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50 Hysterical Tic Tac Toe Jokes

50 Hysterical Tic Tac Toe Jokes

Tic Tac Toe Puns

  1. I was going to make a tic tac toe pun, but I didn’t want to cross any lines.
  2. My friend loves tic tac toe so much he got a tattoo of an X on his arm. I told him he shouldn’t mark himself like that!
  3. Did you hear about the angry tic tac toe player? He was furious when the game ended in a cat’s game.
  4. I entered a tic tac toe tournament once. It was an ex-streaming experience.
  5. My tic tac toe opponent kept blocking my wins. I told him to stop being so X-structive.
  6. The tic tac toe championship was intense. Both players were locked in a tie, unwilling to give an inch. It was an epic battle of wills.
  7. I played tic tac toe with my dog once. It was a real cat and mouse game.
  8. What do you call a tic tac toe game between two ghosts? A spooky-crooked match!
  9. My tic tac toe partner wanted to use three dimensional boards instead of flat ones. I told him that was thinking outside the box!
  10. I tried to teach my chicken to play tic tac toe. Turns out you can’t teach an egg to X.

Tic Tac Toe One-Liners

  1. I’m so good at tic tac toe, I can win in only two turns—just watch X!
  2. My tic tac toe opponent started trash talking me, so I wiped the board clean and told him to quit running his mouth.
  3. Don’t interrupt me during a game of tic tac toe, or I’ll lose my X!
  4. I’m not superstitious, but I never go first when playing tic tac toe because X always marks the spot.
  5. I was craving tacos so I drew one on the tic tac toe board. My opponent was not amused.
  6. If tic tac toe players trash talk each other, is it considered crossing the line?
  7. Tic tac toe players never quit—they just resign themselves to a draw.
  8. My friend claims she’s a tic tac toe grandmaster, but I think she’s just X-aggerating.
  9. They say tic tac toe is a pointless game, but we Xed each other all night long.
  10. I wanted to be the X in a game of tic tac toe, but my friend insisted on going first. What a selfish O!

Best Tic Tac Toe Jokes

21. I recently played a game of tic tac toe where neither of us could get three in a row. After the ninth turn, my friend threw up his hands and said “It’s impossible, this game is flawed!” I replied, “What do you mean? X marks the spot!”

22. Did you hear about the tic tac toe player who could never lose? He would always manage to block his opponent from getting three Xs or Os in a row. His secret? Years of playing on squared paper notebooks during boring classes. I guess you could say he was an expert at avoiding straight lines!

23. Why should you never ask a tic tac toe board to hold a serious conversation? Because all it will give you is Xs and Os!

24. A group of friends got together to watch the tic tac toe championships. It was set to be an intense match between two high level players. However, after the first few rounds, it was clear neither competitor was able to get an advantage. The games kept ending in draws. Eventually one friend got bored and said “Ugh, this is like watching paint dry!”

25. What’s the best way to spot a fake tic tac toe master? They’ll claim to have discovered secret X-winning strategies. Real pros know there is no guaranteed way to win!

26. Did you hear about the sailor who got stranded on a deserted island? To pass the time he drew a giant tic tac toe board in the sand. He played game after game against himself, arguing each move aloud as Player X and Player O. Rescue crews found him years later, still engaged in a heated match!

27. Why do tic tac toe enthusiasts make bad Uber drivers? They keep taking you in circles and blocking the quickest route to your destination!

28. A tic tac toe board walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender takes one look and says “Sorry pal, I don’t serve minors.”

29. What do you call two tic tac toe boards in love? A pair of Xs and Os!

30. Why was the tic tac toe board crying? It made a bad move and felt like it made an X out of itself.

31. Why are tic tac toe boards so bad at telling stories? They always give away the ending at the beginning with “X goes first!”

32. Why shouldn’t you tell secrets around a tic tac toe board? Because it can’t keep anything straight!

33. I entered my chicken in a tic tac toe tournament. She kept hesitating between squares, being indecisive. It turns out she was a chicken Xs.

34. Two tic tac toe boards walk into a museum. One looks around excitedly and says “Oh man, I love modern art!” The other frowns and says “I don’t get it. This stuff makes no sense, it’s just a bunch of Xs and Os to me!”

35. What’s the most common crime committed by tic tac toe boards? Illegal Xs!

36. My friend told me she had a tic tac toe board who could predict the future. I said “You mean like a psychic?” She said “No, just very good at extra-X-lation.”

37. What happened to the tic tac toe player who could never lose? He tic-tacked his last toe!

38. Why do tic tac toe boards make the best detectives? They have experience tracking down clues in a grid!

39. Did you hear about the Tic Tac Toe championship that ended abruptly when authorities found the boards were rigged? Talk about an unfair X advantage!

40. Why do tic tac toe players get stressed out around tax season? Because everything has to be accounted for in boxes!

41. Why are tic tac toe boards so poor at management positions in companies? Because they get stuck doing the same thing over and over in boxes and can’t think outside of them!

42. Did you hear about the carpenter who got hired by a tic tac toe board? He excelled at marking Xs and knew how to avoid straight lines.

43. Why did the tic tac toe board get sent to the principal’s office? For making naughty Xs and Os!

44. Why wasn’t the tic tac toe board allowed to enter the talent competition? Because it kept rehearsing the same old song and dance routine of X goes here, O goes there.

45. Why are tic tac toe boards so bad at baseball? Because when they go up to bat, all they know how to do is make Xs!

46. Why was the Tic Tac Toe board fired from the calendar factory? It kept taking too many Xs off!

47. Did you hear about the Tic Tac Toe board that got arrested? It was caught running a boxed betting operation!

48. Why do Tic Tac Toe boards make terrible gift wrappers? They keep getting the paper crooked and making too many creases instead of straight folds!

49. What do you call two Tic Tac Toe boards in a relationship? Crossed lovers!

50. Why did the Tic Tac Toe board get sent to bed without dinner? It refused to complete any straight lines for its chores!