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45 Hilarious Peanut Butter Jokes

45 Hilarious Peanut Butter Jokes

Peanut Butter Puns (15)

1. What do you call a peanut butter enthusiast? A p’nutty person!

2. Why was the peanut butter sad? It felt crummy.

3. What did the peanut butter say when it was surprised? Jif!

4. What do you call a peanut butter covered in chocolate? Reese’s Pieces.

5. Why can’t you trust a jar of peanut butter? It will always spread lies.

6. Why did the peanut butter get arrested? It was caught jelly handed.

7. What do you call a peanut butter lover who skipped town? A fugitive from the l’aw.

8. Why did the peanut butter cross the road? It was trying to get to the other side!

9. What do you call a sad peanut butter? A blue Jif.

10. Why was the peanut butter tired when it got home? It had a long day at the office spreading itself thin.

11. How does peanut butter stick to bread? With a little jam session!

12. What instrument does peanut butter play? The spreadsaxophone.

13. Why did the peanut butter go to college? To get a degree in spreading itself thin.

14. What do you call a smooth criminal peanut butter? Jif-fel.

15. Why can’t peanut butter keep a secret? It always spreads the gossip.

Peanut Butter One-Liners (10)

16. I’m nuts about peanut butter!

17. Peanut butter is my jam.

18. Crunchy or smooth, either way I love peanut butter.

19. Peanut butter and jelly are the ultimate dynamic duo.

20. Peanut butter: Making sandwiches stick together since the early 1900s.

21. Peanut butter goes with everything, even more peanut butter.

22. Peanut butter is proof that the best things in life spread easily.

23. Peanut butter: Deliciously sticking to the roof of mouths worldwide.

24. Peanut butter and bananas – the most underrated combination ever.

25. Peanut butter tastes even better off a spoon at 2am.

Best Peanut Butter Jokes (20)

26. What do you call a peanut butter covered in jelly? Completely nuts!

Why was the jar of peanut butter embarrassed? It farted in front of the jelly! The jar of jelly rolled its eyes – it had heard it all spread before.

27. Why don’t peanut butter and jelly get along? They always bread arguments.

28. What happened when the peanut butter tried to steal the chocolate’s girlfriend? It got into a jam.

29. Why was the peanut butter late for work? It got stuck in traffic jam.

30. How does a peanut butter monster scare people? By going bump in the spread.

31. Why did the peanut butter go to therapy? It had issues with being so clingy.

32. What’s a peanut butter’s favorite music? Smooth jazz.

33. Why did the peanut butter get kicked out of school? It was caught doping – adding jelly for more energy!

34. What do you get if you cross peanut butter with lightning? Thund-a-butter!

35. Why are jars of peanut butter so single? They have commitment issues and can’t seem to settle down.

36. Did you hear about the new peanut butter diet? You can lose weight easily, the fat just spreads off!

37. Why do peanut butter and jelly work together so well? The jelly lets the peanut butter stick to its goals.

38. What do you call a peanut butter ghost? A cree-peanut ghoul!

39. How does a peanut butter spoon find its car in the parking lot? It uses its spreadator!

40. Why did the police arrest the jar of peanut butter? It was a creep constantly stalking the jelly.

41. Why are peanut butter and jelly such great friends? They just gel well together.

42. What did the peanut butter say in court during the trial? I swear to butter the truth!

43. Why can’t you trust a hungry jar of peanut butter? It’s always looking for its next meal.

44. Why did the peanut butter go to the gym? It wanted to work off some spread.

45. What happens when peanut butter gets too clingy? It becomes a real sticky situation.