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65 Hysterical Forrest Gump Jokes

65 Hysterical Forrest Gump Jokes

Forrest Gump Puns

1. Why was Forrest able to run across the country so quickly? He was just Forrest…running!

2. Why did Forrest decide to start a shrimp fishing business? He wanted to try his hand at prawn stars.

3. How did Forrest know exactly when to buy and sell Apple stock? He listened to his iForrest Gut.

4. Why did Forrest get along so well with Lieutenant Dan? They had a lot of camaradree.

5. What kind of car does Forrest Gump drive? A Ford Run-About.

6. How does Forrest stay in shape? By run, Forrest, running!

7. Why was Forrest able to adapt to playing ping pong so quickly? He was a natural Forrest Pong.

8. What did Forrest say when he spilled ice cream on his uniform? “There’s choco-Lieutenant Dan all over my shirt!”

9. Why was Forrest such a great ping pong player? He knew how to Forrest Smash.

10. What did Forrest say when he saw his son for the first time? “He’s the apple of my Forrest Gump.”

11. What’s Forrest Gump’s favorite candy? Forrest Gum-pers

12. How does Forrest make his shrimp scampi? He prawns them up.

13. What did Forrest say when he joined the army? “I’m Forrest…marching!”

14. Why did Forrest do so well in the army? He was Lieutenant Dan-dy at taking orders.

15. What did Forrest call his line of running shoes? Run Forrest Runners.

Forrest Gump One-Liners

16. Forrest ran out of chocolate and said, “Lieutenant Dan, we got a problem here!”

17. Forrest’s shrimp company slogan: “Gump and Shrimpin’ since 1975.”

18. When Forrest couldn’t find Lieutenant Dan he yelled, “Where the heck is that Lieutenant Man?!”

19. “Ping pong paddle for sale, used by Forrest Gump in championship match.”

20. Forrest walked into a barber shop and asked for “The Bubba Blue.”

21. Forrest’s review of iPhone’s map app: “This isn’t as good as following my Forrest Gut.”

22. “Forrest for President: Run, Forrest, Run Again!”

23. Bumper sticker: “My other car is Forrest’s Runabout.”

24. “Got shrimp? Gump Shrimp Company: We shrimp all day, every day.”

25. Forrest’s 420th marathon finish line: “I just kept on Forrest running.”

26. “Gump & Co. Shrimping: Best shrimp recipes by Forrest Gump.”

27. “Invest in apples – Forrest Gump” written on an apple orchard sign.

28. “Gump’s Gumbo: Forrest approved shrimp Creole recipes.”

29. Sign outside Forrest’s house: “Home of Forrest Gump. No soliciting, I’m Forrest…resting!”

30. Voiceover: “Forrest Gump shrimp. So good, it’s to prawn for.”

31. “Life is like a box of Forrest Gum-pers.”

32. “Keep calm and Run Forrest Run.”

33. “This property protected by Forrest Security.”

34. Wanted ad: “Seeking a shrimp taste tester. Must love Forrest Gump.”

35. Babysitter ad: “Forrest Gump expert who will have your kids glued to the TV!”

Best Forrest Gump Jokes

36. Why was Forrest Gump able to buy so much Apple stock? He listened when his mother told him to invest his money wisely. But also, he’s Forrest Gump so pretty much just dumb luck.

37. How are an apple and Forrest Gump alike? They’re both sweet, beloved by millions, and made a lot of money off computers without really trying.

38. What did Forrest tell Jenny after his 8th consecutive ping pong championship? “I’m on a Forrest streak here!”

39. Why does Forrest love reading books about Apple founder Steve Jobs? They have a lot of similarities – they’re both beloved American icons who found huge success with apples.

40. What’s Forrest Gump’s favorite movie genre? Documentar-Forrest. He says watching real life stories helps him make sense of things.

41. How does Forrest make big decisions? He lists the Forrest and Gump factors. The Forrest is his gut instinct. The Gump is going along with whatever happens.

42. Why was Forrest able to write such a moving letter to Jenny? As he always says: the Forrest writes from the heart, the Gump just puts pen to paper.

43. What did Forrest say when Apple named a computer after him? “I’m honored to be the Forrest to their Gump technology.”

44. Why was Forrest able to play ping pong against Chinese champions? His motto was “nobody Forrest-mashes the ping pong ball better than me.”

45. How did Forrest get so fast at sorting shrimp? He entered a meditative state and channeled his inner Forrest Shrimp-ster.

46. Why did Forrest join the army? He figured marching, taking orders, and wearing a uniform was something he could really Gump his way through.

47. How did Forrest perform so heroically in Vietnam? His Forrest instincts took over in combat, while his Gump qualities made him follow orders.

48. Why was Forrest able to outrun angry hippies at the anti war rally? He went into Forrest flee mode which made him Gump it out of there fast.

49. How did Forrest become a ping pong champion? His momma always told him “Forrest, you put your heart into it and the Gump will handle the rest.”

50. Why was Forrest able to wait so patiently for the bus with Jenny? His Forrest devotion gave him patience, while the Gump in him just went along.

51. How was Forrest able to speak so eloquently at the Vietnam protest? His Forrest spoke from the heart, and his Gump side let the words flow freely.

52. Why did Forrest stick with Bubba through their service? His Forrest loyalty said leave no man behind, while his Gump kept marching with his platoon.

53. How was Forrest able to play football for Alabama? His Forrest athleticism paired perfectly with the Gump’s ability to take hits.

54. Why was Forrest so calm when he met President Kennedy? The Forrest was focused on the honor, while the Gump took it all in stride.

55. How did Forrest handle all his business success? By ignoring his Forrest millions and letting his inner Gump live simply.

56. Why was Forrest always ready for a cross-country run? His Forrest spirit longed to roam free, with the Gump providing endurance.

57. How was Forrest able to stay optimistic after Bubba died? His Forrest grieved the loss, while the Gump knew life goes on.

58. Why was Forrest so ready to care for Lieutenant Dan? His Forrest loyalty and the Gump’s kind nature together.

59. How did Forrest handle raising a son alone? The Forrest provided nurturing, with the Gump giving carefree fun.

60. Why was Forrest ok not ending up with Jenny? His Forrest loved her unconditionally, and the Gump let her have freedom.

61. How did Forrest deal with Jenny’s illness and death? The Forrest felt the pain deeply, while the Gump gave him strength.

62. Why was Forrest able to tell his story so clearly? The Forrest remembered it all vividly and the Gump told it earnestly.

63. How did Forrest change history so profoundly? Not on purpose – the Forrest followed his heart while the Gump wandered through it cluelessly!

64. What’s the ultimate lesson of Forrest’s story? With sincerity, loyalty and simple virtues the Forrest-Gump in all of us can make magic.

65. Why is Forrest Gump so inspiring? Because we all have a little Forrest and a little Gump within us – when nurtured together, they help you achieve great things!