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50 Hysterical Power Rangers Jokes

Power Rangers Puns (10)

1. I heard the Red Ranger recently got fired from his job. I guess you could say his boss wasn’t too morphinominal about his work performance.

2. Why was the Blue Ranger sad after catching a big fish? He realized it wasn’t a bass but a tengar.

3. How do the Power Rangers stay connected? They use their rangernet.

4. Why do the Power Rangers eat so fast? They’re always in a rushin’ to defeat evil.

5. Why did the Black Ranger bring a ladder to the fight? He wanted to reach new megazords.

6. How did the Pink Ranger know it was going to rain? She felt it in her bones—I mean megazords.

7. What do you call Power Rangers who skip work? Morphinominals.

8. Why did the Green Ranger plant a vegetable garden? To grow some zordichokes.

9. What do you call a Power Ranger who helps cook meals? A panther.

10. Why was the Yellow Ranger acting so strange? I think she morphed into someone else!

Power Rangers One-Liners (10)

11. I asked the Red Ranger for a favor, but all he said was “It’s morphin’ time.”

12. I tried to think of a Power Rangers joke, but all I could come up with was “Go Go Power Rangers!”

13. I was going to make a joke about the Pink Ranger, but all I could think of was “Pterodactyl!”

14. I wanted to tell a joke about Goldar, but “Make my monster grow!” was the only punchline I had.

15. I tried to come up with a Blue Ranger joke, but I kept thinking “Triceratops!” instead.

16. I wanted to make people laugh with a Black Ranger joke, but “Mastodon!” was the only thing that came to mind.

17. I was going to tell a funny Yellow Ranger joke, but I could only think of yelling “Saber-Toothed Tiger!”

18. I tried writing a joke about the Green Ranger but I ended up just shouting “Dragonzord!” instead.

19. I attempted a joke about Zordon but could only come up with “Alpha, teleport them here immediately!”

20. I was going to make up a punchline about Rita Repulsa, but all I could think of was “Magic wand, make my monster grow!”

Best Power Rangers Jokes (20)

21. The Power Rangers were training one day when the Red Ranger accidentally punched the Blue Ranger right in the zord. The Blue Ranger fell down in pain and said “Ow, I think you broke my triceratops!”

22. One day Zordon gathered the Power Rangers and said “Rangers, I need you to pilot the Megazord today to fight a giant monster attacking downtown.” The Black Ranger raised his hand and asked “But Zordon, isn’t driving a giant robot drunk irresponsible?”

23. The Green Ranger was struggling to control the Dragonzord one day. The other Rangers asked him what was wrong. He said “I’m not used to driving this thing, the controls are all Greek to me!”

24. One morning the Pink Ranger walked into the Command Center yawning and looking very sleepy. Zordon asked her what was wrong. She said “Rita Repulsa kept me up all night. She was screaming at the top of her lungs.” Zordon nodded and said “Yeah, she does that every time she loses to us Rangers.”

25. The Yellow Ranger was goofing around and pretending to karate chop Putty Patrollers. She accidentally hit the controls and damaged the Command Center’s computers. Alpha said “Ay-yi-yi, be careful! Do you know how long it takes to run system diagnostics and recalibrate all of this equipment?”

26. The Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger got into a big argument about which Zord was the most powerful. The Red Ranger said “Obviously the Tyrannosaurus Rex is the strongest.” The Blue Ranger said “No way, the Triceratops has the most armor and horns to attack.” The Black Ranger yelled “You’re both wrong, the Mastodon Zord can freeze anything!” Zordon just shook his head at the silly debate.

27. One day Alpha was cleaning up around the Command Center when he noticed the Green Ranger practicing some odd dance moves. Alpha asked him what he was doing. The Green Ranger said “I’m coming up with a hip hop dance to perform if we ever need to raise money to repair the Zords.” Alpha said “That’s a morphenomenal idea!”

28. The Power Rangers decided to grab lunch between fighting evil space aliens. The Red Ranger said “Let’s just morph over to Ernie’s Juice Bar, I could go for a mega monster sandwich.” But when they got to the Juice Bar, they saw a huge line of people waiting. The Blue Ranger said “Oh no, it’s a Rita Repul-line!”

29. The Power Rangers were exhausted after a long day of battling Putty Patrollers. The Black Ranger leaned back in his chair and said “Man, I’m so tired I could sleep for a millenium!” The Pink Ranger nodded and said “I know, fighting evil makes me feel like I got flattened by a zord.” The Yellow Ranger chimed in “No wonder Zordon picks teenagers for this job, we have the endurance for it.”

30. One weekend the Power Rangers decided to have a movie night. They argued for a long time about what film to watch. Finally, the Red Ranger held up a DVD and said “Quiet down everyone, we’re watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie whether you like it or not!”

31. The Blue Ranger was reading the newspaper when he suddenly started laughing hysterically. The other Rangers asked him what was so funny. He held up the paper and said “According to this reporter, ‘a giant beetle is destroying the city’s beet farms.’ Isn’t that just beetlejuicing?”

32. The Green Ranger walked into the Command Center super excited one day. He said “Guys I just wrote the best Power Rangers theme song ever!” The other Rangers groaned. The Yellow Ranger said “Great, sing it for us for the millionth time…”

33. Rita Repulsa was yelling at her minions one day. She asked “Why do those Power Rangers always foil my evil plans?” Goldar replied “It’s because we’re basically like Putty in their hands.” Rita screamed in anger and said “You’re right, you ARE useless Putty!”

34. The Power Rangers had to fill out some paperwork after a big battle. The Pink Ranger was struggling to answer one of the questions. She asked “What do they mean by zord of origin?” The Red Ranger said “I think they mean which zord you were piloting when the fight happened.” The Pink Ranger laughed and said “Oh I get it now, like your birth certificate!”

35. Zordon showed the Power Rangers footage of them fighting a monster. He said “Rangers, analyze this battle footage and tell me what you could improve on next time.” The Black Ranger raised his hand and asked “Could we get costumes that breathe better and don’t ride up so much?”

36. One day Bulk and Skull were trying to discover the true identities of the Power Rangers. They saw the Rangers morphin and gasped. Bulk said “Skull, I think the Power Rangers are actually teenagers!” Skull replied “No duh Bulk, isn’t it obvious from their voices, height and immature behavior?”

37. The Power Rangers brought their Zords in for yearly maintenance checks. The mechanic looked over the Mastodon Zord and said “Well, I had to change the oil, rotate the treads, and refill the headlight fluid, but otherwise it looks good.” The Black Ranger shook his head and said “Nice try, but I know the Mastodon Zord doesn’t have headlights!”

38. After an intense battle, the Power Rangers returned to the Command Center exhausted. The Red Ranger collapsed into a chair. He said “Man, I’m so tired I feel weaker than Goldar after Zordon takes away Rita’s power staff!” The other Rangers nodded in agreement. Fighting evil really took it out of them.

39. One day Alpha was vacuuming the Command Center when he accidentally sucked up the Green Ranger’s morpher. Alpha turned off the vacuum and said “Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi, I just morphed your morpher!” The Green Ranger laughed and said “Good one Alpha, you really sucked me into that dad joke.”

40. The Power Rangers were training one day when the Yellow Ranger accidentally kicked the Blue Ranger right in the megazord. He groaned in pain and said “Ouch, I think you broke my triceratops!” The Yellow Ranger helped him up and said “Oops sorry, I didn’t mean to demorph you like that.”

The End