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45 Hilarious Roast Chicken Jokes

Roast Chicken Puns (15)

1. What do you call a chicken that gets roasted too long? Charcoal chicken!

2. What did the roast chicken say when it was done cooking? I’m baked!

3. Why was the roast chicken sad after cooking? It felt defeathered.

4. How does a roast chicken stay healthy? With lots of egg-xercise.

5. What do you call a nervous roast chicken? A chicken tender.

6. Why did the roast chicken cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken!

7. What do you call a roast chicken that works out? A protein chick.

8. Why did the roast chicken go to art school? To become a skilled poultry-ist.

9. Why can’t roast chickens ever relax? Because they’re always cooped up.

10. What do you call a roast chicken who wakes up early? An early bird!

11. How does a roast chicken stay connected? With a mobile chick-en.

12. Why did the roast chicken get in trouble? For fowl language.

13. What do you call a sleepy roast chicken? A napping chick.

14. How does a roast chicken stay clean? Daily showers and talcum powder.

15. What do you call a roast chicken that works on cars? A mechanic chick.

Roast Chicken One-Liners (10)

16. I’m so hungry I could eat a whole roast chicken…feathers and all!

17. They say you are what you eat. I guess that explains why I’m such a chicken!

18. Roasting a chicken takes skill, timing, and a really good oven mitt.

19. A roast chicken a day keeps the hunger pangs away!

20. Roast chicken – proof that birds can be delicious.

21. Don’t count your chickens before they’re roasted!

22. Roast chicken is all fun and games until someone loses a drumstick.

23. I like my roast chicken how I like my comedy: dark.

24. Why did the roast chicken cross the road? To run away from the oven!

25. They don’t call it comfort food for nothing – roast chicken FTW!

Best Roast Chicken Jokes (20)

26. A man walked into a restaurant and ordered a whole roast chicken. When the waiter brought it out, the man picked up the chicken and started petting it and talking to it. “That nice man must really love chicken!” whispered one diner to her friend. The man continued this strange behavior all through the meal. Finally, when the man finished eating, the waiter approached him and asked, “Wow, you must really love chicken, sir!” The man replied, “No, I actually can’t stand it. I’m just doing this to annoy my wife. She was the one who wanted to have chicken for dinner!”

27. Jake was hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the first time. He wanted everything to be perfect, so he prepared the entire feast himself – roast turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and his famous roast chicken. After slaving away in the kitchen all day, everything was finally ready. Jake brought out the roast chicken and turkey and began carving them at the table. He turned to his sister and asked, “White meat or dark meat?” She replied, “I’ll just have a leg.” Without missing a beat, Jake lifted his prosthetic leg onto her plate and said, “Here you go!”

28. A man walked into a bar holding a roast chicken under his arm. The bartender said, “I don’t mind you bringing food in, but don’t be rude – at least offer me a bite!” The man replied, “Sorry, I can’t. I raised this chicken from an egg. Now that she’s provided me with dinner, I simply can’t let her go to waste.”

29. Why did the roast chicken cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken! Knock knock. Who’s there? The chicken.

30. A family sat down to Sunday dinner. The roast chicken looked so delicious that the kids couldn’t wait to dig in. But first their mother said grace, thanking God for the food they were about to eat. The chicken got a bit nervous hearing this, but figured it was safe for now. But after the amen, the father stood up and sharpened the carving knife. The chicken tried to make a break for it, but the family just laughed and laughed at the crazy dancing chicken!

31. What do Alexander the Great and a roast chicken have in common? They both ruled over a vast empire and led their people to prosperity through kind leadership. Just kidding – they were both seasoned conquerors!

32. I was craving roast chicken but didn’t have time to cook. So I drove over to a restaurant but they were closed. I knocked and waved at the cooks to open up, but they just shook their heads. Now I know how a chicken feels when it crosses the road!

33. Why don’t chickens wear pants? Because their pecker is on their face!

34. How do you make a chicken float? You need two scoops of ice cream, some club soda, and a whole roast chicken.

35. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a centipede? Drumsticks for everyone!

36. I entered my pet chicken in a roast chicken eating contest. Unfortunately, he got cold feet.

37. What do you call a frozen roast chicken? A brrrrd!

38. Why did the roast chicken turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

39. How do chickens stay fit? By doing the chicken dance!

40. I burned the roast chicken again. My wife said this isn’t poultry in motion.

41. What happened to the chicken who tried to cross the road? She got flattened into a chicken fillet.

42. Why did the roast chicken go to the gym? To work up an appetite!

43. What does a chicken use to fix his feathers? A chicken tenderizer!

44. My friend got food poisoning from undercooked roast chicken. Talk about fowl play!

45. What do you call a chicken with a degree in philosophy? A wise poultrygist!