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99 Hilarious Watermelon Jokes

Watermelon Puns (30)

1. What do you call a watermelon that tells jokes? A comedian!

2. Why was the watermelon invited to the party? Because it was the life of the party!

3. Why don’t watermelons get married? Because they cantaloupe!

4. What did one watermelon say to the other while dancing? You look so seedy tonight!

5. How does a watermelon stay healthy? It eats its seeds every day.

6. Why are watermelons so laid back? Because they’re never in a hurry, they just go with the flow!

7. What did the watermelon say when it stubbed its toe? Ouch, that hurts to the rind!

8. Why was the baby watermelon so sad? It had growing pains!

9. How do watermelons communicate? They seed each other’s point of view!

10. What kind of shoes do watermelons wear? Flip flops!

11. Why do watermelons make great lifeguards? They know how to save seeds!

12. Why was the watermelon green on the outside and red on the inside? Because it was green with envy on the outside but red with embarrassment on the inside!

13. What do you call a watermelon that’s also a talented singer? Adelemelon!

14. Why don’t watermelons get along with honeydews? Because they cantaloupe!

15. What’s a watermelon’s favorite hobby? Gardening – so it can plant seeds!

16. Why are watermelons bad at keeping secrets? You can see right through them!

17. What do you call a watermelon that works as a scarecrow? A watermelon patch kid!

18. Why did the watermelon win the race? It was the fastest food around.

19. What did the watermelon say to the cantaloupe? You’re looking very meloncholy!

20. How does a watermelon spy on someone? It uses melon-oculars!

21. Why are watermelons so sweet? They’re made of sugar and spiced!

22. What’s a watermelon’s favorite magazine? Seeds Illustrated!

23. Why did the watermelon go to summer school? To get better grades!

24. What do you call two watermelons that stick together? Best buds!

25. Why do watermelons make great detectives? They know how to get to the seedy underbelly of things!

26. What do you call a watermelon from outerspace? A mars-melon!

27. Why did the watermelon cross the road? It wanted to say hi to its friend on the other rind!

28. What’s a watermelon’s favorite ride at the amusement park? The roller seeder!

29. Why are watermelons so popular at parties? Because they’re the life of the pardi!

30. What’s a watermelon’s favorite sport? Seed tossing!

Watermelon One-Liners (30)

31. I watermelon to say I love you!

32. Watermelons have great personalities – they’re always seeding the best in others!

33. Watermelons may be juicy, but their jokes are dry.

34. Watermelons always spit seeds when they talk.

35. Watermelons should come with a warning – may cause seediness!

36. Watermelons make great listeners – their responses are always seed deep.

37. Watermelons don’t get mad, they just smile and seed the positives.

38. Watermelons always seed the upside of things.

39. Watermelons make me smile from rind to rind.

40. If you watermelon to cry, I’m here for you.

41. Watermelons? I dig ’em!

42. Watermelons are berry amazing.

43. Watermelons are my seed and simple pleasure.

44. Watermelon you believe it – I love watermelon puns!

45. A watermelon a day keeps the doctor away.

46. Watermelons make me so heppy!

47. You’re one in a melon!

48. Oh my seedness – that watermelon looks delicious!

49. Watermelon there’s a will, there’s a way.

50. Watermelons just wanna have pun!

51. I’m green with envy over that watermelon.

52. That watermelon is the apple of my eye.

53. I watermelon dancing with you all night long.

54. You’re the seediest, watermelon!

55. When life gives you watermelons, make watermelonade.

56. You’re one cool watermelon, daddy-o.

57. That watermelon is da bomb!

58. I’ve been feeling a little seedy lately.

59. A watermelon a day keeps the blues away.

60. You’re the juiciest watermelon in the patch!

Best Watermelon Jokes (39)

61. What did the watermelon say to the cantaloupe? You look sad, what’s the problem? The cantaloupe replied, I don’t know, I guess I’m just feeling a little melon-choly.

62. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!

63. How does Moses make his coffee? Hebrews it!

64. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

65. Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9!

66. What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1Forrest1

67. Why can’t bicycles stand up on their own? They’re two tired!

68. How do you organize a space party? You planet!

69. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!

70. What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador!

71. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

72. Why don’t skeletons ever go trick or treating? Because they have no body to go with!

73. Why did the cookie go to the hospital? Because he felt crummy!

74. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!

75. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent!

76. Why was the broom late for work? It overswept!

77. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese!

78. Why couldn’t the lifeguard save the hippie? He was too far out, man!

79. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!

80. Why do flamingos stand on one leg? If they lifted up the other one they’d fall over!

81. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels!

82. What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer!

83. Why do sharks live in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

84. What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator!

85. Why can’t you hear a psychiatrist using the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent!

86. Did you hear about the hungry clock? It went back four seconds!

87. Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team? She kept running away from the ball!

88. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one!

89. Why do vampires seem sick? They’re always coffin!

90. What do you call a dog that can do magic tricks? A labracadabrador!

91. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!

92. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

93. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl use the restroom? Because the “P” is silent!

94. Why was the broom late for work? It overswept!

95. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!

96. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels!

97. What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer!

98. Why do sharks live in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

99. Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team? She kept running away from the ball!