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57 Hysterical Oven mitt Jokes

57 Hysterical Oven mitt Jokes

# 57 Hysterical Oven mitt Jokes

## Oven mitt Puns (10)

1. I wanted to get my friend an oven mitt for her birthday, but I didn’t want to buy anything too expensive or get my hands burned!

2. I was looking for a new oven mitt to match my kitchen, but all the ones in the store seemed pretty half-baked.

3. My oven mitt has seen better days – it’s pretty frayed around the edges. I guess you could say it’s having an existential crisis.

4. I bought an oven mitt with a smiley face on it, but it just sat there looking sad. I guess I should have picked a more uplifting mitt.

5. I was baking cookies and grabbed a hot tray without an oven mitt – rookie mittstake!

6. I wanted to find an oven mitt with a funny saying on it, but all the ones at the store were pretty lame. What a missed opportunity!

7. I decided to knit my own oven mitt but it was full of holes and didn’t protect my hand at all. I guess you could say I really dropped the stitch on that one.

8. I prefer using pot holders rather than oven mitts when cooking. I’m just more of a hot pad kind of guy.

9. I was looking for a cute oven mitt to give as a gift, but I couldn’t find one that was very handy.

10. My oven mitt collection is out of control. My friends tell me I have a serious mitten problem.

## Oven mitt One-liners (10)

11. I burned my hand taking cookies out of the oven – that’ll teach me not to use an oven mitt!

12. My oven mitt is so old, it belongs in a mittseum.

13. Don’t be a mittwit – remember your oven mitt!

14. Oven mitts: protecting hands from hot pans since whenever they were invented.

15. Oven mitts – helping you handle hot items since you were old enough to use the oven.

16. Oven mitts: giving new meaning to the phrase “lending a hand” in the kitchen.

17. Oven mitts: your best friend when taking things out of the oven.

18. Oven mitts: protecting cooks from accidental high-fives with hot pans since the 1900s.

19. Oven mitts – helping generations of cooks avoid roasted fingers.

20. Oven mitts: the difference between a perfect chocolate chip cookie and a trip to the emergency room.

## Best Oven Mitt Jokes (29)

21. I was baking some cookies and realized I didn’t have an oven mitt. In a panic, I grabbed a wool sock and used that to take the tray out. Let’s just say things got a little too toasty for my hand!

22. My daughter got me a funny oven mitt that looks like a lobster claw. I chuckled when I opened it, but after using it for a while, I realized the joke was on me – that thing is useless at protecting my hand from the heat!

23. I was making a big holiday dinner and realized, to my horror, that our oven mitts were missing! I had to use pot holders, dish towels, and even a pillowcase to get all the food in and out of the oven. My hands were red for a week!

24. Last night I had a dream that I was baking cookies, but when I went to take the tray out of the oven, I was wearing nothing but oven mitts on my hands and feet! Talk about feeling vulnerable and unprepared!

25. I bought these cute oven mitts decorated with images of baked goods, thinking they would inspire me to cook more. Turns out motivation wasn’t my problem – ability was! Those flimsy mitts offered no protection from the heat at all!

26. I always thought mittens were useless – until recently when I burned myself taking something out of the oven and realized mittens would actually protect my hands better than the old rag I was using. Who knew the mittens I make fun of in winter could save me in the kitchen!

27. My partner was making me dinner and grabbed a boiling hot pan from the oven with their bare hands! Turns out they didn’t know oven mitts were a thing. It’s aChristmas miracle their hands weren’t burned to a crisp!

28. My roommate was baking cookies and kept grabbing the hot cookie sheet with her bare hands. After the second time, I realized she genuinely didn’t know you’re supposed to use oven mitts. She thought they were just for decoration!

29. I bought my daughter an oven mitt shaped like a unicorn, hoping to inspire her culinary creativity. She loved wearing it while pretending to cook up imaginary feasts, but when it came time to actually use it for baking, the darn thing offered no more heat protection than a cotton candy dream!

30. I always make sure to put on a stylish oven mitt before taking something out of the oven. Not to protect my hand – just to make sure I look fabulous doing it.

31. I was in my kitchen, hungry and impatiently waiting for my frozen pizza to cook. When the timer dinged, I rushed to grab it without an oven mitt. As I juggled the 400 degree pizza across the kitchen, I realized maybe I should have waited just a little longer – and put on a mitt!

