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75 Hysterical Class Clown Jokes

75 Hysterical Class Clown Jokes

Class Clown Puns

1. I tried to pay attention in class, but I just couldn’t focus. My mind wanders.

2. My teacher told me I’m failing history class. I guess I should start studying more about the past.

3. I brought my pet hamster to school for show and tell. The teacher said rodents weren’t allowed in the classroom. But I reassured her that my hamster is very well-behaved and teaches me some valuable life lessons. She still kicked me out of class though.

4. My math teacher asked me, “What’s the integral of 1/cabin?” I replied, “A log cabin!” She didn’t find it very funny.

5. I told my English teacher I couldn’t think of a metaphor. She told me to use my imagination. So I told her, “My imagination got hit by a bus.” She wasn’t amused.

6. My science teacher asked us what’s the strongest force in nature. I answered, “My gravitational pull towards summer vacation.” I don’t think that was the answer she was looking for.

7. I brought cookies to school to share with all my teachers. But then I ate them all myself before the first class started. I guess that makes me a mean cookie monster!

8. My geography teacher asked me where I thought we should go on our next field trip. I said, “How about we map out a trip to the principal’s office?” He didn’t seem too thrilled with that idea.

9. I told my art teacher I couldn’t draw anything today because my hand was broken. She told me to use my other hand. So I drew her a picture of my broken hand with my other hand. She wasn’t too impressed with my creativity.

10. My orchestra conductor asked me what instrument I play. I told him, “The radio!” He didn’t appreciate me making a mockery of his orchestra.

11. During math class, I shouted “Calculators!” and whipped out my graphing calculator like it was a sword. My teacher told me to put my calculator away and pay attention. Boring!

12. I brought some chocolate pudding to lunch and threw it around the cafeteria during a food fight. The lunch lady was not pleased with my pudding puns and antics.

13. For April Fools’ Day, I sarcastically asked my teacher if we could not have any homework that night. She laughed and assigned us double homework. The joke was on me!

14. I rode my skateboard into my English class to liven things up. My teacher made me write “I will walk and not ride my skateboard to class” one hundred times. Talk about a cruel and unusual punishment!

15. During recess, I snuck back into class and rearranged all the desks into a giant maze. The teacher was not happy when she returned!

16. I made slingshot in shop class and used it to shoot spitballs across the room when the teacher wasn’t looking. Let’s just say I won’t be allowed in shop class anymore.

17. I put a whoopee cushion on my teacher’s chair right before class. She sat down and it made a loud farting noise, but she didn’t even crack a smile! Tough crowd.

18. For spirit week, we were allowed to wear hats to school. So I wore a joke arrow hat that said “juvenile class clown” on it. My teachers were not amused.

19. I replaced the whiteboard markers with disappearing ink. When my teacher started writing on the board, everything slowly faded away. It provided me with some temporary entertainment at least!

20. I brought a fake rubber tarantula to school and tossed it at my classmates to scare them. Let’s just say there was a lot of screaming and chaos that day.

21. On pizza day in the cafeteria, I squirted ketchup on a slice and screamed that my pizza was bleeding! It caused quite the commotion before the lunch ladies realized it was just a prank.

22. For our marine biology lesson, I filled the class fish tank with jello and gummy fish instead of water. Needless to say, our fish did not survive. Luckily, it was just an April Fools’ joke!

23. During art class, I painted a funny caricature of my teacher and showed it to everyone. She didn’t find it nearly as hilarious as I did.

24. I brought a portable karaoke machine to school and started belting out songs in the hallway between classes. That was, until the teachers confiscated my machine.

Class Clown One-Liners

25. I’m not a troublemaker, I’m an attention maker.

26. I don’t have A.D.D., I simply…ooh look, a squirrel!

27. School is not a place for sleeping, it’s a place for education. Just kidding, nap time starts now!

28. Clowns like me belong in a circus, not detention. Oh wait, same thing!

29. I’m the class clown because making people laugh is my life’s passion. Either that or I’m just craving attention.

30. I don’t always goof off in class, but when I do, I make sure the teacher isn’t looking.

31. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how hilarious I am.

