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50 Hysterical Hurricane Jokes

50 Hysterical Hurricane Jokes

Hurricane Puns

1. I’m not a big fan of hurricanes. In fact, you could say I find them revolting!

2. The hurricane caused so much damage, it really blew me away.

3. After the hurricane, the city was a real mess. I guess you could say it was in a state of disarray.

4. I heard the hurricane winds reached over 100 mph. Talk about being blown away!

5. We prepared for the hurricane by boarding up the windows. I guess you could say we didn’t want to window shop during the storm.

6. The weather reporter said the hurricane is generating a storm surge. I hope there’s no buy one get one free deal on that!

7. When the hurricane hit, it caused a ton of damage. I guess you could say it really swept me off my feet.

8. After the hurricane passed, we surveyed all the damage. It really made my head spin.

9. I’m still cleaning up after that hurricane. What a way to rain on my parade.

10. The winds from the hurricane whipped through here something fierce. It truly was a breeze!

Hurricane One-Liners

11. This hurricane blows!

12. The hurricane hit us like a ton of bricks. What a blow!

13. That was one angry storm. The hurricane sure had a lot of wind in its sails.

14. The hurricane swept through here like a bat out of hell. What a rush!

15. This hurricane is really rubbing me the wrong way. Time to blow this joint!

16. The winds are really howling now. This hurricane is a real blowhard!

17. Hold on to your hats, this hurricane is one windy witch!

18. This storm is really picking up speed. What a blowout!

19. The hurricane is blowing up a real gale. This wind is out of control!

20. Who ordered the hurricane? This storm is wreaking havoc!

Best Hurricane Jokes

21. A hurricane warning was issued earlier today. I stormed home to be with my family.

22. I heard they might name the next hurricane after me. I guess I make that much of an impact!

23. I’m thinking of writing a book about surviving hurricanes. It will be the prefect guide for anyone seeking shelter from the storm.

24. Did you hear about the fight between two hurricanes? Police are calling it assault and battery.

25. Our house got hit pretty badly in the hurricane. We’re still picking up the pieces.

26. I got into an argument with a hurricane the other day. It promptly blew me off.

27. What do you call a wimpy hurricane? A gentle breeze.

28. Did you hear about the psychic who predicted a huge hurricane was coming? There was a big medium at large.

29. How do hurricanes see? With their eye of course!

30. What do you call a hurricane that doesn’t blow very hard? A light zephyr!

31. I heard they’re developing hurricane-proof houses. Sounds like it will be pandemonium!

32. Did you hear about the hurricane that was nominated for an award? It was outstanding in its field!

33. I stepped outside during the hurricane and got blown away. Now you know my outlook.

34. Our house is a real mess after the hurricane hit. I’m still trying to pick up the pieces.

35. We prepared for the hurricane by boarding up all the windows and doors. When it was over, we surveyed the damage and were blown away.

36. I wanted to write a book about surviving a hurricane, but then I realized it’s all been done blow for blow.

37. Did you hear about the fight between two hurricanes that destroyed a coastal town? It was an assault and battery charge.

38. I heard they might name the next big hurricane after me. I guess I make that much of an impact.

39. How does a hurricane see? With its eye of course!

40. Our house was hit pretty hard by the last hurricane. We are still picking up the pieces.

41. What do you call a psychic hurricane predictor? A medium at large!

42. Did you hear about the hurricane that got nominated for an award? It was outstanding in its field.

43. I wanted to write a book about surviving hurricanes, but it’s all been done blow by blow already.

44. What do you call a hurricane that doesn’t blow very hard? A light zephyr!

45. I heard they’re developing hurricane-proof homes now. That will cause quite the pandemonium!

46. How do you protect your house from a hurricane? Board up all the windows and doors so it can’t window shop.

47. Did you hear about the wimpy hurricane that caused barely any damage? It was just a gentle breeze.

48. The hurricane caused so much damage when it came through, it really blew me away.

49. What do you call two hurricanes that collide and destroy a coastal area? An assault and battery!

50. I’m no fan of hurricanes. In fact, you could say I find them revolting!