32. I saw a commercial for a new space-age oven mitt that claimed to offer “revolutionary heat protection.” Intrigued, I bought one only to realize the revolutionary new material was about as effective as a napkin at preventing burns. Sticking with trusty old quilted mitts from now on!

33. My grandma owns one ratty old oven mitt that she’s been using since 1972. It’s burned, frayed, and practically useless – but she insists it works perfectly and refuses to replace it! I secretly throw it away and buy her a nice new one every Christmas.

34. Last Thanksgiving, my dad was rushing to take the turkey out of the oven before our guests arrived. In his haste he forgot oven mitts – instead he used fuzzy socks to pull out the pan. He played it off well, calmly announcing, “The turkey is served!” while blowing on his bright red hands.

35. Every year my kids get me a funny novelty oven mitt for Christmas – one was shaped like a shark, another had sassy phrases all over it. While I appreciate the humor, what I really need are practical mitts that keep my hands from getting roasted! Sometimes usefulness is better than laughter.

36. My husband came running into the kitchen, panicking because he’d forgotten oven mitts and needed to rescue the slightly burnt casserole. Grabbing two dishtowels, he heroically pulled it out, plopped it on the counter, then did a victory dance around the kitchen, nursing his scorched hands.

37. Whenever I bake, my cat sits suspiciously close, waiting for me to take the treats out of the oven. I have to put on an oven mitt just to keep myself from accidentally using my bare hand to swat him away when he gets too close to the hot pans!

38. When I was little, I thought oven mitts were called “oven mutants.” I couldn’t figure out why anyone would want gross mutated hands to touch their delicious baked goods!

39. Last night, my roommate mixed up his oven mitts and gardening gloves – he only realized the mistake after he felt thorns pricking his hands as he pulled out 400 degree cookies. From now on, he’s labeling his equipment to avoid another unfortunate mittstake.

40. When we first moved into our house, my partner kept using hot pads instead of oven mitts to grab things from the oven. After a few burns, I surprised him with a cute pair of mitts … turns out he didn’t know oven mitts were different from pot holders! Oops.

41. My grandma owns one ratty old oven mitt that she’s been using since 1972. It’s burned, frayed, and practically useless – but she insists it works perfectly and refuses to replace it! I secretly throw it away and buy her a nice new one every Christmas.

42. I was baking some cookies and realized I didn’t have an oven mitt. In a panic, I grabbed a wool sock and used that to take the tray out. Let’s just say things got a little too toasty for my hand!

43. My daughter got me a funny oven mitt that looks like a lobster claw. I chuckled when I opened it, but after using it for a while, I realized the joke was on me – that thing is useless at protecting my hand from the heat!

44. I decided to knit my own oven mitt but it was full of holes and didn’t protect my hand at all. I guess you could say I really dropped the stitch on that one.

45. Oven mitts: the difference between a perfect chocolate chip cookie and a trip to the emergency room.

46. Don’t be a mittwit – remember your oven mitt!

47. My oven mitt is so old, it belongs in a mittseum.

48. Oven mitts – helping you handle hot items since you were old enough to use the oven.

49. Oven mitts: your best friend when taking things out of the oven.

50. I always make sure to put on a stylish oven mitt before taking something out of the oven. Not to protect my hand – just to make sure I look fabulous doing it.

51. I was baking cookies and grabbed a hot tray without an oven mitt – rookie mittstake!

52. My roommate was baking cookies and kept grabbing the hot cookie sheet with her bare hands. After the second time, I realized she genuinely didn’t know you’re supposed to use oven mitts. She thought they were just for decoration!

53. I wanted to find an oven mitt with a funny saying on it, but all the ones at the store were pretty lame. What a missed opportunity!

54. My partner was making me dinner and grabbed a boiling hot pan from the oven with their bare hands! Turns out they didn’t know oven mitts were a thing. It’s a Christmas miracle their hands weren’t burned to a crisp!

55. I prefer using pot holders rather than oven mitts when cooking. I’m just more of a hot pad kind of guy.

56. Last night, my roommate mixed up his oven mitts and gardening gloves – he only realized the mistake after he felt thorns pricking his hands as he pulled out 400 degree cookies. From now on, he’s labeling his equipment to avoid another unfortunate mittstake.

57. I bought an oven mitt with a smiley face on it, but it just sat there looking sad. I guess I should have picked a more uplifting mitt.