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65 Hysterical North Pole Jokes

65 Hysterical North Pole Jokes

North Pole Puns (15)

1. I heard Santa Claus bought a summer home. It was quite the North Pole opposite!

2. What do you call an elf who sings soul music? An R&B elf!

3. Why was the snowman looking in the bag of carrots? He was picking his nose!

4. How do elves greet each other at the North Pole? “Ice to meet you!”

5. Why don’t you ever see polar bears hiding in trees? Because they’re not very koala-fied.

6. What do you call a snowman in the summer? A puddle!

7. What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Frosted Flakes!

8. Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing? They always drop their needles!

9. How do elves know what time it is? They look at their North Watches!

10. What do you get when you cross Frosty the Snowman with a detective? Sherlock Snowmes!

11. Why don’t polar bears like fast food? Because they can’t catch it!

12. What kind of gifts do polar bears give their friends? Bear hugs!

13. How do you stop an ice rink from melting? You freeze it!

14. What do you call Santa’s little helpers? Subordinate Clauses!

15. Why was Santa’s little helper depressed? Because he had low elf esteem!

North Pole One-Liners (15)

16. I’m not saying it’s cold at the North Pole, but I saw a polar bear wearing earmuffs.

17. It’s so cold at the North Pole that words freeze in your mouth before you even get to speak them.

18. The North Pole installed air conditioning so Santa could experience below freezing temperatures.

19. Santa should ride a “sleigh” more often – that belly fat has to “sleigh” go!

20. Forget milk and cookies – Santa really snacks on snow cones and ice cream at the North Pole.

21. Rudolph’s red nose isn’t just shiny – it’s the only warm part of his body.

22. The elves work straight through the summer months to pay off their heating bills from the winter.

23. Frosty the Snowman never has to worry about melting – it’s always below freezing at the North Pole!

24. Santa needs seat warmers installed in his sleigh so his bum doesn’t freeze to the seats.

25. The reindeer play hockey with chunks of coal since pucks freeze and shatter at the North Pole.

26. The elves laugh at anyone who shows up in short sleeves – that’s just asking for frostbite!

27. Forget ice cubes – cocktails at the North Pole are always served chilled without needing them.

28. Yoga sessions at the North Pole take place in snowsuits – savasana in a parka is the norm.

29. Cross country skiers come from around the world just to ski the icy trails of the North Pole.

30. Santa thaws near the fire with warm cocoa after his deliveries – even he gets chilly up north!

Best North Pole Jokes (35)

31. One cold Christmas Eve, a reindeer with a shiny red nose led Santa’s sleigh for the first time. As they flew over a village, Santa reached into his sack of toys. “Ho ho ho!” he chuckled. “I’ve got just the right gift for each child below!” But suddenly, a fierce crosswind blew, making the sleigh veer off course. As the reindeer struggled to regain control, Santa spilled his entire toy sack over the frozen tundra of the North Pole. He watched helplessly as his gifts – dolls, teddy bears, toy cars and more – disappeared into the snowy vortex below. Santa let out a sigh and turned to his lead reindeer: “Well, Rudolf, looks like Christmas is going to stink for a lot of kids this year!”

32. An Arctic explorer arrived at the North Pole after weeks of dog sledding. His lips were blue with cold and his beard was crusted with ice, yet he smiled triumphantly. “At last I made it!” he declared. “My dream of standing on the peak of the earth has finally come true.” Just then, a grizzled old Inuit man shuffled up to him. “What are you talking about?” he said. “This ain’t the peak, it’s just a darn sheet of ice. The real North Pole is another hundred miles that way.” The explorer’s face fell. He sank to his knees in despair and spent the next day questioning why he ever wanted to come to this frigid and desolate wasteland in the first place.

33. Santa and Mrs. Claus decided to spice up their love life by taking salsa lessons at the North Pole Community Center. Though Santa was light on his feet for an old timer, his dancing still needed some work. During their first lesson, he accidentally flung Mrs. Claus into a giant snowbank! “Ho ho ho!” Santa chuckled as he helped fish his snow-covered wife out of the drift. “I really swept you off your feet that time!” “Yes, dear,” Mrs. Claus replied, “I think we need a few more lessons before we try out for North Pole’s Dancing With The Stars.”

34. One winter morning at the North Pole, two elves were building a snowman for Santa. One elf shaped the bottom ball while the other worked on the head. But as the elf lifted the head onto the snowman, disaster struck – the weight caused the whole thing to collapse into a heap of snow! “Dang it!” the first elf said angrily. “I worked hard to get that bottom ball perfect. You need to pack the snow tighter next time!” “Hey, don’t blame me!” said the other elf. “If you weren’t so bottom heavy this never would have happened!”

