an appetite for destruction!

9. My friend Dave came over and kept going on about his amazing new fan. I had to tell him to quit being such a huge fanboy about it!

10. What do you call two ceiling fans that get married? Fan-tastically hitched!

11. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? Because they’d crack each other up!

12. I’m trying to become president of the local fan club but the competition is pretty stiff.

13. What did the mama buffalo say when her son was leaving? Bi-son!

14. Did you hear about the monster that ate a ceiling fan? They say he just has an appetite for destruction!

15. Why was the oscillating fan so proud of its family? Because it came from good stock!

16. My friend got mad when I said all his jokes about fans blew. I told him to quit fanning the flames.

17. I told my ceiling fan it should enter a lazy contest, it would win hands down.

18. What did one ceiling fan say to the other? I’m your biggest fan!

19. I bought a fan yesterday but had to return it. It totally sucked.

20. What’s a fan’s favorite type of story? Fan fiction!

21. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent.

22. Did you hear about the monster with insomnia? They say it just has trouble fan-ding sleep!

23. I asked my fan why it was spinning around so much. It said “I’m just doing it for the fans!”

24. What do you call a sleepy fan? An air-head!

25. Why are Eggs the most laid back jokesters? Because they’re just cracking each other up!

26. Why don’t ceiling fans ever seem anxious? Because they’re always chillin’!

27. What do you call an enthusiastic fan? A fantatic!

28. Did you hear about the monster with a short attention span? They say it just has no fan staying power!

29. Why don’t ceiling fans seem to have any worries? Because everything just blows over their heads!

30. What did one ceiling fan say to the other? I’m a huge fan!

31. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent!

32. Why don’t oscillating fans ever get lost? They’re good at going back and forth!

33. Did you hear about the scientist who turned himself into a fan? He was a huge fan of quantum physics!

34. What do you call two ceiling fans who get married? Fan-tastically hitched!

35. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk!

36. Why was the ceiling fan reporter fired? They kept going off on tangents during interviews!

37. What do you call a sad fan? A downer!

38. Did you hear about the monster with stage fright? They say it has a fear of fan-s!

39. Why don’t anteaters get sick? Because they’re full of ant-i-bodies!

40. I told my husband he should start a fan club for himself. He said “Thanks honey, you’re my biggest fan!”