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75 Hilarious Scarecrow Jokes

75 Hilarious Scarecrow Jokes

Scarecrow Puns (10)

1. I’m having a Halloween party and invited a bunch of scarecrows. It’s going to be crawling with straw-guests!

2. Why was the scarecrow given an award? He was outstanding in his field!

3. Why are scarecrows never lonely? They’re good at making new friends!

4. What do you call a scarecrow who left his job? Abdicrow!

5. Why don’t scarecrows get cold? They’re stuffed with straw and hay!

6. Why did the scarecrow get a promotion at work? He was an ear of corn above the rest!

7. What did the mama scarecrow say to her baby? You’ll always be my child crow!

8. Why are scarecrows afraid of the calendar? Their days are numbered!

9. Why do scarecrows hate rainy days? It dampens their spirits!

10. Why don’t scarecrows ever pay full price? They’re always looking for crop tops!

Scarecrow One-Liners (10)

11. I asked a scarecrow about his love life and he said, “It’s complicated!”

12. My friend dressed up like a scarecrow and won first prize in the costume contest. He was delighted!

13. I saw a scarecrow in overalls and asked him, “Working hard or hardly working?”

14. I saw a scarecrow using a wheeled suitcase. I guess he was going on vakaycrow!

15. I saw a scarecrow family taking a picture together. It was a crow portrait!

16. I waved to a scarecrow and he waved back. I guess we’re friends now!

17. I saw a scarecrow with a pitchfork. He must be crowking the fields!

18. I saw a scarecrow jump into a pile of leaves. I guess he wanted to crow-mp!

19. I saw a scarecrow driving a tractor. He’s really moving up in the crowld!

20. I saw a scarecrow eating corn on the cob. He was a pro at crow-ssaint!

Best Scarecrow Jokes (20)

21. A scarecrow entered a corn maze and got lost. After wandering around for hours, he came across a map of the maze. He stared at it for a minute then said “I’m even more cornfused now!”

22. A scarecrow was invited to a Halloween party but he was running late. He burst through the door shouting “HAY EVERYONE, SORRY I’M LATE!”

23. Why did the scarecrow win an award for being the best dancer? He was outstanding in his field!

24. A farmer bought a scarecrow that was supposed to have a brain. But when he brought it home, he realized he had been stuffed!

25. What do you call a scarecrow who solves mysteries? Shercrow Holmes!

26. Why did the scarecrow keep missing work? He had hay fever!

27. How did the scarecrow find a job? He checked the corn classifieds!

28. Why was the scarecrow such a good lawyer? He had a lot of straw-strong arguments!

29. Why don’t scarecrows ever get sick? Their immune systems are hay-powered!

30. How did the scarecrow know exactly what to plant in his garden? He consulted his crop rotation!

31. Why was the scarecrow elected mayor? He had the overwhelming crow-tizen support!

32. Why did the scarecrow get invited on a TV talk show? Because of his outstanding interview in the field!

33. Why are scarecrows never afraid of lightning? Because they are used to being struck by crows!

34. What’s a scarecrow’s favorite dessert? Strawberry short-crow!

35. Why do crows love doing favors for scarecrows? Because they like runncrowrands!

36. Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Peace Prize? For being an outstanding figure in the field of crow relations!

37. How did the scarecrow become an excellent cook? He learned all the best crowcipes!

38. Why are scarecrows so bad at playing hide and seek? They stick out like a sore thumb in the field!

39. Why was the scarecrow invited to join MENSA? Because of his high crow-Q!

40. What did the farmer give his scarecrow for Valentine’s Day? A crow-nation!