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75 Hilarious Reindeer Jokes

Reindeer Puns

1. What do you call a reindeer with no eyes? I have no eye deer!

2. Why was the reindeer late to work? He got caught in a snow traffic jam!

3. Why don’t reindeer like fast food? They prefer fast hoof!

4. Why are reindeer feet so wrinkly? From wearing their antler slippers too much!

5. How do reindeer get to work every day? They caribou-pool!

6. Why do reindeer work so hard leading up to Christmas? They want that sweet fawn bonus!

7. What’s a reindeer’s favorite type of story? Ones with hoof and heart!

8. How do you know when you’ve told a bad reindeer joke? When people give you the cold shoulder!

9. How do reindeer stay warm in winter? They bundle up with their antler-hat and mitten!

10. Why are reindeer the most fashionable Arctic animals? They stay on top of the antler-est trends!

11. Why do reindeer look up to Dasher so much? He’s a real trail-bleazer!

12. What’s a reindeer’s favorite candy? Reindeer corn!

13. How do you turn a reindeer into a sprinkler? Replace its nose with a water hose!

14. Why can’t reindeer become doctors? Their expertise is limited to the antler care field!

15. What did the reindeer say before telling a Christmas joke? This one will sleigh you!

Reindeer One-Liners

16. I took my reindeer to the vet and he said it would be a buck or two.

17. Never trust a reindeer wearing a disguise – they’re up to no good!

18. I was going to tell a joke about reindeer but it would have fallen flat.

19. What do you call Santa’s reindeer with laryngitis? Hoarse!

20. Reindeer have cold feet – literally!

21. How do reindeer get even? They hoof it out!

22. Jokes about reindeer nose seem pretty contrived.

23. What do you call a lonely reindeer? Rudolph!

24. Reindeer don’t actually fly – it’s just a tall tale parents dough out.

25. Going on a sleigh ride with reindeer? Don’t forget your deer whistle!

26. What do you call a reindeer with no eyes, no legs and no…you know what never mind.

27. I took my reindeer to the vet and he said it would be a buck or two.

28. Never trust a reindeer wearing a disguise – they’re up to no good!

29. I was going to tell a joke about reindeer but it would have fallen flat.

30. What do you call Santa’s reindeer with laryngitis? Hoarse!

Best Reindeer Jokes

31. One Christmas Eve, little Pam saw Santa come down the chimney. She heard reindeer hooves on the roof too. On Christmas morning, she ran to look outside, but there were no reindeer tracks in the snow. “Mom, Santa forgot his reindeer last night!” she said worriedly. “No, sweetie. Don’t you know reindeer can fly?” her mom replied with a smile.

32. Billy was so excited when he saw Santa’s reindeer for the first time on Christmas Eve. But in the morning, he was confused. “Daddy, why do Santa’s reindeer have antlers? Reindeer are girls and only boy deer have antlers!” His dad chuckled and said, “You’re right Billy, but Santa’s reindeer are special. They need those antlers to pull the heavy sleigh full of presents.”

33. Santa was doing his final pre-flight check before Christmas Eve. Everything looked good until he realized one of his reindeer, Donner, was missing! “Has anyone seen Donner?” Santa yelled. A weak voice replied, “Right here Santa! I’m just not feeling so good. I think I caught the stomach flu…” Santa sighed – he knew he couldn’t leave poor Donner behind. So he hitched up his trusty back-up reindeer, Hoops, and they were off!

34. Santa was out on his sleigh one foggy Christmas Eve, navigating by the light of Rudolph’s nose. Up ahead, Santa saw two glowing eyes staring through the gloom. As he got closer, he chuckled in relief – it was just one of his reindeer who had wandered off! As Santa approached, the reindeer looked up in surprise and exclaimed, “Hey, turn off those lights, can’t you see I’m working here?!”

35. Santa stepped out on Christmas Eve and was dismayed to find it was raining hard. “This weather will make it tough for my reindeer to pull the sleigh,” he muttered. Just then, his lead reindeer Dasher poked his head out of the stable. “No worries, Santa! We recently upgraded to hydroscopic antlers – they repel water!” Santa beamed, the weather wouldn’t stop Christmas after all!

36. Santa was getting worried – it was an hour until Christmas Eve take-off and two of his reindeer were missing! Just then, he heard banging on the stable door. It was Prancer and Dancer, and they looked terrible – soggy, dirty and exhausted. “Sorry we’re late Santa, but we had a little too much eggnog at the reindeer holiday party!”

