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75 Hysterical Pronoun Jokes

75 Hysterical Pronoun Jokes

Pronoun Puns

1. What do you call a pronoun that likes to party? A pro-noun!

2. Why was the pronoun sad? It had no antece-dent to talk to.

3. How does a pronoun get to work? It takes the pro-noun train.

4. Why don’t pronouns make good singers? They can’t carry a tune!

5. Why did the pronoun cross the road? To get to the other side!

6. What do you call pronouns that sound the same? Homo-phones.

7. Why do pronouns make the best gymnasts? They’re very flexible!

8. What do you call a pronoun that works on a farm? An agri-noun.

9. Why don’t possessive pronouns share their belongings? It’s there’s, not yours!

10. How do pronouns stay connected? Through their links and antece-dents.

11. What’s a pronoun’s favorite kind of exercise? Identity crises!

12. Why don’t indefinite pronouns get invited to parties? Because no one knows who they are!

13. Why are reflexive pronouns so self-centered? It’s just how they’re defined!

14. What do you call pronouns that like holding hands? Pro-connectives.

15. Why are personal pronouns so clingy? They’re always talking about themselves!

Pronoun One-Liners

16. Pronouns don’t buy anything, they just pick it up.

17. What do you call a bunch of pronouns playing instruments? A pro-band.

18. Pronouns really get under people’s skin sometimes.

19. I tried telling a joke about pronouns, but nobody seemed to get it.

20. Pronouns might slip through your fingers if you’re not careful.

21. Be nice to your pronouns, or they might rebel!

22. Pronouns love gossiping and talking behind people’s backs.

23. Never ask a pronoun to keep a secret, they always end up telling everyone.

24. Pronouns pretend to be transparent, but they hide a lot under the surface.

25. I heard pronouns have an identity crisis every time they walk by a mirror.

26. Did you hear about the pronouns who went on summer vacation? It was totally their trip!

27. I’d tell you a joke about pronouns, but it’d probably go over your head.

28. What’s a pronoun’s favorite part about traveling? Packing all their stuff!

29. Why do some pronouns cost more than others? Inflated self-worth.

30. Pronouns love to name drop people in conversation.

Best Pronoun Jokes

31. Three pronouns walked into a bar. The bartender said, “Sorry, we don’t serve your kind here.” So they left without putting up a fight.

32. What’s the difference between a pronoun and a tiger? A tiger has stripes, clauses have stripes!

33. Why don’t pronouns make good therapists? Because everything comes back to me, myself, and I.

34. Did you hear about the pronoun who entered a talent competition? They sang “Ain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do” by Billie Holiday. The judges critiqued their performance saying, “We have some notes.”

35. A reflexive pronoun decided to throw a big party celebrating itself. It was going to be the perfect event for any pronoun who wanted to have fun. Unfortunately, no other pronouns showed up. When asked why, they said, “We didn’t know ourselves were hosting!”

36. What do you get when you cross a pronoun and a shark? An identity crisis with big teeth!

37. Why don’t possessive pronouns share their toys? They don’t like other pronouns playing with their’s.

38. Did you hear about the pronouns who went on a road trip across the country? They had to stop every few miles so reflexive pronouns could see themselves in the mirror.

39. What’s the difference between an indefinite pronoun and a missing person? One can never be found and the other’s nowhere to be found!

40. Why was the relative pronoun kicked out of the family reunion? Because they kept relating everything back to themselves!

41. Why did the pronoun rage quit its job? It felt like it was being objectified!

42. How does a possessive pronoun count their money? Mine, mine, mine, mine!

43. Why do possessive pronouns love dragons so much? Because every dragon has its hoard.

44. What’s a pronoun’s least favorite crime? Identity theft!

45. Did you hear about the pronoun who got arrested? They refused to say a word without their lawyer, myself, present.

46. Why don’t pronouns ever win debates? Because they always have to refer back to themselves!

47. I tried to tell my friend a really funny pronoun joke but they didn’t get it.

48. What’s a possessive pronoun’s favorite hobby? Hoarding things and calling them mine!

49. How do you make a pronoun angry? Call it an object!

50. Why did the pronoun get kicked out of school? For referring to itself in the third person!

51. Did you hear about the pronoun that entered a pie eating contest? They ate more pies than themself!

52. Why aren’t indefinite pronouns allowed to vote? No one knows who they are!

53. What do you call a possessive pronoun who takes everything literally? Yours truly!

54. Why don’t indefinite pronouns make good doctors? Because nobody wants to be treated by somebody!

55. What do you call a possessive pronoun who loves candy? Sweet tooth mine!

56. Why was the demonstrative pronoun fired from its job as a tour guide? It kept saying “This is here” unhelpfully!

57. Did you hear about the pronoun who loved spicy food? They were totally into hot sauces and always carried a bottle of theirs around.

58. Why don’t indefinite pronouns ever RSVP to weddings? Because nobody knows if they’re coming or not!

59. How do possessive pronouns party? Like it’s theirs!

60. Why did the demonstrative pronoun make a bad personal assistant? Because it kept saying “that, this!” all day long.

61. What kind of music do possessive pronouns listen to? Whatever’s mine!

62. Why don’t indefinite pronouns make good friends? Nobody can depend on them!

63. What do you call a pronoun that loves coffee? Perk me up!

64. Why did the pronoun get sent to their room? For referring to itself!

65. How do possessive pronouns say goodbye? See you later, alligator! After ‘while, what’s mine!

66. Why don’t indefinite pronouns do well in school? Because nobody knows the material!

67. What’s a possessive pronoun’s motto? What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is mine!

68. Did you hear about the pronoun who entered an ice cream eating contest? They ate more flavors than themself!

69. Why don’t indefinite pronouns have any friends? Nobody likes hanging out with someone so vague.

70. How do you make a demonstrative pronoun angry? Say “that’s enough out of you!”

71. What do you call a possessive pronoun who works as a collector? Mine finder!

72. Why was the pronoun fired from the calendar factory? They took too many days off!

73. What’s a possessive pronoun’s least favorite day? Share day!

74. Why don’t indefinite pronouns have social media accounts? Nobody would follow them!

75. What do you call a pronoun that loves gardening? Flower power mine!