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36 Hysterical Mousepad Jokes

36 Hysterical Mousepad Jokes

Mousepad Puns

1. I bought a mousepad with a picture of cheese on it. It was pretty gouda.

2. My friend got a mousepad with a cat on it. I told him it looks pawsome.

3. I wanted a mousepad with a beach scene, but the store was all out. It was a real coastal shortage.

4. I spilled coffee on my mousepad this morning. Now it’s a roast pad.

5. I bought a heated mousepad to keep my hands warm. It’s my hot pad.

6. I got a mousepad with a map on it so I can travel the world without leaving my desk. It’s my tripad.

7. My new mousepad has a motivational quote on it to inspire me while I work. It’s my spirit pad.

8. I dropped my music note mousepad and now there’s a flat pad on it.

9. I bought a mousepad with a photo of a stadium on it. It’s for all my sports pad fans.

10. I spilled toner on my mousepad, now it’s just a print pad.

Mousepad One-Liners

11. My mousepad is so dusty, it looks like it went to Coachella.

12. My mousepad is so old, it’s ready to start middle school.

13. My mousepad is Hawaiian – it says Aloha to my mouse every day.

14. My mousepad doubles as a placemat in a pinch. Just flip it over to the food side.

15. I love my mousepad, but our relationship feels so one-sided.

16. My mousepad identifies as a placemat. I’m just trying to be supportive.

17. I spilled my coffee on my mousepad. Now it’s wide awake.

18. My mousepad is like duct tape – it holds everything together.

19. I got my mousepad in a subscription pad service. It’s pad of the month.

20. My mousepad and I have been through so much together, pad to pad.

Best Mousepad Jokes

21. I was feeling crafty so I bedazzled my mousepad. Now it’s a glitter pad that glides with pizzazz. My cursor is constantly fabulous!

22. My mousepad has an app that dispenses treats whenever I complete a task. It’s my productivity pad with perks! I’ve gotten 3 treats just for writing this paragraph.

23. I entered my mousepad into a pad pageant. It took home the crown for Miss Congeniali-pad. It waved to the crowd with grace and poise.

24. I caught my mousepad secretly eating cookies at midnight. Looks like I have a midnight snacking pad on my hands. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten the cookie-scented model.

25. My mousepad just broke up with me out of the blue. Apparently it needs some space and wants to see other desks. I thought our pad-ship was forever but I guess it had other pads in mind.

26. I took my mousepad to get its photo taken for an ID card. Turns out it’s actually just a pad pretending to be a mousepad. Security quickly espadorted it from the premises. My whole life is a lie!

27. My mousepad just beat me at chess. I’m starting to think it’s gaining intelligence and plotting my downfall. I saw it consorting with my printer yesterday…what are they planning? I may need to get a less strategic pad.

28. I caught my mousepad jamming out to heavy metal music when it thought I wasn’t looking. It quickly switched windows but I know what I heard. Looks like I have a real rocker pad on my hands! Maybe we can start a band.

29. I accidentally washed my mousepad and now it’s gotten really into swimming. It keeps asking to go to the pool and trying to get the mice to wear speedos. This new water lover pad just wants to make a splash!

30. My mousepad is getting really into social media lately. It started a Padstagram account and keeps asking me to take photos of it in cool places. I woke up and found it posing on a pile of books, trying to get the perfect shot. #nofilter #padlife #wanderpad

31. I caught my mousepad writing in a journal and listening to sad music. Turns out it’s going through an emo phase. It even dyed its edges black and got a drapey side bang. I guess it’s being a stereotypical broody pad-olescent.

32. My mousepad just told me it’s decided to major in philosophy when it goes to college. It’s been staying up late reading existential texts and now keeps asking me deep questions about the meaning of life. This philosophical pad is headed for an Ivy League school at this rate!

33. I woke up to find my mousepad doing yoga stretches on its mat. It’s really committed to this new zen lifestyle – meditating, reading about chakras, doing padmasana poses. We even listened to a mindfulness podcast together. Namaste!

34. My mousepad recently got into baking as a hobby. Now the kitchen is always filled with treats like padcakes, cuppadcakes and pad-eye cup pies. It even started a baking blog called The Pad Artist. I may need to buy bigger pants at this rate!

35. I caught my mousepad playing Fortnite and yelling at 12-year-olds online about how it’s their fault we lost. Now it spends hours gaming and even calls itself xXPadSlayer69Xx. I miss when we used to go for quiet pad walks at sunset.

36. My mousepad stays up too late every night watching videos about conspiracy theories. Now it’s convinced that mousepads never really landed on the moon and it needs to expose the truth. This paranoid pad has lost all grip on reality!