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32 Jokes About Boxes

32 Jokes About Boxes

Boxes Puns

  1. What do you call a small box that makes everything inside invisible? A hide-and-box.
  2. Why was the cardboard box fired from his job at the factory? He was found guilty of container abuse.
  3. My friend got angry when I stepped on his box of eggs. He said, “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” I said, “Sorry pal, I didn’t see the box.”
  4. I was feeling down so I decided to cheer myself up by building a box fort. It helped lift my spirits.
  5. What did the left eye say to the right eye? “Between you and me, something smells inside this box.”
  6. Why don’t pirates like cardboard boxes? They prefer chests.
  7. What did the cardboard box say to the cake? “Piece of cake!”
  8. Why was the cardboard box depressed? It had a lot on its mind.
  9. My friend mailed me an empty box as a prank. When I opened it, I shouted “You gotta be kidding!”
  10. What do you call a storage container that holds jokes? A funny box.

Boxes One-Liners

  1. I never understood people who stomp on boxes until it hit me.
  2. My job at the cardboard box factory folded so I decided to turn over a new leaf.
  3. Working at the box factory was just something to do until I figured out what I really wanted in life.
  4. I ordered a chicken coop but they sent me an empty box, boy was I mad when there was no foul inside.
  5. Never buy a box of apple juice if the container is dented, it’s probably been tampered with.
  6. I was going to make a cube-shaped box but decided square ones are better.
  7. Don’t ever tickle a sleeping box, it will get startled and turn upright.
  8. My friend keeps bragging about working for a huge box company, I think he’s just putting on airs.
  9. Bought my daughter a cardboard dollhouse, she played with the box instead.
  10. Working at a box factory has its ups and downs, but it puts food on the table.

Best Boxes Jokes

21. I was excited when I heard NASA was sending a box into space. But it turned out to just be a case of cosmic packaging.

22. My friend got fired from his high-paying job making custom boxes. When I asked what happened he said, “I guess I didn’t think outside the box enough.”

23. A truck loaded with boxes of Vicks Vapor Rub overturned on the highway today. There was congestion for miles.

24. I’ve started telling everyone that I have a job packing boxes. It’s not true but I needed something to ship my ego.

25. Working at the cardboard box factory is just my day job. At night I really come alive designing and creating amazing box sculptures. People say I’m both inside and outside the box.

26. I was feeling lonely so I put my cat in a box. Now at least I have some company.

27. My wife asked me to start storing my boxes in the attic instead of the hallway. I told her, “Oh be quiet, you’re always trying to box me in.”

28. I saw two guys arguing over a cardboard box in the alley. One said “It’s mine!” The other said “No, it’s mine!” Things got out of hand pretty

29. Working at the cardboard box factory isn’t mentally stimulating but it pays the bills. Plus I get to take home free boxes which my kids love playing with.

30. I was feeling stressed so I yelled into an empty cardboard box which helped relieve some pressure.

31. When I was little I asked for a puppy for my birthday but my parents got me a cardboard box instead. They said it would teach me about disappointment and responsibility.

32. Don’t make fun of people who live in cardboard boxes. They’re just going through a rough patch and don’t need your judgment.