32. Education can be fun…if you break enough rules!

33. My teachers say I’m a troublemaker. I say I’m an expert at shaking things up.

34. I don’t make trouble, I make jokes. Trouble just happens to come along for the ride.

35. My middle name is mischief. My first and last name? None of your business.

36. Teachers say I have a Ph.D… a Pretty huge Distraction!

37. I’m not weird. I’m limited edition!

38. The floor is lava! Oops, did I disrupt class again?

39. Being a class clown may be tough, but someone’s gotta do it!

40. I don’t cause commotions. I create emotional reactions.

41. I don’t have “exit plan,” I just wing it and run!

42. Teachers don’t scare me. But their punishments…slightly concern me.

43. My middle name is mischief. My first name is none of your business!

44. I’m only a troublemaker if you have no sense of humor.

45. I don’t make jokes. I make masterpieces of comedy.

46. I’m sorry, did my joke disrupt your teaching? My bad.

47. I’m not a class clown, I’m a class comedian!

48. Do my antics annoy you? I’m so sorry you have no joy in your life.

49. I don’t cause trouble. I create teachable moments.

50. Don’t worry, I don’t have a short attention span. I’m just…ooh look, a butterfly!

Best Class Clown Jokes

51. During science class, the teacher was explaining how sounds travel through vibrations in the air. She asked if anyone could demonstrate this concept. So I immediately started letting out the loudest, longest fart I could muster to show how the sound waves and vibrations travel! Needless to say, I got sent to the principal’s office immediately, but everyone else couldn’t stop laughing!

52. For April Fool’s day last year, I came to school early and completely filled my math teacher’s car with balloons. I’m talking every nook and cranny packed with balloons. He couldn’t even open the door and had to climb through the window! I’ve never seen someone’s face turn so red. He knew it was me right away. I had to stay after school for a month blowing up each balloon as punishment. My lungs have never been the same since!

53. One time our principal made a school-wide announcement that classes would be extended for an extra hour that day. I went to the office and got on the loudspeaker announcing “April Fools! Classes will end at the regular time.” Turns out it was not actually April Fool’s Day and I got two weeks of detention for that prank. But it was still worth it to end class early that day!

54. For spirit day, we were allowed to wear silly costumes to class. I really took it to the next level by getting an incredibly realistic gorilla costume. During my math test, I stood up at my desk and started pounding on my chest and acting like a wild gorilla! Everyone screamed and ran out of the classroom terrified. Turns out our new teacher was extremely scared of gorillas. She was too frightened to punish me, but made me promise never to do something like that again!

55. One day I got to school early and posted signs all around saying classes were cancelled for some made up national holiday. Half the school didn’t show up that day! Sadly I was caught pretty quickly since the announcement didn’t come from the principal. Still, I got a good number of students to skip school that day!

56. For April Fool’s day I swapped out our health textbook with a big book about pranks and practical jokes. When the teacher started reading a passage about whoopee cushions and fake vomit, she realized she had the wrong book! I had actually gotten access to her desk a few days prior to make the swap. She never expected such a simple but ingenious prank!

57. My orchestra teacher was super uptight and strict, so I decided to mess with her one day. During practice I hijacked her baton and started conducting the orchestra completely out of sync and off rhythm. I was essentially making us sound worse than a middle school band class! She was furious and I got banned from participating in the next concert. But it was hilarious watching her freak out trying to regain control of the orchestra!

58. One day I snuck into the teacher’s lounge and used their laminating machine to completely seal up the doorway. They couldn’t even get out! I laughed hysterically as teachers were crawling out through the window. The principal saw me laughing and immediately knew I was the culprit. I had sticky laminating film stuck to me that I couldn’t peel off for weeks!

59. During lunch one day, I started a massive food fight by launching my spaghetti across the cafeteria at another student. Within minutes, it was an all out war zone, with food flying everywhere! Kids were slipping all over on the messy floors and hiding under tables to avoid getting hit. The principals and teachers were shocked when they saw the absolute carnage. Let’s just say the entire school had to stay late to clean everything up that day. I’m pretty sure I’m still banned from our annual spaghetti lunch!