37. Santa was doing his final checks before take-off on Christmas Eve when he noticed Blitzen looking nervous. “What’s wrong, Blitzen?” Santa asked. “Well, uh, I’m not the best flyer in strong winds,” Blitzen admitted. Santa smiled and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’ll do great. Just stay in formation and follow Rudolph’s lead.” Blitzen nodded, took a deep breath and got ready for launch!

38. The night before Christmas, a family left out carrots for Santa’s reindeer. In the morning, little Hannah saw that the carrots were untouched. “Mom, Santa’s reindeer didn’t eat their snacks!” she cried. Chuckling, her mom replied, “Oh yes they did. Reindeer have special enzymes in their stomachs to help them digest food quickly. The carrots were probably gone within seconds!”

39. Timmy mailed his Christmas list to Santa way ahead of time, hoping it would give the elves extra time to build the electronic drum set he wanted. On Christmas morning, he sprinted to the tree but didn’t see any drums. There was just a note that said “Ran out of parts, check back next year.” Timmy sighed, “Well, I guess that’s what I get for relying on reindeer powered delivery.”

40. Jenny peeked out her window on Christmas Eve and saw Santa hitching his reindeer to the sleigh. She watched in shock as Santa pulled out a big bag of shimmery gold dust and tossed it over all the reindeer, from their antlers down to their hooves. In an instant, the reindeer began floating off the ground, ready for flight! So THAT’S how they do it, Jenny thought with a smile.

41. On Christmas Eve, little Emma waited by the tree in her pajamas, hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa and his reindeer. Just after midnight, she heard the tinkling of bells and a loud thump on the roof. She darted to the window and saw a reindeer with one of its antlers stuck in the rain gutter! She watched Santa climb up and free the reindeer before sliding back down the chimney.

42. Aidan’s family went to a reindeer farm on Christmas Eve. He was so excited to get up close to the real reindeer he had read about in books! But when they arrived, Aidan was confused. The reindeer were all laying around nibbling hay, not flying through the air. Seeing his disappointment, his dad said “Don’t worry, Santa feeds them special flying food on Christmas Eve!”

43. Jenna accidentally left a stocking stuffed with carrots on the front porch on Christmas Eve. In the morning, the carrots were gone and the stocking was flattened. Jenna’s big brother teased, “You know Santa’s reindeer don’t actually eat carrots, right? Dad just came and took them away after you went to bed!” Jenna refused to believe it.

44. The morning after Christmas, Gavin and his sister went out to play in the new snow. Gavin spotted reindeer tracks on the rooftop and Santa’s bootprints by the chimney. Excitedly, he ran to get his camera to document the evidence. But when he came back, the footprints had mysteriously vanished – ditto for the reindeer tracks. Maybe he didn’t just imagine it after all!

45. While unpacking the family’s Christmas decorations, Miles found an old reindeer costume his mom had made him wear as a toddler. He tried it on as a joke, not expecting it to fit anymore. But to his surprise, the tiny costume still fit him perfectly! Miles cheered – now he had his own reindeer outfit for delivering gifts next Christmas!

46. Gabriela’s family always jokes about getting a reindeer as a Christmas pet. Her brother Emilio is determined to make it happen. This year, he left a note and some oats out for one of Santa’s reindeer, pleading for it to come join their family. In the morning there was no reindeer, but the oats were gone! Emilio was convinced his plan had worked a little bit.

47. On Christmas morning, Ava and Noah ran to the living room to check if Santa had come. They were thrilled to see the cookies eaten and presents under the tree. But then Noah spotted something strange out the window – was that a reindeer on their roof?! He rushed outside for a closer look, but it was just a weird squirrel. Ava didn’t believe her brother’s reindeer story for a second.

48. Jackson’s family went to see a Santa parade every Christmas. His favorite part was always when the reindeer came by at the end. But this year, instead of live reindeer, the parade had dogs dressed up with antlers and bells! Jackson booed – those were just regular old pets, not the magical reindeer he was waiting for!

49. For weeks, all Lily talked about was seeing Santa’s reindeer up close at the Christmas fair. When the big day came, her mom led her to the petting zoo pen – where thick-coated brown reindeer waited. Lily took one look and cried, “These aren’t Santa’s reindeer! They don’t have colorful fur or shiny red noses!”

50. Ethan begged his parents for a pet reindeer after reading a Christmas book about them. “Reindeer need lots of space to roam and are too big for our house,” his dad explained. Undeterred, Ethan left carrots out on the lawn as reindeer bait at night. In the morning, they were always gone, which Ethan took as a sign that the reindeer agreed to stay!

