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60 Hysterical Rick Astley Jokes

60 Hysterical Rick Astley Jokes

Rick Astley Puns (20)

1. I wanted to get Rick Astley’s autograph but he said he wouldn’t give it to me. What a let down!

2. I heard Rick Astley bought an expensive saxophone. I guess he never gonna give it up.

3. Did you hear about the new documentary on Rick Astley’s singing career? It’s called Never Gonna Give Up.

4. Why doesn’t Rick Astley get angry easily? Because he’s never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

5. Rick Astley entered a singing contest but got nervous and ended up rickrolling the judges. He was immediately disqualified for singing his own song.

6. I asked Rick Astley to lend me his Pixar DVD collection but he said he’s never gonna give them up.

7. Rick Astley loves Soul and R&B music. In fact you can say he’s never gonna give those genres up.

8. Did you hear Rick Astley opened up a bakery? He swears he’s never gonna bake rye bread.

9. I heard Rick Astley was nominated for an acting award. He’s never gonna let them down by giving a bad acceptance speech.

10. Rick Astley takes his IT security very seriously. He’s never gonna click on suspicious links or give out his passwords.

11. Rick Astley entered a race but suddenly felt unsure halfway through. Thankfully, he’s never gonna give up easily.

12. Rick Astley is very environmentally conscious. He’s never gonna litter or waste water unnecessarily.

13. I asked Rick Astley what his favorite dessert was but he said it was a secret recipe he’s never gonna share.

14. Did you hear Rick Astley opened a gym? He promises clients he’s never gonna let them down by cancelling classes.

15. I wanted to borrow Rick Astley’s lawnmower but sadly he said he’s never gonna lend it out to neighbors.

16. Rick Astley entered a basketball game and scored point after point. You can say he was never gonna let that ball drop.

17. I wanted Rick Astley to sing at my best friend’s wedding but he said he’s never gonna sing at a wedding again.

18. Don’t trust Rick Astley to housesit for you. He’s probably just gonna run around and desert your place.

19. Rick Astley got in trouble for sneaking snacks into the movie theater again. He swears he’s never gonna bring outside food there ever again.

20. I asked Rick Astley what his favorite holiday was but he just smiled and said “I’m never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.”

Rick Astley One Liners (15)

21. They should rename YouTube to RickTube…it’s never gonna not recommend a Rickroll video.

22. I got Rickrolled so many times I’m starting to memorize the lyrics to Never Gonna Give You Up.

23. Roses are red, Rick Astley is slick, he’s gonna play a prank, by Rickrolling you quick.

24. Rick Astley? More like Rick Trolling.

25. What do you call a continuously looping 10 hour video of Never Gonna Give You Up? Rickroll torture.

26. Knock Knock. Who’s there? Rick. Rick who? Rick Astley! *starts singing Never Gonna Give You Up*

27. I thought my computer had a virus, turns out it was just Rick Astley music videos playing on loop.

28. My friends know I hate being Rickrolled, but they still send me Rick Astley links. Those jerks are Never Gonna Give It Up.

29. Teacher: Name a famous singer. Student: Rick Ast…I’m not falling for that again! *class erupts in laughter*

30. What did Rick Astley say when he got tired of Rickrolling people? “I’m never gonna troll you again.”

31. Mom, can we get McDonald’s? We have food at home. *opens fridge and Never Gonna Give You Up starts playing* Dangit, Rickrolled again!

32. I showed my grandpa a Rick Astley music video and he said, “we used to Rickroll people way before the internet!”

33. My phone rings, I look at caller ID: “Rick As”. Nope, not answering, reject call immediately.

34. Roses are red, I like this song, Never Gonna Give You Up, Rick Astley’s meme lives on.

35. Friend: “Hey check out this funny video!” Me: “Is this another Rickroll?” Friend: “No, for real this time!” Me: *clicks link* “I knew it!!”

Best Rick Astley Jokes (25)

36. My friend bought a Rick Astley poster but was mad when he got it – turns out it was just a picture of Astley from the back since the seller promised my friend he was never gonna give him up.

37. I told myself no more clicking on suspicious links after getting Rickrolled so many times. But yesterday I got an email from the “Nigerian Prince” needing my help, and of course I clicked. You’ll never guess what song started playing!

38. The other day my computer started glitching and I saw the Blue Screen of Death flash up with the words “Never Gonna Give You Up lyrics” written all over it. I can’t believe I actually got Rickrolled by my own PC.

39. What did Rick Astley say when he smashed the last pie at the bake sale? “I’m never gonna bake another cherry pie and desert you.”

40. I saw Rick Astley sitting by himself in the cafeteria and felt bad so I sat down and said “hey, you can join me and my friends if you want.” Astley said “Nah thanks, I’m good here – I actually really enjoy eating alone. I promise I’m not just trying to avoid socializing.” What a guy!

41. Why did Rick Astley get fired from his job at the movie theater? Because he kept going to customers with their snacks and saying “I’m never gonna give these popcorn and drinks up!”

42. What do you call a road that will never end? A Rickroll Boulevard.

43. Why is Rick Astley always the first person to arrive at events? Because he’s never gonna be late and keep people waiting.

44. My friends organized a surprise party for me. When I walked in, 100 people jumped out yelling “SURPRISE!” then Rick Astley popped out of a cake singing Never Gonna Give You Up a capella. Epic Rickroll!

45. What did Rick Astley get on his math test? A Rickfactorial.

46. Why is Rick Astley such a positive person? Because he’s never gonna frown and feel down.

47. How does Rick Astley like his steak cooked? He’ll never ask for it well-done and overcooked.

48. My wife asked why I’m on the computer laughing so much. I said “Oh nothing, just reading some jokes.” She asked to see them so I Rickrolled her instead.

49. What did Rick Astley dress up as for Halloween? A Knight in Rickrolling armor.

50. Why did Rick Astley cross the road? To Rickroll the guy on the other side.

51. How does Rick Astley take his coffee? By adding in a few spoonfuls of sugar – because he’s never gonna drink bitter coffee and make a sour face.

52. Why did Rick Astley do so well in art class? He was never gonna paint a bad picture.

53. I told Rick Astley let’s go hike Multnomah Falls together. He said “no thanks, I’m never gonna give that trail up, it’s too challenging for me.”

54. Rick Astley entered a hot dog eating contest yesterday but sadly lost after eating only one hot dog. Turns out he was never gonna have another and get sick from overeating.

55. My friend Jason loves pranking me by Rickrolling. I decided to get revenge and replaced his ringtone with Never Gonna Give You Up. Now he gets Rickrolled every time someone calls him!

56. What did Rick Astley say when offered drugs? “No thanks, I’m never gonna smoke, inject, or snort anything dangerous and risk my health.”

57. I asked Rick Astley to DJ my high school reunion party but he declined, saying “I appreciate the offer but frankly I’m never gonna play cheesy old pop music again.”

58. Why is Rick Astley’s email password so secure? Because it’s the one thing he is actually willing to give up if his account gets hacked.

59. My friends hyped up this new action movie but it totally let me down. As I left the theater angry, they Rickrolled me by singing “never gonna watch a bad film, never gonna get tricked again.”

60. Rick Astley entered a pie eating contest but felt too full halfway through. He ended up forfeiting because he’s never gonna eat another slice after getting that stuffed.