60. I signed my math teacher up for every cat magazine subscription I could find online. Within weeks, she was receiving tons of cat catalogs, posters, toys, calendars, you name it! She was confused at first until they all started arriving at school addressed to her. She knew I was behind it and made me pay for a subscription to Math Magazine to get her back. Still worth it though to be crowned the funniest kid in class!

61. One April Fool’s Day, I made an official looking fake announcement that said our principal was retiring. I passed it around the school and told some other kids it was real to help spread the rumor. By lunch time, there were farewell banners hung up for him and even a faculty goodbye party planned! The principal walked around all day confused why people kept congratulating him on his retirement. Eventually the truth came out but not before he questioned whether he really wanted to keep working there!

62. My computer science teacher always enforced a strict no food or drink policy in his classroom. So one day, I brought in a comically large coffee mug, like a two liter soda bottle sized one, and pretended to drink from it all period long. The teacher kept yelling at me to put the coffee away but I insisted “this is allowed because it’s just one drink!”. He got so fed up he eventually grabbed the mug only to realize that it was empty and just a prop to mess with him. Even he laughed at how elaborate the set up was just to annoy him!

63. On the first warm day of spring, when we were itching to be outside, I managed to set all the clocks in school an hour forward so that classes ended early. Nobody caught on until we got home and saw the actual time! The teachers were baffled the next day trying to figure out how every clock could’ve simultaneously reset. I took the secret with me when I graduated!

64. One April Fool’s Day I made a fake announcement over the school speaker pretending to be the principal. I said that school would be canceled the rest of the day due to a squirrel getting loose in the vents. Half the students bolted home before the teachers could stop them! It took hours to track everyone down who went home early.

65. I snuck into the teacher’s lounge over spring break and lined the tops of every door frame and cabinet with plastic cups half filled with water. When they returned from break, I listened from outside the teachers lounge delighted by the sounds of cups spilling water on them continuously as they went about their day!

66. I offered to help our librarian organize her new shipment of books one day after school. Instead, I just randomly mixed up all the non-fiction and fiction sections on the shelves. Kids were finding cookbooks in the sci-fi section and kids picture books in the biography section the next day. It took them weeks to get the shelves back in the proper order!

67. On yearbook picture day, I snuck into school late and photobombed as many group shots as I could, often jumping in at the last second right before the camera snapped. When the yearbooks arrived, I was laughing hysterically seeing myself pop up in random grades and classes I wasn’t even in!

68. One Halloween, I dressed up in a full security guard uniform I found in the drama department. During lunch, I went around inspecting students’ food and pretending to write up citations for various silly infractions. The lunch lady came storming over to confront the “security guard” until she realized she had been tricked!

69. During study hall, I started casually shooting scrap paper into the trash can across the room yelling “Kobe!” every time. Soon I had the whole class taking timed shots and betting candy on who could make the most baskets. Our study hall monitor was not pleased when she saw how disruptive the impromptu basketball game had become!

70. I snuck into the principal’s office during lunch and made an announcement over the PA system that school would let out early at noon for a surprise pizza party on the quad. I can’t believe how many teachers and students actually fell for it and started leaving campus before the principal got on to announce it wasn’t real!

71. I got in trouble for my April Fool’s prank when I made chocolate pudding in a mayonnaise jar and started eating it in the cafeteria. Kids were absolutely horrified, gagging, and yelling at me to stop until I revealed it was just chocolate! The lunch monitors were not nearly as entertained by my prank.

72. I once got a key made for the teacher’s lounge and would randomly sneak in to rearrange their break room furniture or leave cryptic notes on the white board. They set up cameras to catch the “phantom furniture mover”. Of course it was me all along!

73. On April Fool’s Day I made realistic fake parking tickets and put them on all the teacher’s cars so they’d think they got fined. They were panicking about having to pay them until I fessed up that it was just a prank!

74. One Halloween I disguised myself as one of the lunch monitors and confiscated random items from students saying absurd reasons why they weren’t allowed. It took most of them awhile to catch on that I wasn’t the real monitor.

75. The best was the year I got keys made for all the classrooms and spent a whole weekend subtly moving everything just a few inches out of place before Monday classes. All the teachers and students immediately noticed something was off but couldn’t quite place what had changed in the rooms!