51. Ruby snuck downstairs on Christmas Eve night, hoping for a glimpse of Santa and his reindeer before bed. In the living room, she was startled to see her Dad pulling presents out of a closet and arranging them under the tree. “Dad, what about Santa’s reindeer? Where are they?” Ruby asked. Thinking fast, her Dad replied, “Oh, reindeer are stealthy – you just can’t hear them on the rooftop!”

52. Luis could hardly sleep on Christmas Eve, he was so excited about Santa’s reindeer visiting. Late that night, he tiptoed to the window to peek outside. He saw dark shapes moving across the moon and heard faint jingling bells. Luis raced back to bed convinced the reindeer sighting was a sign that Santa was on his way!

53. James got a plastic reindeer figurine in his stocking one Christmas. His parents expected him to play imaginary games with it. But James had bigger plans – he was going to use the toy to attract a real reindeer! He left the figurine out on the lawn each night, hoping it would lure one of Santa’s reindeer back.

54. Erica snuck out of bed late on Christmas Eve and hid behind the Christmas tree. If she was lucky, she might see Santa come down the chimney! As she waited in the dark, she heard a strange scuffling sound on the roof. Then something heavy started coming down the chimney. Erica screamed and ran back to her room – she had almost met one of Santa’s reindeer!

55. While visiting Santa at the mall, Liam asked how reindeer fly without wings. Leaning in close, Santa whispered, “When one of my reindeer is ready, I give it a special magical potion. But don’t tell the elf on the shelf I told you that – it’s top secret!” Liam nodded sagely, thrilled to be let in on the flying mystery.

56. Josie was suspicious when her mom said reindeer only fly on Christmas Eve. “What about the rest of winter? Why don’t they fly other nights?” she asked. “Well, uh, Santa worries it would scare people if reindeer flew year-round,” her mom replied. Josie rolled her eyes – weak excuse! reindeer should be free to soar all season long!

57. The morning after Christmas, Alex and Taylor ran outside to play with their new sled. Near the garden, they found a huge antler lying in the snow! They brought it inside to show their puzzled parents. “It must be from one of Santa’s reindeer shedding its antlers last night!” Taylor exclaimed. “One mystery solved!” Alex added.

58. Maya’s parents got her reindeer pajamas and slippers every Christmas Eve. They said it would attract real reindeer to stop by if she wore them to bed. Maya had never caught a glimpse of reindeer on her roof. But she kept wearing the pajamas anyway – just in case this was the year they decided to visit!

59. Jackson stared intently at the night sky on Christmas Eve, searching for any sign of Santa’s sleigh. Around midnight, he saw a red flash and heard a far-off tinkling. He gasped, “The reindeer bells! I really saw them!” His parents just nodded and said, “Time for bed now, Jackson.” But he knew what he had seen up there!

60. For weeks leading up to Christmas, Sophie left notes on her roof pleading for a reindeer visit. Her mom kept finding the soggy, snow-covered notes and gently explained reindeer don’t land on people’s roofs. But Sophie refused to believe it. She was certain she could convince one reindeer to pay her a Christmas Eve visit.

61. Layla’s parents got her reindeer slippers every Christmas. “These are magic – Santa’s reindeer will only visit kids who wear reindeer slippers,” they said. Layla wore them to bed religiously but never saw any reindeer on Christmas mornings. She resolved that next year, she was going to camp out by the chimney to meet the reindeer in person!

62. Mason was excited to leave carrots out for Santa’s reindeer this year. After Christmas dinner, he carefully set the plate on the porch. In the morning, the carrots were gone, but there were no reindeer tracks in the snow. His dad chuckled, “The reindeer must have flown here and back – that’s why you can’t see their prints!”

63. Elise got reindeer antlers to wear for her school’s holiday concert. She pranced around the stage proudly during the show. Afterwards, Elise’s friend Amy asked, “Why do you have antlers if you’re playing an elf?” Elise answered matter-of-factly, “All good Christmas creatures should have antlers!”

64. Olivia’s teacher told her class that Santa’s reindeer fly using magic. Olivia thought this sounded unlikely, so she asked her mom. “Actually, reindeer are very lightweight. The air currents keep them afloat!” her mom explained. Olivia nodded – that made much more sense than Christmas magic!

65. Lucas stayed awake on Christmas Eve but didn’t hear reindeer on the roof. In the morning, he saw hoof prints in the snowy yard. He looked up, confused. “Mom, how did the reindeer get