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75 Hysterical Sonic The Hedgehog Jokes

75 Hysterical Sonic The Hedgehog Jokes

Sonic The Hedgehog Puns (25)

1. What do you call a slow hedgehog? A Sonic the Snailhog.

2. Why was Sonic sad after finishing a race? He felt so blue.

3. Why does Sonic hate taking naps? He can’t sleep fast enough.

4. What do you call Sonic’s favorite drink? A speedy cola.

5. Why does Sonic love track and field events? He was born to run.

6. Why did Sonic cross the road? To get to the fast lane.

7. What do you call a lazy Sonic? A Slownic.

8. Why can’t Sonic sit still? He’s got ants in his pants.

9. Why was Sonic arrested on the highway? For speeding.

10. What’s Sonic’s favorite exercise? Fast sprints.

11. Why does Sonic hate stopping at red lights? It slows him down.

12. Why is Sonic always on time? He runs on hedgehog hours.

13. What’s Sonic’s idea of a balanced breakfast? A chili dog in each fast hand.

14. Why does Sonic love amusement park rides? For the roller coaster speeds.

15. How does Sonic cook his hot dogs? In a Sonic boom microwave.

16. Why did Sonic take up jogging? To go at breakneck speeds.

17. What music does Sonic love dancing to? Fast beats.

18. Why does Sonic hate formal attire? It slows down his style.

19. What’s Sonic’s favorite holiday? Fastnacht Day.

20. Why does Sonic have sudden energy crashes? He blazes through his fuel.

21. What does Sonic put on a bee sting? Fast-acting ointment.

22. Why did Sonic get LASIK eye surgery? For quicker vision.

23. Why does Sonic love hedge mazes? All the twists and turns.

24. What’s Sonic’s preferred web browser? Speedfox.

25. How does Sonic stay connected on trips? With Sonic Wi-Fi.

Sonic The Hedgehog One-Liners (25)

26. Sonic was late to work because he took the slow train.

27. Sonic got a speeding ticket for running too fast…while walking.

28. Sonic entered a hibernation contest but got disqualified for being too active.

29. Sonic went to the DMV to get his license renewed but they said he didn’t need a car.

30. Sonic bought a brand new pair of sneakers just so he could break them in at super speed.

31. Sonic lost a race to a tortoise because he couldn’t handle the slow pace.

32. Sonic entered a slow-cycling competition but was disqualified for going under the speed limit.

33. Sonic was late to his own birthday party because he stopped for too many selfies with fans.

34. Sonic got fired from his banking job for cashing checks too quickly.

35. Sonic’s road trip was ruined because he could only travel at the legal highway speed.

36. Sonic went bowling but kept getting disqualified for throwing the ball too fast.

37. Sonic entered a chili dog eating contest but was disqualified for eating them too quickly.

38. Sonic hated his new tortoise friend because of how slow he talked and moved.

39. Sonic was banned from the racetrack for breaking the sound barrier during practice laps.

40. Sonic keeps setting off speed radars even when he’s out for a casual stroll.

41. Sonic lost his job as a delivery driver for always arriving too fast with the packages.

42. Sonic couldn’t keep up with regular society because everything seemed like slow motion to him.

43. Sonic was rejected as a NASCAR driver for being too fast for the car engines to handle.

44. Sonic was banned from all track and field events for breaking too many world speed records.

45. Sonic decided to stop speeding after his 50th speeding ticket in a month.

46. Sonic caused a major traffic jam from running across a busy highway in seconds.

47. Sonic got fired from being a stenographer because his shorthand was unintelligible.

48. Sonic caused a tornado from circling opponents too fast during a fighting match.

49. Sonic caused whiplash injuries to fans from signing autographs too quickly at events.

50. Sonic’s phone carrier cut him off for using too much high speed data in a month.

Best Sonic The Hedgehog Jokes (25)

51. Sonic walked into a bar and ordered a shot of tequila. The bartender slid the shot over to Sonic, but before it even reached the counter, Sonic had already drank it and asked for another. This repeated several times before the amazed bartender finally said, “Hey pal, you wanna slow down and actually taste your drinks?” Sonic scoffed and said, “No thanks, I don’t have time to waste. I’m the fastest thing alive!”

52. What did Sonic say when he was stopped by a cop for speeding? “But officer, I was going the speed limit…the Sonic Speed Limit!”

53. Why was Sonic bragging about beating his friend Knuckles in a race? Because he loves to rub his victory in Knuckles’ fast face.

54. What’s the only thing faster than Sonic running at full speed? The speeding tickets piling up in his mailbox.

55. Why does Sonic hate taking elevators? Because he’s always in a rush and running up stairs is faster.

56. Sonic agreed to give his sloth friend a piggyback ride home. Three hours later, they had only traveled two blocks as Sonic screamed “Are you kidding me!?”

57. Sonic tried playing golf but kept getting disqualified for hitting the ball into the hole before it even landed on the grass.

58. Sonic was thrilled to finally get a car until he realized the speed limit was way below his regular running speed.

59. Sonic went skydiving but got his parachute tangled up because he was spinning around in the air so rapidly.

60. Sonic entered a slow bicycle race as a joke but accidentally lapped all the other cyclists in seconds and got disqualified.

61. Why was Sonic crying when watching snails race? Because he felt so sorry that they’d never know the joy of going fast.

62. Sonic went scuba diving but sucked up all the air in his tank in seconds from breathing too rapidly.

63. Sonic caused a major blackout when he used his Spin Dash to power his entire city block.

64. Sonic was arrested for public disturbance after running circles around the police officers trying to catch him.

65. Why can’t Sonic ever relax at the beach? He gets restless just trying to soak up the sun at a normal speed.

66. Sonic entered a slow bicycle marathon as a joke but fell asleep at the starting line from sheer boredom.

67. Sonic tried taking up pottery but kept destroying the clay on the spinning wheel by going too fast.

68. Why was Sonic crying at the DMV? Because he kept having to retake his driver’s test for speeding through stop signs.

69. Why can’t Sonic ever sneak up on anyone? Because they hear him coming from a mile away.

70. Sonic joined a senior community walkathon but quickly got banned for boosting all the elderly folks in their wheelchairs to record speeds.

71. Sonic tried to read War and Peace but got frustrated and quit after zooming through it in 5 minutes.

72. Sonic took up whittling but kept accidentally cutting his fingers from carving the wood too rapidly.

73. Why did Sonic cause a time paradox? He went so fast he accidentally did a lap around the world and reversed the planet’s rotation.

74. Sonic tried riding a mechanical bull but broke it in seconds from swaying side to side faster than physically possible.

75. Why was Sonic banned from the running store? Because he kept trying on all the shoes in blurring fast motion.