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47 Jokes About Cherries

47 Jokes About Cherries

Cherry Puns (13)

  1. What do you call a group of grumpy cherries? A bad bunch.
  2. How does a cherry like to relax? By sitting in its pit.
  3. Why was the cherry unable to play tennis? It couldn’t find its racket.
  4. What did the cherry say when it got stepped on? I’m in a jam!
  5. Why do cherries travel in groups of ten? Because they come in para-tens.
  6. My friend told me a joke about cherries, but I thought it was a little cheesy.
  7. What do you call cherries that were grown conventionally? Standard issue cherries.
  8. Why did the cherry cross the road? To get to the tart side.
  9. How do cherries stay connected? With their stem cells.
  10. What do you call vaguely threatening cherries? Omichiries.
  11. Why are rotten cherries so negative? They’re bad to the pit.
  12. I wanted to enter the cherry pit spitting contest, but didn’t have the stones for it.
  13. What do you call cherries that have lost their appeal? Depreciated cherries.

Cherry One-Liners (14)

  1. I was going to make a cherry pie for dessert, but now I have re-pits.
  2. When life gives you cherries, make cherryade.
  3. Be cherry picker when choosing a partner.
  4. Cherries on top make everything sweeter.
  5. Don’t cry over spilled cherries, just eat them off the floor.
  6. Cherry blossoms in spring are nice, but actual cherries taste better.
  7. You can always tell when cherries go on sale – everyone’s in a good mood.
  8. Cherries may be red, but their stems are green with envy.
  9. Cherries are red, blueberries are blue, here’s a fruit salad, just for you!
  10. Cherries grow in clusters, friends should stick together.
  11. A cherry smile brightens up any day.
  12. Life’s not a bowl of cherries, but it’s a lot sweeter with them in it.
  13. Cherries on top show you care.
  14. Cherry much for being a great friend!

Best Cherry Jokes (20)

  1. Why was the cherry unable to get on the crowded bus? There was no more room for one little pit.
  2. What did the cherry say after it got stepped on? I’m really in a jam now!
  3. Why was the cherry sad after lunch? It was feeling a little pitted.
  4. My friend had a really bad cough, so I made her some cherry cough syrup. It seemed to work, her cough went away in a cherry flick!
  5. I entered my dog in a cherry pit spitting contest, but he couldn’t compete. He kept eating all the cherries!
  6. Why do cherries make bad spies? Because they’re easily spotted.
  7. My friend bought a new cherry pitter but it wasn’t working well. I told him he just needed to give it more time to grow on him.
  8. Why was the cherry late for school? It forgot to set its alarm and overswept.
  9. What does a cherry say when it gets complimented? Oh shucks, you’re making me blush!
  10. Did you hear about the restaurant known for their amazing cherry pies? People say it’s pretty pit-worthy!
  11. Why was the computer covered in cherries? It had a virus and needed a system re-pit.
  12. My friend was trying to carry too many cherries and started wobbling. I said, “Careful, don’t lose your balance!”
  13. I saw two cherries fighting on the side of the road today. I guess you could say they were really going at each pit.
  14. What did the mama cherry say to her misbehaving baby? If you keep acting like that you’ll be in a jam, young man!
  15. I was feeling down so I made a batch of my favorite cherry brownies. They really helped cheer me up!
  16. How do you impress a cherry? Give it a good pit-ch!
  17. My friend kept stealing all the cherries from my orchard. I guess you could say she was a bad cherry picker.
  18. I was feeling sad after a bad day, so my friend surprised me with a cherry cheesecake. What a sweet treat!
  19. Why did the cherry lose the race? It couldn’t ketchup.
  20. What’s a cherry’s favorite hobby? Pit-napping!
  21. Why was the picky chef unsatisfied with the cherry desserts? He demanded more a-peel.