35. Rudolph was told by Santa that he couldn’t play any reindeer games due to his shiny red nose. Feeling isolated from the other reindeer, Rudolph decided to get back at Santa by stealing all the presents one Christmas Eve and hiding them at the North Pole. When Santa went out to deliver gifts, his sleigh was empty! Santa soon discovered the theft and tracked Rudolph down, who felt ashamed of what he had done. “I’m sorry Santa, I was just upset that I couldn’t join the reindeer games.” Santa put his hand on Rudolph’s shoulder and said “It’s okay, little buddy. I’m going to lead a workshop next year on reindeer sensitivity training and making sure nobody’s excluded.”

36. A father was assembling toys for his kids on Christmas Eve when he realized the batteries for their remote control cars were dead. With no stores open on the holiday, he decided to ask Santa for help. Using the Northern Lights for a boost signal, the man connected his iPhone to the aurora borealis networks and placed a FaceTime call to the North Pole. A cheerful elf answered and chatted with the frantic father. After hearing about the toy problem, the elf said not to worry. Within minutes, a reindeer-driven drone arrived from Santa’s workshop loaded with batteries and presents for the whole family. “Thank you Santa!” yelled the gleeful father. He learned that whether at the North Pole or South, using technology can save Christmas in a snap.

37. Santa Claus placed an ad looking for an assistant to help with gift preparations at his busy North Pole workshop. He was surprised when a unicorn applied for the job. “How could a mythical creature be real and want to work for me?” Santa thought. But he was desperate, so he hired the unicorn as a trial for the holiday season. On Christmas Eve, the unicorn proved herself indispensable! Her horn magically granted wishes for every good little girl and boy. And by Christmas morning, joy spread across the world from the glow of her healing light. Santa knew then that the power of myth could transcend the impossible and hired his new friend permanently. As long as children believed in magic, the spirit of Christmas would live on.

38. Santa decided to install air conditioning at the North Pole since global warming was causing uncomfortable hot spells during summer months. He hired a crew of elves to do the work. They first built giant vents throughout the city to pump in cold air. Next the elves installed cooling coils underneath the snow to make it even chillier outside. When December came around, the North Pole was practically a winter wonderland as usual. “Good work, elves!” Santa congratulated them. “Now I can deliver presents without sweating like Rudolph in July!” But the elves’ AC system worked too well – by New Year’s Eve, the entire North Pole had frozen into a giant icicle, trapping residents until July’s heat finally freed them.

39. One December, a terrible sickness was spreading among the reindeer at the North Pole’s reindeer stables. Their noses dripped endlessly, their throat made hoarse sounds, and worst of all, their bodies ached all over. “We can’t pull Santa’s sleigh like this!” the reindeer complained. The clever Mrs. Claus came to the rescue by inventing a special medicine. It contained peppermint drops to soothe their noses, ginger root to settle their stomachs, and plenty of TLC. After just one dose, the reindeer’s eyes sparkled again and their energy returned. Thanks to Mrs. Claus’ love and quick thinking, Christmas was saved that year!

40. Santa once brought Prancer the reindeer to obedience school to stop his habit of nibbling Christmas tree ornaments. On their first day of training, the instructor told Santa, “The key is asserting your dominance over Prancer. You must show him you’re the leader of this pack.” Santa pulled Prancer’s reins and spoke in a deep stern voice: “Bad reindeer! No nibbling Christmas ornaments!” Prancer became frightened and started bucking wildly. He burst through the front door with Santa clinging helplessly to his back. After this Christmas commotion, Santa decided love and understanding trump dominance when taming his frisky reindeer.

41. Santa and Mrs. Claus enjoy vacationing in tropical locales during the summer to take a break from the North Pole’s icy weather. Their favorite destination is Hawaii, where they regularly stay at a beachfront cottage in Maui. On a recent trip, they took a surfing lesson with an instructor named Frosty. “Aloha, are you ready hang ten?” he asked. The trio paddled out, but Santa quickly wiped out on his board, sending a snow-white spray of water into the air. Though embarrassed at first, Santa embraced the challenge. By sunset, he finally managed to catch a wave in to shore, filling his heart with the aloha spirit.

42. One night a few days before Christmas, Santa was prepping his sleigh when he noticed it needed an urgent repair. The right runner on the front was cracked and about to break, but Santa’s workshop only carried extra left runners. “No problem,” said resourceful Mrs. Claus. “Just borrow a runner from that old birch tree sleigh in the shed until after your deliveries.” Santa installed the bent branch runner and flew off into the night. Everything went smoothly until it was time to land back at the North Pole. The branch snapped on impact, launching Santa into a snow pile! “Guess I’ll stick with factory parts next year,” he said, shaking the snow out of his beard.

43. Santa’s navigation system failed one foggy Christmas Eve, causing his sleigh to get lost in a snowstorm over Nova Scotia. Unable to see the ground below, he made an emergency landing by a barn. But the force of the impact sent Santa and his sack of toys flying into a moo-smelling cow pile. Just then, the barn doors opened and out walked Farmer MacDonald. “Jeepers mister, you must be the real-deal Santa!” said the stunned farmer. He helped dig Santa out of the manure and offered him hot cider to warm up. Although Santa was hours behind schedule delivering presents, he thanked the farmer for brightening his blundered Christmas crash landing.

44. Santa decided to learn ice sculpting one winter as a hobby. He ordered a beginner’s toolset and watched online tutorials. On his first try sculpting a miniature reindeer, the head fell completely off! Santa’s second attempt at a little snowman tilted sideways and collapsed. Ready to give up, Mrs. Claus stopped by the workshop and encouraged him, “Keep trying dear! Success takes practice.” Inspired by her pep talk, Santa stuck with it and slowly improved his skills. By Valentine’s Day, the entire North Pole marveled at the towering ice castle he sculpted for Mrs. Claus as a gift. Persistence pays off when you follow your passion!

45. Comet the reindeer was training for the Reindeer Games relay race one year when he pulled a muscle in his hind leg. Unable to compete, Comet grew depressed and started overeating Christmas cookies. Soon he became obese and at risk for diabetes and heart disease. “You need exercise and a healthy diet,” the reindeer doctor told him. “No more sweets.” Comet followed the doctor’s advice and switched to salads and jogging. By spring, Comet had gotten fit and felt happier than ever. Santa rewarded his hard work by naming Comet anchor for the next year’s relay team.

46. Santa and Mrs. Claus decided to celebrate Christmas in Hawaii this year to beat the harsh North Pole winter. When December came, they packed their sunglasses and surfboards and flew away in Santa’s sleigh. Landing on Waikiki Beach, the couple marveled at sandcastles, golden sunshine, and palm trees strung with holiday lights. They feasted on roast pig and pineapple and went surfing with sea turtles. But when Santa saw a homeless man begging on Christmas Eve, he felt sad. To share the spirit of the season, Santa handed him a ukulele and wished him Mele Kalikimaka, reminding them that humanity connects us all.

47. Santa’s exercise routine involves swimming laps in the North Pole’s icy waters. After a long Christmas Eve flight delivering presents, his joints always ache. The freezing water helps numb the pain. One year, Santa cut a pool into a glacier beside his home so he can do laps year-round. He also carved ice steps leading down into it. Mrs. Claus worries Santa will get hypothermia but never stops him. “Shrinkage makes me more hydrodynamic,” Santa chuckles before diving in. His chilly laps melt away holiday stress. For Santa, the best presents come in health, warmth, and laughter.

48. Santa and mrs. Clause were enjoying summer vacation on a cruise ship when they docked at a tropical island. They took a bus tour to some ancient ruins through steamy jungle. “Whew, I’m sweating like it’s Christmas Eve up here!” Santa exclaimed, mopping his dripping brow. Their elf guide explained how early humans had built the impressive stone temples around them. “Fascinating!” Mrs. Claus remarked. “It just shows people always search for magic, even long ago.” On the walk back to the ship, Santa whispered, “These folks might not of had reindeer, but they definitely knew about wonder.”

49. Rudolf was nervous about leading Santa’s sleigh for the first Christmas Eve flight of his career. He worried fog would cause them to get lost. But once they lifted off into the starry sky, Rudolf’s glowing nose lit up the inky darkness like a lantern. He guided them smoothly over twinkling villages and snow-capped forests. Between deliveries, Santa patted Rudolf’s head and said, “You’re a natural navigator!” Rudolf felt proud helping Santa spread joy worldwide. When they returned to the North Pole, Mrs. Claus had prepared a celebration feast for Rudolf. He beamed realizing he had truly earned his place on the team.

50. Santa and Mrs. Claus decided to enjoy Christmas on a tropical beach this year after the North Pole’s harsh winter. On Christmas Eve, they packed their swimsuits and flew to Hawaii. While applying sunscreen on Waikiki Beach, Santa asked Mrs. Claus to check his back for any spots he missed. She noticed a strange freckle that looked concerning. After a biopsy, the doctor diagnosed Santa with melanoma skin cancer. Thankfully, they had caught it early and Santa underwent successful treatment. The next Christmas, Santa wore a floppy hat while delivering presents and only went to sunny destinations during fall and spring.

51. Santa owns a pyramid-shaped gym at the North Pole where busy elves can squeeze in exercise. The gym has sleigh-pull simulation machines to build reindeer strength. Elves tone their arms by lifting giant toy sacks. To condition them for chimney jumps, there are brick-shaped steps, a slide pole firefighter simulator and ladder machines. Plus, they do yoga on snow mats to increase flexibility. Santa expects his team to stay fit since delivering toys worldwide is tough work. His trainers use encouraging tactics, not naughty or nice lists. Laughter and games keep spirits bright all winter in Santa’s gym.

52. One Christmas Eve, Santa’s navigation system crashed, causing his sleigh to go off course. He